147 research outputs found

    Slippery customers for conservation: distribution and decline of anguillid eels in South Africa

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    1. Four anguillid eel species occur in the western Indian Ocean rivers of Africa: Anguilla bengalensis, Anguilla bicolor, Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla mossambica. These catadromous fishes face multiple stressors, including habitat alteration and deterioration, barriers to migration, pollution and the adverse impacts of alien species, but knowledge of eel species occurrence, abundance and ecology in Africa remains poor. 2. This study investigated the present and historical distribution of anguillid eels and the potential associated drivers of declines at the southern extremities of their ranges in South Africa. Data analysed included sampling conducted in KwaZulu–Natal and Eastern Cape between 2015 and 2020, and secondary data extracted from databases, museums and local management agencies. 3. The median extent of inland penetration increased as follows: 22 km for A. bicolor, 29 km for A. marmorata, 94 km for A. bengalensis and 293 km for A. mossambica. The median altitude followed a similar pattern. 4. Extent of occurrence analyses were carried out at the regional level in KwaZulu–Natal. The sampling data on present distribution (2015–2020), compared with historical data, suggests declines in the extents of occurrence of the four eel species in KwaZulu–Natal, ranging between 31 and 48% in the last 30 years and between 35 and 82% since the 1950s. 5. With increasing human threats in the region, especially from watercourse modification and water abstraction, further declines for these species are expected. Conservation measures recommended include the maintenance or restoration of the ecological connectivity of important rivers and the implementation of freshwater protected areas. Although eels are at present not widely exploited in South Africa, there is a need for fisheries regulations to manage sustainable commercial exploitation

    Aggregation and Representation in the European Parliament Party Groups

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    While members of the European Parliament are elected in national constituencies, their votes are determined by the aggregation of MEPs in multinational party groups. The uncoordinated aggregation of national party programmes in multinational EP party groups challenges theories of representation based on national parties and parliaments. This article provides a theoretical means of understanding representation by linking the aggregation of dozens of national party programmes in different EP party groups to the aggregation of groups to produce the parliamentary majority needed to enact policies. Drawing on an original data source of national party programmes, the EU Profiler, the article shows that the EP majorities created by aggregating MEP votes in party groups are best explained by cartel theories. These give priority to strengthening the EP’s collective capacity to enact policies rather than voting in accord with the programmes they were nationally elected to represent

    National protest agenda and the dimensionality of party politics: Evidence from four East-Central European democracies

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    Contemporary democracies show considerable differences in the issue composition of their protest politics, which tends to remain relatively stable over time. In countries like Germany or the Czech Republic, the vast majority of protests have been mobilised around sociocultural issues, such as human rights, peace, nuclear power or the environment, and only a tiny portion of protest has focused on economic issues. At the opposite extreme, protest in France or Poland usually has a strongly economic character and voices demands relating to material redistribution and social policy. What lies behind the cross-country differences in national protest agendas? In this article, the national protest agenda depends on what issues mainstream political parties are contesting: the content and strength of the master-issue dimension. In reference to the literature on the multidimensional political space and niche political parties, one should expect that there is a substitutive effect; where the stronger a specific master-issue dimension is in party politics, the less salient that issue dimension is in protest politics. This substitutive effect results from the tendency of electoral politics to reduce political conflict to a single-dimension equilibrium, which decreases the importance of other issues and relegates the contest over secondary, niche issues to the realm of policy-seeking strategies, with protest being a common type of this political strategy. In party systems where single-dimension equilibrium does not exist and the master-issue dimension is weaker, the same dynamics result in a more convergent relationship between party and protest politics and a greater similarity between the protest- and party-system agendas. To investigate this theory, the national protest agendas in four countries are examined. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia show four combinations of two crucial factors that are not available in the old Western democracies: the content and the strength of the master-issue dimension. The study draws on an original dataset of protest events organised in the four countries between 1993 and 2010, and on qualitative and quantitative data on issue dimensions of party politics obtained from studies on party politics and expert surveys. The results show that in the Czech Republic, where the master-issue dimension has remained strongly economic, protest has been predominantly sociocultural. In Poland between 1993 and 2001 and Hungary between 1993 and 2006, the master-issue dimensions are strongly sociocultural, while protest is predominantly economic. There is no single-dimension equilibrium in party politics in Slovakia or in post-2001 Poland and mainstream parties compete on both economic and sociocultural issues. Consequently, the substitutive dynamics between party and protest politics is weaker and the issue agendas in party and protest arenas are here more alike. <br/

    The Landscape of Immune Microenvironments in Racially Diverse Breast Cancer Patients

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    Background: Immunotherapy is a rapidly evolving treatment option in breast cancer; However, the breast cancer immune microenvironment is understudied in Black and younger (<50 years) patients. Methods: We used histologic and RNA-based immunoprofiling methods to characterize the breast cancer immune landscape in 1,952 tumors from the Carolina Breast Cancer Study (CBCS), a population-based study that oversampled Black (n ÂŒ 1,030) and young women (n ÂŒ 1,039). We evaluated immune response leveraging markers for 10 immune cell populations, compared profiles to those in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project [n ÂŒ 1,095 tumors, Black (n ÂŒ 183), and young women (n ÂŒ 295)], and evaluated in association with clinical and demographic variables, including recurrence. Results: Consensus clustering identified three immune clusters in CBCS (adaptive-enriched, innate-enriched, or immune-quiet) that varied in frequency by race, age, tumor grade and subtype; however, only two clusters were identified in TCGA, which were predominantly comprised of adaptive-enriched and innate-enriched tumors. In CBCS, the strongest adaptive immune response was observed for basal-like, HER2-positive (HER2ĂŸ), triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), and high-grade tumors. Younger patients had higher proportions of adaptive-enriched tumors, particularly among estrogen receptor (ER)-negative (ER-) cases. Black patients had higher frequencies of both adaptive-enriched and innate-enriched tumors. Immune clusters were associated with recurrence among ER- tumors, with adaptive-enriched showing the best and innate-enriched showing the poorest 5-year recurrence-free survival. Conclusions: These data suggest that immune microenvironments are intricately related to race, age, tumor subtype, and grade. Impact: Given higher mortality among Black and young women, more defined immune classification using cell-type–specific panels could help explain higher recurrence and ultimately lead to target-able interventions

    On the Nature and Genesis of EUV Waves: A Synthesis of Observations from SOHO, STEREO, SDO, and Hinode

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    A major, albeit serendipitous, discovery of the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory mission was the observation by the Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope (EIT) of large-scale Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) intensity fronts propagating over a significant fraction of the Sun's surface. These so-called EIT or EUV waves are associated with eruptive phenomena and have been studied intensely. However, their wave nature has been challenged by non-wave (or pseudo-wave) interpretations and the subject remains under debate. A string of recent solar missions has provided a wealth of detailed EUV observations of these waves bringing us closer to resolving their nature. With this review, we gather the current state-of-art knowledge in the field and synthesize it into a picture of an EUV wave driven by the lateral expansion of the CME. This picture can account for both wave and pseudo-wave interpretations of the observations, thus resolving the controversy over the nature of EUV waves to a large degree but not completely. We close with a discussion of several remaining open questions in the field of EUV waves research.Comment: Solar Physics, Special Issue "The Sun in 360",2012, accepted for publicatio

    Actionable recommendations in the Bright Futures child health supervision guidelines

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    BACKGROUND: With the growing use of electronic health record systems, there is a demand for an electronic version of the leading American pediatric preventive care guideline, Bright Futures. As computer implementation requires actionable recommendations, it is important to assess to what degree Bright Futures meets criteria for actionability. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to 1) determine the number of actionable recommendations in the current edition of Bright Futures and 2) to recommend a specific format for representing an important class of guidelines in a way that better facilitates computer implementation. METHODS: We consolidated all action statements in Bright Futures into recommendations. We then used two dimensions (decidability and executability) in the Guideline Implementability Appraisal v 2.0 (GLIA) to determine the actionability of the recommendations. Decidability means the recommendation states precisely under what conditions to perform those actions. Executability means actions are stated specifically, unambiguously and in sufficient detail. The results were presented in a figure titled Service Interval Diagram (SID), describing actionable recommendations, age intervals during which they are applicable, and how frequently they should occur in that interval. RESULTS: We consolidated 2161 action items into 245 recommendations and identified 52 that were actionable (21%). Almost exclusively, these recommendations addressed screening, such as newborn metabolic screening, or child safety, such as car seat use. A limited number (n=13) of recommendations for other areas of anticipatory guidance were also actionable. No recommendations on child discipline, family function or mental health met our criteria for actionability. The SID representing these recommendations is presented in a figure. CONCLUSION: Only a portion of the Bright Futures Guidelines meets criteria for actionability. Substantial work lies ahead to develop most recommendations for anticipatory guidance into a computer implementable format

    Substrate utilization and maturation of cumulus cell-enclosed mouse oocytes: evidence that pyruvate oxidation does not mediate meiotic induction

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    This study was performed to address the possible role of pyruvate in meiotic induction in mouse oocytes. Cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes from primed, immature mice were cultured in 7.5 ÎŒl microdrops under oil for 9 or 18 h in medium containing 4 mmol hypoxanthine l−1 plus 0.23 mmol pyruvate l−1, l mmol pyruvate l−1, or 1 mmol pyruvate l−1 plus 5.5 mmol glucose l−1. When compared with cultures containing 0.23 mmol pyruvate l−1, 1 mmol pyruvate l−1 induced germinal vesicle breakdown, and this was preceded by an increase in pyruvate utilization. Addition of glucose prevented both the increase in pyruvate consumption and the meiotic induction. When different combinations of pyruvate and glucose were tested on oocyte maturation in microdrop cultures, a high concentration of pyruvate or glucose alone was stimulatory to maturation. Addition of the complementary energy substrate prevented the induction of germinal vesicle breakdown and reduced the amount of substrate consumption. During spontaneous maturation in vitro, oocyte–cumulus cell complexes consumed glucose for the first 3 h; however, during the second 3 h period, which followed germinal vesicle breakdown, glucose consumption decreased and net pyruvate utilization was initiated. Treatment of hypoxanthine-arrested oocytes with dichloroacetate, an activator of pyruvate dehydrogenase, stimulated pyruvate consumption but had no effect on germinal vesicle breakdown. Although FSH stimulates meiotic resumption, no changes in pyruvate consumption were observed in response to this gonadotrophin. Measurement of oxygen consumption by hypoxanthine-treated complexes revealed no effect of high concentrations of pyruvate on respiration, and FSH treatment resulted in a suppression of oxygen utilization. These data indicate that, in mouse oocyte–cumulus cell complexes, pyruvate and glucose can each modulate metabolism of the other substrate, and this can significantly influence meiotic maturation of the oocyte. In addition, augmentation of pyruvate oxidation does not appear to play a mediating role in meiotic induction triggered by energy substrate manipulation or gonadotrophin treatment
