5 research outputs found


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    Objective: Determining the prevalence of stress among medical students and determining the relationship between anxiety, Academic year, Grades, Physical issues and consistency. Methodology: 500 medical students were enrolled in this study from July 2017 to June 2018. They were attending 1st,2nd ,3rd ,4th and the final years of medical studies. They were requested to finish stress inventory. Setting and type: It is a cross sectional type of study done in the University of Lahore, college of medicine. Results: In the wake of getting 80% response rate, up to 400 responses from the students were recorded. 60% subjects were found with a wide range of stress while serious stress was seen in 23% of the cases. A critical relationship was found between study years and levels of stress. The relationship between levels of stress and academic performance and grades was not found factually considerable as dissemination of stress prevalence was not impressively disparate over each of 04 academic grades. Fundamental reason of stress was their studies (63.30%). In 3.6% cases the reason was personal issues or domestic environment. Of the patients enrolled 38.9% of cases didn’t show any other main reason of stress. Conclusion: During first three preliminary years of medical studies, severe mental stress was seen in students. It might be the reason for challenge to students, failure of support service delivery to alleviate mental issue and provide them with common health ways to cope with such issues

    Cyber-Threats to Strategic Networks: Challenges for Pakistan’s Security

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    Nuclear weapons revolutionized security affairs after Hiroshima and Nagasaki annihilation. States went nuclear eventually after the United States, Russia, UK, France and China but India and Pakistan joined that exclusive club too in 1974 and 1998 respectively. Nuclear weapons a source of security motivated Israel, Iran and North Korea too. Another development that started undermining nuclear security itself was cyber warfare. Pakistan being developing country in the list of Global Innovation Index finds it hard to catch up with other leading nations in science and technology. Leading countries including US, Russia, China, UK, Germany, France etc are not safe from cyber-threats they face then how Pakistan can be considered safe against cybersabotaging to its strategic weapons. Pakistan‟s nuclear security though has gained better levels but cyber security is the field that requires comprehensive strategy to establish cyber nuclear doctrine. China being reliable strategic partner can be a resourceful partner unlike other great powers. This strategy would add much security to Pakistan‟s already existing nuclear security and would open new avenues of cooperation with international organizations to gain next milestone of Nuclear Suppliers‟ Group membershi

    Sino-Pakistan Maneuvering to Balance the Power in South Asia

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    With the advent of nuclear weapons escalation between India and Pakistan is less likely. Kargilcrisis (1999) is the testament that nuclear deterrence in South Asia got credibility. The most dominating factor in this entire phenomenon is the balance of power in South Asia. Balance of power between or among states is hard to achieve and equally challenging is to maintain it.If balance of power between states gets upset then they are more likely to engage into serious conflict. Balance of Power in South Asian region continued until Indo-US civil nuclear deal in 2005.Indo-US nuclear deal seriously damaged existing balance of power which would restart tensions between nuclear armed rival

    Nuclear Terrorism: Hype, Risks and Reality-A Case of Pakistan

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    The danger of nuclear terrorism has heightened significantly in the recent years largely because of the transnational terrorist networks and their unrelenting efforts to acquire nuclear technology. The menace of nuclear terrorism is alarming and should be calculated as credible source of emerging trends in terrorism. No incident of nuclear terrorism happened yet but terrorist groups are struggling to steal fissile materials, nuclear technology or insiders‟ support to either procure a crude weapon or steal one. International community is concerned with such foreseeable scenario. This research attempts to make a realistic calculation of the hazards of nuclear terrorism. First part of the paper underlines hype of nuclear terrorism and the risks it poses. It also signifies magnitude of reality involving nuclear terrorism. Second part of the paper underscores the response to international media that is frenzy about risk of nuclear terrorism in Pakistan. It also highlights the safety and security measures that Pakistan has adopted under the guidelines of IAEA and Nuclear Security Summits. This paper concludes with the argument that over the years Pakistan has remained relatively open about sharing information regarding how it is making advancements in its command and control system to ward off any risks of nuclear terrorism and has been successful in achieving better levels of securit

    The Rise of Extremism in Pakistan: International Dynamics

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    Extremism in Pakistan has been the outcome of so-called Jihadists who wanted continuous recruitment for the Afghan-Soviet war(1979-89) and madrassas were settled with primary aim of propagation of so-called Jihad. Pakistan, being an Islamic Republic had already fertile ground for the promotion of Islamic ideology but this unfortunately was misconstrued by U.S. funded war which later turned Pakistani society into an abyss of extremism. Wave of sectarianism, drugs and political instability fomented extremism in the society. Internal strife coupled with international dynamics, badly distorted Pakistan‟s image internationally. That is the reason terrorists enjoyed support of masses despite military operations against them. This paper highlights that how the extremism rooted into Pakistani society caused wave of extremism, terrorism and hate. Pakistan faced serious challenges to economy and internal stability. Pakistan waged counterterrorism operations under the National Action Plan (NAP) but there is a need of counter-extremism policy that will normalize the society and regain its potential to excel