181 research outputs found

    X-ray polarization fluctuations induced by cloud eclipses in active galactic nuclei

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    Context: A fraction of active galactic nuclei (AGN) show dramatic X-ray spectral changes on the day-to-week time scales associated with variation in the line of sight of the cold absorber. Aims: We intend to model the polarization fluctuations arising from an obscuration event, thereby offering a method of determining whether flux variations are due to occultation or extreme intrinsic emission variability. Methods: Undertaking 1 - 100 keV polarimetric simulations with the Monte Carlo code STOKES, we simulated the journey of a variety of cold gas clouds in front of an extended primary source. We varied the hydrogen column density nH and size of the absorber, as well as the initial polarization state of the emitting source, to cover a wide range of scenarios. Results: For unpolarized primary fluxes, large (about 50deg) variations of the polarization position angle psi are expected before and after an occultation event, which is associated with very low residual polarization degrees (P lower than 1 per cent). In the case of an emitting disk with intrinsic, position-independent polarization, and for a given range of parameters, X-ray eclipses significantly alter the observed polarization spectra, with most of the variations seen in psi. Finally, non-uniformly polarized emitting regions produce very distinctive polarization variations due to the successive covering and uncovering of different portions of the disk. Plotted against time, variations in P and psi form detectable P~Cygni type profiles that are distinctive signatures of non-axisymmetric emission. Conclusions: Polarization measurements are thus particularly adapted to distinguish between intrinsic intensity fluctuations and external eclipsing events, constrain the geometry of the covering medium, and test the hypothesis of non-uniformly emitting disks predicted by general relativity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    General relativistic modelling of the negative reverberation X-ray time delays in AGN

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    We present the first systematic physical modelling of the time-lag spectra between the soft (0.3-1 keV) and the hard (1.5-4 keV) X-ray energy bands, as a function of Fourier frequency, in a sample of 12 active galactic nuclei which have been observed by XMM-Newton. We concentrate particularly on the negative X-ray time-lags (typically seen above 10−410^{-4} Hz) i.e. soft band variations lag the hard band variations, and we assume that they are produced by reprocessing and reflection by the accretion disc within a lamp-post X-ray source geometry. We also assume that the response of the accretion disc, in the soft X-ray bands, is adequately described by the response in the neutral iron line (Fe kα\alpha) at 6.4 keV for which we use fully general relativistic ray-tracing simulations to determine its time evolution. These response functions, and thus the corresponding time-lag spectra, yield much more realistic results than the commonly-used, but erroneous, top-hat models. Additionally we parametrize the positive part of the time-lag spectra (typically seen below 10−410^{-4} Hz) by a power-law. We find that the best-fitting BH masses, M, agree quite well with those derived by other methods, thus providing us with a new tool for BH mass determination. We find no evidence for any correlation between M and the BH spin parameter, α\alpha, the viewing angle, Ξ\theta, or the height of the X-ray source above the disc, hh. Also on average, the X-ray source lies only around 3.7 gravitational radii above the accretion disc and the viewing angles are distributed uniformly between 20 and 60 degrees. Finally, there is a tentative indication that the distribution of spin parameters may be bimodal above and below 0.62.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The paper is 22 pages long and contains 19 figures and 2 table

    Light bending scenario for accreting black holes in X-ray polarimetry

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    We discuss a model of an X-ray illuminating source above an accretion disk of a rotating black hole. Within the so called lamp-post scheme we compute the expected (observed) polarization properties of the radiation reaching an observer. We explore the dependencies on model parameters, employing Monte Carlo radiation transfer computations of the X-ray reflection on the accretion disk and taking general relativity effects into account. In particular, we discuss the role of the black hole spin, of the observer viewing angle, and of the primary X-ray source distance from the black hole. We give several examples of the resulting polarization degree for two types of exemplary objects - active galactic nuclei and Galactic black holes. In order to assess potential observability of the polarization features, we assume the sensitivity of the proposed New Hard X-ray Mission (NHXM). We examine the energy range from several keV to ~50 keV, so the iron-line complex and the Compton hump are included in our model spectra. We find the resultant polarization degree to increase at the higher end of the studied energy band, i.e. at >~20 keV. Thus, the best results for polarimetry of reflection spectra should be achieved at the Compton hump energy region. We also obtain higher polarization degree for large spin values of the black hole, small heights of the primary source, and low inclination angles of the observer.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, accepted in Ap

    On the driver of relativistic effects strength in Seyfert galaxies

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    Spectroscopy of X-ray emission lines emitted in accretion discs around supermassive black holes is one of the most powerful probes of the accretion flow physics and geometry, while also providing in principle observational constraints on the black hole spin.[...] We aim at determining the ultimate physical driver of the strength of this relativistic reprocessing feature. We first extend the hard X-ray flux-limited sample of Seyfert galaxies studied so far (FERO, de la Calle Perez et al. 2010) to obscured objects up to a column density N_H=6x10^23 atoms/cm/cm. We verify that none of the line properties depends on the AGN optical classification, as expected from the Seyfert unification scenarios. There is also no correlation between the accretion disc inclination, as derived from formal fits of the line profiles, and the optical type or host galaxy aspect angle, suggesting that the innermost regions of the accretion disc and the host galaxy plane are not aligned. [...]. Data are not sensitive enough to the detailed ionisation state of the line-emitting disc. However, the lack of dependency of the line EW on either the luminosity or the rest-frame centroid energy rules out that disc ionisation plays an important role on the EW dynamical range in Seyferts. The dynamical range of the relativistically broadened K-alpha iron line EW in nearby Seyferts appears to be mainly determined by the properties of the innermost accretion flow. We discuss several mechanisms (disc ionisation, disc truncation, aberration due to a mildly relativistic outflowing corona) which can explain this. [...] Observational data are still not in contradiction with scenarios invoking different mechanisms for the spectral complexity around the iron line, most notably the "partial covering" absorption scenario. (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics. 14 pages, 9 figure

    Modeling the X-ray fractional variability spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei using multiple flares

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    Using Monte-Carlo simulations of X-ray flare distributions across the accretion disk of active galactic nuclei (AGN), we obtain modeling results for the energy-dependent fractional variability amplitude. Referring to previous results of this model, we illustrate the relation between the shape of the point-to-point fractional variability spectrum, F_pp, and the time-integrated spectral energy distribution, F_E. The results confirm that the spectral shape and variability of the iron Kalpha line are dominated by the flares closest to the disk center.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, conference proceedings of the AGN meeting held in October 2006 in Xi'an, China. To appear in "The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei", ed. L. C. Ho and J.-M. Wang (San Francisco: ASP

    Constraining global parameters of accreting black holes by modeling magnetic flares

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    We present modeling results for the reprocessed radiation expected from magnetic flares above AGN accretion disks. Relativistic corrections for the orbital motion of the flare and for the curved space-time in the vicinity of the black hole are taken into account. We investigate the local emission spectra, as seen in a frame co-orbiting with the disk, and the observed spectra at infinity. We investigate long-term flares at different orbital phases and short-term flares for various global parameters of the accreting black hole. Particular emphasis is put on the relation between the iron Kalpha line and the Compton hump as these two features can be simultaneously observed by the Suzaku satellite and later by Simbol-X.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, proceedings for a poster at the international conference "The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era" held in Kyoto, Japan, December 4-8, 200
