297 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review on Urolithiasis an Ayurvedic perspective

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    The priceless value of the kidney is not appreciated until the organ becomes affected with diseases or loss of function threatens the health of man. In the present era, life style and the working pattern of the person is showering varieties of diseases. Among which Urolithiasis is troubling the person, a lot. Urolithiasis is a very common condition in surgical practice. It occurs in people who are habituated for less intake of water and certain medications. Severe pain abdomen, vomiting, nausea, dysuria and retention of urine in some case seen in Urolithiasis. Urolithiasis can be co-related to Mutrashmari as described in Ayurvedic texts. Immense attention is to be given for understanding the disease manifestation. So this article is intended to analyze the Nidana’s, Samprapti and Lakshanas of Mutrashmari critically for prevention and treatment of Mutrashmari

    Evaluation of the efficacy of Shiva modaka on Hematological, Biochemical and Immunological Parameters in the management of malnutrition among school going children

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    Malnutrition is an issue of global dimensions affecting all ages. Malnutrition in children is common in early age especially during infancy and weaning. However, it also prevails during early schooling. In adults and elderly it is studied as under Protein Energy Malnutrition. It has not only short term adverse effects but also exhibits long term sustained and progressive effects. Kuposhana/Bala Shosha is explained in the Ayurveda literatures and elaborate therapeutic interventions are also described. The disease Karshya also applies to this condition. Shiva Modaka, a drug described under Bala Roga seems to act on vide dimensions of pediatric health with indications in common pediatric ailments too. The present clinical study is an effort to evaluate the efficacy of the said drug on hematological, biochemical and immunological parameters in Malnutrition in school going children

    Pharmacognostic Study of Bhustrina (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf.)

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    Background: The plant Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. commonly known as Lemon grass belongs to Poeceae family and is a native of tropical countries, especially in Southeast Asia. Various studies has been done on the plant to reveal its potential therapeutic effects. Methodology: The study deals with detailed study about Ayurvedic literature of Cymbopogon, macro morphology and microscopy of transverse section of the Cymbopogon leaves. Other parameters like physicochemical constants and phytochemical screening were studied using the standard protocol. Results: The study provides referential information for the correct identification and standardization of crude drug of Cymbopogon citratus Stapf


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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) comprises a group of common metabolic disorder that share the phenotype of hyperglycemia. The Worldwide prevalence of DM has risen dramatically over the past two decades. Based on current trends, more than 360 million individuals will have DM by the year 2030. Prevalence of type II DM is increasing worldwide much more rapidly than type I DM because of increasing obesity and reduced activity level and sedentary lifestyles. Six of the top ten countries with the highest rates of DM are in Asia and India is becoming capital of DM.Diabetes Mellitus can be co-related with Madhumeha dealt in Ayurveda classics. It is a type of Vataj Prameha. In Brihatrayee and Laghutrayee various drugs are described for the treatment of Prameha. Bhavaprakash Nighantu is the clinically important among Laghutrayee; also dealt with various drugs useful for Prameha.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enlist the herbs useful in DM from Bhavaprakash Nighantu and critically analyze according to the studies done upon them.Material and Methods: Along with Bhavprakash Nighantu other suitable Ayurvedic literatures, contemporary literatures, journals & internet media were also used for collecting information regarding the topic.Result and Discussion: Among 426 Dravyas dealt in Bhavaprakash Nighantu, 47 Dravyas (Herbs) are described as Pramehahara. Besides Takra, Tushar jala, Jangala Mamsa, 3 types of Madhu and 11 Pramehahar Dravyas are described in Dhatwadi Varga. Various studies have proven the efficacy of herbal medicines in treatment of DM

    Immunomodulatory activity of Mashaparni - Teramnus labialis Spreng

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    Background: Mashaparni is a plant belonging to the family Fabaceae and used in ayurvedic system of medicine and is being used in diet by various people of India and it also forms a part of traditional Indian cuisine. Teramnus labialis Spreng as accepted botanical source of Mashaparni. Mashaparni is widely used as Balya drug as mentioned by Charaka acharya in Balyamahakashaya gana. Hence this study is aimed to evaluate the Immunomodulatory activity of Mashaparni. Methodology: Experimental studies to determine the Immunomodulatory activity of Mashaparni Teramnus labialis Spreng by antigen induced rat paw oedema in Wister albino rats and the drug in the Aqueous & Ethyl extract form respectively. The studies were carried out on 4 groups i.e. Control group, Standard group, Aqueous extract and Ethyl extract form. Standard drug taken for the study is Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia in Ethyl extract form. Immunomodulatory activity determined by Delayed Type Hypersensitivity method with the help of Digital Plethysmograph method for duration of 15 days. The rat paw volume was the assessment parameter and the results were recorded at 2nd, 4th, 6th, & 24th hours after induction of antigen. Results: The Aqueous extract of Mashaparni shows a significant Immunomodulatory action compared to Ethyl extract of Mashaparni

    A Classical Review on Mundi (Sphaeranthus Indicus Linn.)

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    Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. (Mundi) is a medicinal plant widely used in Indian traditional and folk systems of medicine for treating various ailments. Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. is from the aroma family Compositae. It is also known with other synonyms such as Mundi, Sravani, Bhikshu, Tapodhana, Sravanahva, Shravanashirshaka. It is abundantly distributed in damp areas in plains and also as a weed in the paddy fields. In the Indian system of medicine, the plant as a whole plant or its different anatomical parts viz., leaf, stem, bark, root, flower and seed are widely used for curing many diseases. The plant is bitter, stomachic, restorative, alterative, pectoral, demulcent and externally soothing

    QoS based Effective and Efficient Selection of Web Service and Retrieval of Search Information

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    Web services are integrated software components for the support of interoperable machine to machine interaction over a network. Web services have been widely employed for building service-oriented applications in both industry and academia in recent years. The number of publicly available Web services is steadily increasing on the Internet. However, this proliferation makes it hard for a user to select a proper Web service among a large amount of service candidates. An inappropriate service selection may cause many problems to the resulting applications. In this paper, a novel collaborative filtering-based Web service recommender system is proposed to help the users and select services with optimal QoS performance. Our recommender system employ an effective and efficient selection of web services and relevant retrieval of information and makes personalized service recommendation to users based on the clustering results. Compared with existing service recommendation methods, the proposed approach achieves considerable improvement on the recommendation accuracy and the QoS performance metrics adopted in this paper shows the better accuracy and relevant web services

    Concept of Avarana in Diabetic Neuropathy

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    Diabetes has become one of the largest global health-care problems of the 21st Century. Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that can occur in people with Diabetes. Different type of nerve damage cause different symptoms. Symptoms can range from pain and numbness in feet to problem with the functions of internal organs. In Diabetic Neuropathy, due to the involvement of Tridosha’s and Ten Dushya’s many Avarana manifest simultaneously and hence, Dhatu Avritta Lakshana are seen in neuropathy. The Margavarana of Vyana Vata results in its inability to provide proper nutrition to Dhatus. This condition if persists for a longer time leads to Dhatukshya. Mamsa provides Bala and Sneha to the body. In the individuals of Diabetic Neuropathy, this Sneha Karma is not seen due to which the patient’s Bala is reduced and in later stage, the motor symptoms will be manifested like Kevala Vata Vikara like Stambha, Kampa, Sosha, etc

    IFTAK - An advanced technique of Kshara Sutra therapy in management of complex Fistula-InAno - A Case Study

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    Kshara Sutra therapy (para surgical procedure by using alkaline medicated thread) is being practiced in Ayurveda since ancient time for management of Nadi Vrana (sinus) and Bhagandar (fistula). explained by Acharya Sushruta well known “father of surgery”. Kshara Sutra therapy has revolutionized the treatment of fistula in ano which is considered to be difficult in management in terms of re-occurrence and incontinence. Conventional method of Kshara Sutra therapy probably predates all other seton methods in treatment of fistula in ano and emerging specialized modality of treatment in the field of surgery inspite of many benefits, Kshara Sutra causes certain discomforts such as long anxiety period, number of hospital visits, pain, discomfort and longer duration of treatment. The present study IFTAK (Interception of fistulous tract with application of Kshara Sutra) is devised to minimize duration of therapy with minimal post operative scar and problems related to conventional method. The given diagrammatic presentation of plan of surgery will help to understand the procedure (figure 1). The result were documented and analysed. Patient cured completely after 4 weeks of treatment. There was no complaint recorded after regular follow-up to 1 year of period. The treatment was found very effective as it reduced anxiety period and painful sittings of Kshara Sutra placement. This technique was found very beneficial for patient as well as for operating surgeon and may become a boon for patient suffering from complex fistula in ano in future time


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    The head is a vital organ and the most vulnerable part of body to receive injuries. Injuries to the head are accidental, mostly vehicular or homicidal. Material and methods- The present study was based on retrospective analysis of 218 homicidal deaths in three years period from January 2004 to December 2006 from autopsies done in th
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