6 research outputs found

    A Comparative clinical evaluation of Sirodhara with Sukhosnajala, Tila Tailam and Brahmi Tailam in the management of mild to moderate essential hypertension

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    In worldwide 25 percentage of population is suffering with Hypertension. As it is an instrumental disease, asymptomatic in nature, it was named as Silent killer. The causative factors of Essential hypertension were Genetic predisposition and environmental factors but these factors are triggered by stress hence it comes under stress related psycho-somatic disorder. In Hypertensive patients, Decrease in 5mm of Hg in SBP and DBP results in decrease in cardiovascular risk, stroke which decreases mortality rate worldwide. The management aspect of modern medical science remains symptomatic with troublesome side effects. The Joint National Committee (JNC 8) guideline advise higher blood pressure goals, less use of several types of antihypertensive medications and suggests lifestyle modification and relaxation are the best initial therapy. In Ayurveda, Shirodhara is one of the panchakarma therapy meant for relaxation and stress reducing procedure mentioned in Dharakalpaas a preventive and curative treatment for many stress related disorders. So, Present study is planned as “A Comparative clinical evaluation of Shirodhara with Sukhos̩n̩ajala, Tila tailam and Brahmitailamin the management of mild to moderate essential hypertension”was selected. This paper is going to describe about conclusion drawn from the study i.e. effect of three types of dhara on Objective parameters SBP, DBP, PP, and MAP


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    ABSTRACT In this paper we examine the problem of defending privacy for publishing search engine logs. Search engines play a vital role in the navigation through the enormity of the Web. Privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) provides techniques and tools for publishing helpful information while preserving data privacy. Recently, PPDP has received significant attention in research communities, and several approaches have been proposed for different data publishing situations. In this paper we learn privacy preservation for the publication of search engine query logs. Consider a subject that even after eliminating all personal characteristics of the searcher, which can serve as associations to his identity, the magazine of such data, is still subject to privacy attacks from opponents who have partial knowledge about the set. Our tentative results show that the query log can be appropriately anonymized against the particular attack, while retaining a significant volume of helpful data. In this paper we learn about problem in search logs and why the log is not secure and how to create log secure using data mining algorithm and methods like Generalization, Suppression and Quasi identifier

    Strength Asseesement of Concrete by Fractional Substitution of the Aggregate with Glass Powder

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    Glass powder (GP) employed in concrete creating results in greener atmosphere. In shops, broken glass sheets &flat solid cuttings square measure move to waste, that aren't recycled at the present and typically delivered to landfills for disposal. Victimization physician in concrete is a noteworthy risk for economy on waste disposal sites and conservation of atmosphere. This project examines the chance of victimization physician as fine mixture replacement in concrete. Natural sand was part replaced (0%-40%) with physician in concrete. enduringness, Compressive strength (cubes and cylinders) and Flexural strength up to twenty-eight days more matured were compared with those of high performance concrete created with natural sand