743 research outputs found

    Monoenergetic proton beams accelerated by a radiation pressure driven shock

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    High energy ion beams (> MeV) generated by intense laser pulses promise to be viable alternatives to conventional ion beam sources due to their unique properties such as high charge, low emittance, compactness and ease of beam delivery. Typically the acceleration is due to the rapid expansion of a laser heated solid foil, but this usually leads to ion beams with large energy spread. Until now, control of the energy spread has only been achieved at the expense of reduced charge and increased complexity. Radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) provides an alternative route to producing laser-driven monoenergetic ion beams. In this paper, we show the interaction of an intense infrared laser with a gaseous hydrogen target can produce proton spectra of small energy spread (~ 4%), and low background. The scaling of proton energy with the ratio of intensity over density (I/n) indicates that the acceleration is due to the shock generated by radiation-pressure driven hole-boring of the critical surface. These are the first high contrast mononenergetic beams that have been theorised from RPA, and makes them highly desirable for numerous ion beam applications

    Exotic bulk viscosity and its influence on neutron star r-modes

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    We investigate the effect of exotic matter in particular, hyperon matter on neutron star properties such as equation of state (EoS), mass-radius relationship and bulk viscosity. Here we construct equations of state within the framework of a relativistic field theoretical model. As hyperons are produced abundantly in dense matter, hyperon-hyperon interaction becomes important and is included in this model. Hyperon-hyperon interaction gives rise to a softer EoS which results in a smaller maximum mass neutron star compared with the case without the interaction. Next we compute the coefficient of bulk viscosity and the corresponding damping time scale due to the non-leptonic weak process including Λ\Lambda hyperons. Further, we investigate the role of the bulk viscosity on gravitational radiation driven r-mode instability in a neutron star of given mass and temperature and find that the instability is effectively suppressed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure, presented in the Conference on Isolated Neutron Stars: From the Interior to The Surface, London, UK, 24-28 April, 2006; revised and final version to appear in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Neutron Star Constraints on the H Dibaryon

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    We study the influence of a possible H dibaryon condensate on the equation of state and the overall properties of neutron stars whose population otherwise contains nucleons and hyperons. In particular, we are interested in the question of whether neutron stars and their masses can be used to say anything about the existence and properties of the H dibaryon. We find that the equation of state is softened by the appearance of a dibaryon condensate and can result in a mass plateau for neutron stars. If the limiting neutron star mass is about that of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar a condensate of H dibaryons of vacuum mass 2.2 GeV and a moderately attractive potential in the medium could not be ruled out. On the other hand, if the medium potential were even moderately repulsive, the H, would not likely exist in neutron stars. If neutron stars of about 1.6 solar mass were known to exist, attractive medium effects for the H could be ruled out. Certain ranges of dibaryon mass and potential can be excluded by the mass of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar which we illustrate graphically.Comment: Revised by the addition of a figure showing the region of dibaryon mass and potential excluded by the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. 18 pages, 11 figures, latex (submitted to Phys. Rev. C

    Chiral Lagrangian for strange hadronic matter

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    A generalized Lagrangian for the description of hadronic matter based on the linear SU(3)L×SU(3)RSU(3)_L \times SU(3)_R σ\sigma-model is proposed. Besides the baryon octet, the spin-0 and spin-1 nonets, a gluon condensate associated with broken scale invariance is incorporated. The observed values for the vacuum masses of the baryons and mesons are reproduced. In mean-field approximation, vector and scalar interactions yield a saturating nuclear equation of state. We discuss the difficulties and possibilities to construct a chiral invariant baryon-meson interaction that leads to a realistic equation of state. It is found that a coupling of the strange condensate to nucleons is needed to describe the hyperon potentials correctly. The effective baryon masses and the appearance of an abnormal phase of nearly massless nucleons at high densities are examined. A nonlinear realization of chiral symmetry is considered, to retain a Yukawa-type baryon-meson interaction and to establish a connection to the Walecka-model.Comment: Revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Search for positively charged strangelets and other related results with E864 at the AGS

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    We report on the latest results in the search for positively charged strangelets from E864's 96/97 run at the AGS with sensitivity of about 8×1098\times 10^{-9} per central collision. This contribution also contains new results of a search for highly charged strangelets with Z=+3Z=+3. Production of light nuclei, such as 6He^6He and 6Li^6Li, is presented as well. Measurements of yields of these rarely produced isotopes near midrapidity will help constrain the production levels of strangelets via coalescence. E864 also measures antiproton production which includes decays from antihyperons. Comparisons with antiproton yields measured by E878 as a function of centrality indicate a large antihyperon-to-antiproton ratio in central collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Talk at SQM'98, Padova, Italy (July 20-24th, 1998

    4f spin density in the reentrant ferromagnet SmMn2Ge2

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    The spin contribution to the magnetic moment in SmMn2Ge2 has been measured by magnetic Compton scattering in both the low and high temperature ferromagnetic phases. At low temperature, the Sm site is shown to possess a large 4f spin moment of 3.4 +/- 0.1 Bohr magnetons, aligned antiparallel to the total magnetic moment. At high temperature, the data show conclusively that ordered magnetic moments are present on the samarium site.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, transferred from PRL to PRB (Rapid Comm.