4 research outputs found

    Metamorphosing Indian Blockchain ecosystem

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    A blockchain is a decentralised database that is shared across computer network nodes. A blockchain acts as a database, storing information in a digital format. The study primarily aims to explore how in the future, block chain technology will alter several areas of the Indian economy. The current study aims to obtain a deeper understanding of blockchain technology's idea and implementation in India, as well as the technology's potential as a disruptive financial technological innovation. Secondary sources such as reports, journals, papers, and websites were used to compile all the data. Current and relevant information were utilised to help understand the research goals. All the information is rationally organised to fulfil the objectives. The current research focuses on recommendations for enhancing India's Blockchain ecosystem so that it may become one of the best in the world at utilising this new technology

    Techno-Economic Aspects of Solid Food Wastes into Bio-Manure

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    Solid waste is health hazard and cause damage to the environment due to improper handling. Solid waste comprises of Industrial Waste (IW), Hazardous Waste (HW), Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Electronic waste (E-waste), Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) which depend on their supply & characteristics. Food waste or Bio-waste composting and its role in sustainable development is explained in food waste is a growing area of concern with many costs to our community in terms of waste collection, disposal and greenhouse gases. When rotting food ends up in landfill it turns into methane, a greenhouse gas that is particularly damaging to the environment. Composting is biochemical process in which organic materials are biologically degraded, resulting in the production of organic by products and energy in the form of heat. Heat is trapped within the composting mass, leading to the phenomenon of self-heating.This overall process provide us Bio-Manure. Keywords: environment ,sustainable development ,food waste, Bio-Manur

    A conceptual study of anatomy and pathophysiology of Koshtha with its clinical importance in Ayurveda

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    According to Ayurveda Tridosha and Panchamahabhuta are the functional and structural entity of body so the anatomy, physiology, pathology and treatment are based upon the principle of Tridosha and Panchamahabhut Siddhanta and these principles are formulating the concept of Aayu, Bala, Prakriti and Koshtha. The line of treatment, drug selection, dose determination as well as indication and contraindication of Aahar and Vihar are based upon the above concept. So, a huge study is needed to explore the above concept by the anatomical, physiological, pathological and clinical approach. Out of them the concept of Kohstha can be explore by the study of Koshtha and its anatomical determination, physiology of Koshtha, Koshtha Pariksha and utility of Koshtha in Sodhana and shaman Chikitsa

    Evaluation of NBC Canisters against Phosgene a Chemical Warfare Agent

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    Indigenously developed and bulk produced NBC canisters from eight different sources containing carbon (100 g) carbon impregnated with CU (II), Cr (VI), Ag (I), NuOH, and pyridine were evaluated for their protective potential against phosgene (COCI,), a highly toxic chemical warfare agent. Protection time (COCI, breakthrough time) was found to be 84 min for canisters of six different sources at 4.0 mg/l COCI, concentration and 30 Ymin airflow under wet conditions of 30 f 1 “C and 50 per cent RH. Protection time, however, varied from 63 min to 116 min for the canisters of other two sources under the similar cqnditions. Phosgene breakthrough time was also studied under dry conditions of 30 “C and 0.2 per cent RH (dry air was used from air cylinder) and found to be 31 min at 4.0 mg/l COC$ concentration and 30 l/min airflow. Effect of COCl, concentration on breakthrough time indicated that the canisters made by six out of eight manufacturers were similar, while canisters from other two sources had slight variations in carbon compactness, which was exemplified by the phosgene breakthrough behaviour. The study indicated that phosgene breakthrough time not only depends upon chemical degradation but is also influenced by carbon compactness. The results were supported by the CCI, breakthrough times of the canisters