13 research outputs found

    Corn and soybean meal metabolizable energy with the addition of exogenous enzymes for poultry

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    Two metabolism assays were carried out to determine corn and soybean meal metabolizable energy when enzymes were added. In the first trial, 35 cockerels per studied feedstuff (corn and soybean meal) were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with four treatments of seven replicates of one bird each. The evaluated treatments were: ingredient (corn and soybean meal) with no enzyme addition, with the addition of an enzyme complex (xylanase, amylase, protease - XAP), xylanase, or phytase. Precise feeding method was used to determine true metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (TMEn). The use of enzymes did not result in any differences (p>0.05) in soybean meal TMEn, but phytase improved corn TMEn in 2.3% (p=0.004). In the second trial, 280 seven-day-old broiler chicks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with seven treatments of five replicates of eight birds each. Treatments consisted of corn with no enzyme addition or with the addition of amylase, xylanase, phytase, XAP complex, XAP+phytase combination, or xylanase/ pectinase/β-glucanase complex (XPBG). Corn was supplemented with macro and trace minerals. Total excreta collection was used to determine apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn). Differences were observed (p=0.08) in AMEn and dry matter metabolizability coefficient (p=0.03). The combination of the XAP complex with phytase promoted a 2.11% increase in corn AMEn values, and the remaining enzymes allowed increased between 0.86% and 1.66%

    Poultry feed metabolizable energy determination using total or partial excreta collection methods

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    The aim of this work was to compare the efficiency of total (TC) or partial (PC) collection excreta methods to determine metabolizable energy in poultry feeds. A number of 180 12- to 21-day-old broilers were distributed into two treatments of six replicates of 10 birds each. A reference-diet was formulated to supply broiler requirements, and the test-diets consisted of 60% of reference diets and 40% of corn or soybean meal. Celite was added at 1% to the diets as a marker. Excreta and diet samples were analyzed for dry matter, energy, nitrogen, and acid-insoluble ash (AIA). AME of corn determined by partial collection (PC) was higher (3544 kcal/kg) as compared to total collection (TC) (3133 kcal/kg). However, no difference were observed for soybean meal (1797 vs. 1821 kcal/kg) between both methods. Marker recovery rates in the excreta were 101, 111, and 96% for the basal-diet, and the test-diets with corn or soybean meal, respectively. This result indicates the importance of marker recovery rate in the excreta to evaluate feed AME and digestibility

    Regionalização e dinâmica política do federalismo sanitário brasileiro Regionalización y dinámica política del federalismo sanitario brasileño Regionalization and political dynamics of Brazilian health federalism

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    Examinaram-se implicações da estrutura federativa brasileira no processo de regionalização de ações e serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde, considerando que o planejamento regional de saúde no Brasil deve realizar-se no contexto das relações intergovernamentais que expressam o federalismo cooperativo no âmbito sanitário. A análise foi baseada numa abordagem diacrônica do federalismo sanitário brasileiro, reconhecendo dois períodos de desenvolvimento, a descentralização e a regionalização. Explorou-se o planejamento regional do Sistema Único de Saúde à luz do referencial teórico do federalismo. Conclui-se que há necessidade de relativa centralização desse processo no nível das Comissões Intergestores Bipartite, para o exercício da coordenação federativa, e que é imprescindível formalizar espaços de dissenso nos Colegiados de Gestão Regional e nas próprias Comissões Intergestores, para efetivar a construção política consensual na regionalização da saúde.<br>Se examinaron implicaciones de la estructura federativa brasileña en el proceso de regionalización de acciones y servicios de salud del Sistema Único de Salud, considerando que la planificación regional de salud en Brasil debe realizarse en el contexto de las relaciones intergubernamentales que expresan el federalismo cooperativo en el ámbito sanitario. El análisis fue basado en un abordaje diacrónico del federalismo sanitario brasileño, reconociendo dos períodos de desarrollo, la descentralización y la regionalización. Se exploró la planificación regional del Sistema Único de Salud a la luz de la referencia teórica del federalismo. Se concluyó que hay necesidad de relativa centralización de dicho proceso en el nivel de las Comisiones Intergestoras Bipartita, para el ejercicio de la coordinación federativa, y que es imprescindible formalizar espacios de disenso en los Colegiados de Gestión regional y en las propias Comisiones Intergestoras, para efectivar la construcción política consensual en la regionalización de la salud.<br>The implications from the Brazilian federal structure on the regionalization of health actions and services in the National Unified Health System (SUS) were analyzed, considering that the regional health planning in Brazil takes place within the context of intergovernmental relations as an expression of cooperative federalism in health. The analysis was based on a historical approach to Brazilian health federalism, recognizing two development periods, decentralization and regionalization. Regional health planning of SUS was explored in light of the theoretical framework of federalism. It is concluded that relative centralization of the process is needed in intergovernmental committees to actualize federal coordination and that it is essential to consider formalizing opportunities for dissent, both in regional management boards and in the intergovernmental committees, so that the consensus decision-making can be accomplished in healthcare regionalization