23,090 research outputs found

    Statutory Interpretation After Hively: Where Will the Seventh Circuit Go?

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    Fifty years ago, when Title VII was passed, no one thought that sexual orientation discrimination was unlawful sex discrimination. The Seventh Circuitā€™s decision to re-interpret Title VII challenges traditional approaches to statutory interpretation that should put Seventh Circuit litigants on notice of future uncertainty

    The Future of Employee Collective Action Waivers

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    2007 Annual Report: Hydrologic Conditions in Baseflow Reaches Pursuant to Conditions 14 and 15, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California

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    This report presents the results of the 2007 baseflow condition surveys of the four major streams flowing through Santa Lucia Preserve- Las Garzas, Portrero, San Jose, and San Clemente Creeks. This report has been prepared for the Santa Lucia Conservancy and is primarily intended for the staff of Monterey County and California Department of Fish and Game, in accordance with the baseflow monitoring and reporting requirements outlined in County Conditions 14 and 15. The scope of this report is limited to the presentation and evaluation of existing baseflow conditions as required by Conditions 14 and 15, and is not intended as a comprehensive analysis. However, data presented here are an important part of the long term data set that will be used for future in depth watershed analyses. (Document contains 13 pages & 14 figs

    Communications for Next Generation single chip computers

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    It is the thesis of this report that much of what is presently thought to require specialized VLSI functions might instead be achieved by combinations of fast general purpose single chip computers with upgraded communication facilities. To this end, the characteristics of applications of this nature are first surveyed briefly and some working principles established. In the light of these, three different chip philosophies are explored in some detail. This study shows that some upgrading of typical single chip I/O will definitely be necessary, but that this upgrading does not have to be complex and that true multiprocessor-multibus operation could be achieved without excessive cost

    A Reflective Evaluation of Group Assessment

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    There is a general agreement in the literature that groupwork helps to develop important interpersonal and personal skills (Race, 2001; Visram & Joy, 2003; Elliot & Higgins, 2005; Kench et al, 2008). However, one of the problems with groupwork for both students and lecturers is how the work should be assessed (Parsons & Kassabova, 2002). The possibility of having ā€˜free-ridersā€™ and the difficulty of fairly awarding marks to reflect the level of studentsā€™ contribution to a group output are some of the key problem areas in groupwork assessment (Race, 2001). Peer assessment is seen as one of the methods to deal with these problems. It can generally involve students assessing each otherā€™s level of contribution to the groupā€™s output (Visram & Joy, 2003). This paper provides our reflection on the use of peer assessment on a student group project

    Testing of Great Bay Oysters for Two Protozoan Pathogens

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    Two protozoan pathogens, Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) and Perkinsus marinus (Dermo) are known to be present in Great Bay oysters. With funds provided by the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP), the Marine Fisheries Division of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHF&G) continues to assess the presence and intensity of both of these disease conditions in oysters from the major natural beds within the Great Bay estuarine system and at selected aquaculture sites. Histological examinations of Great Bay oysters have also revealed other endoparasites

    Stock assessment of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, fishery

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    A stock assessment of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, fishery was conducted with purse-seine landings data from 1940 to 1984 and port sampling data from 1955 to 1984. These data were analyzed to determine growth rates, maximum sustainable yield (MSY), spawner-recruit relationships, and yield per recruit. Virtual population analysis was used to estimate stock size, year class size, and fishing mortality rates. Surplus production models produced estimates of MSY from 450 to 490 kmt compared with yields of 416to 436 kmt based roughly on maximum recruitment from a weak spawner-recruit relationship. Recruitment to age-I ranged from 1.2 to 14.8 billion fish for year classes 1955-81. Recent mean recruitment to age-I for the 1975-81 year classes averaged 5.7 billion fish and compared favorably with the mean of 7.7 billion age-I fish recruited during the late 1950's. Mean recruitment from recent years suggests possible coastwide yields of 416 to 481 kmt. Continued dominance of late age-2 spawners among the spawning stock is of concern, since the stock is at greater risk through poor recruitment if recent favorable environmental conditions change. Yield-per-recruit estimates ranged from 46 g to 59 g since 1970. The high dependency of the modern fishery on prespawners has increased concerns about fluctuations in year-to-year availability and catches. To increase yield and enhance the stability of the resource, the number of age classes contributing significantly to the fishery should be increased, creating a butTer against future poor recruitment years and lessening the year-to-year fluctuations in landings. (PDF file contains 24 pages.
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