735 research outputs found

    Using Playbooks to Guide Leadership Transitions in Voluntary Groups and Community Organizations

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    Leadership changes can result in confusion for voluntary groups or community organizations. Traditionally, new leaders have received board training or been expected to learn by doing or reviewing existing policies. The National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) took a new approach, with those in leadership roles developing playbooks to guide incoming leaders. The process has proved to be successful for NACDEP and is now being replicated by other organizations

    Baseline data of a longitudinal assessment of a Bachelor of Science in Health Science (BSHS) Program based on the core competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP)

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    Background: IPCP has been identified as essential to provide quality healthcare: so, IPE is being integrated to professional programs. While IPE is being researched in professional programs, not much is known about IPE at the pre-professional level. Purpose: Stockton’s BSHS program was built based upon the Core Competencies for IPCP. The current study assessed the following IPE-related constructs: Health Science Reasoning, Ethical Decision Making for Health, Attitude Towards Health Care Teams, and Readiness for IP Learning. Description: A cohort of students was recruited during the introductory course to the program. The following measures were administered at baseline: Health Science Reasoning Test (HSRT), Ethical Decision Making (EDM) Measure for Health Science, The Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCTS), Readiness for Interprofessional Learning (RIPLS) and demographic questions. Results: A cohort (N = 483) of students was recruited; N = 464 participated of the baseline. Results of main measures are: HSRT (M = 17.2, SD = 4.7), EDM (M = 2.18, SD = 0.20), ATHCTS (M = 4.1, SD = 0.47), RIPLS (M = 3.68, SD = 0.91). Results for subscales and demographic data will be included in the presentation. Conclusions: Results from EDM, ATHCTS and RIPLS suggest undergraduate pre-professional students’ Ethicality is at expected levels, they have positive attitudes toward healthcare teams and are prepared to receive IPE. However, the sample performed significantly below the expected level of critical thinking. Relevance: This suggests that students in an undergraduate health science program can receive interprofessional education, at least at the attitudinal and awareness level. IPE at this level can effectively foster positive attitudes towards working interprofessionally

    Water: Place. Experience. In Literature, Visual & Performing Arts

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    Kelly Richardson, Emily Morgan and Laura Dougherty will engage in a ten-week collaborative project with theatre and dance students. Drawing from students in these two performance disciplines, we will, as a group, develop a site specific theatre/dance performance responding to and inspired by the idea of access, sustainability, presence and absence of Water in the World. We have been accepted to present at the National Dance Education Organization conference in October, where we plan to take a pause. Our idea is that we use that pause to reflect on our process up to that point. For this presentation, we hope to reflect on the project, as whole, as well as the site specific performance at the Water Conference. In this presentation will we chart the process of site selection, generating meaning through theatre and dance, devising performance, the successes, failures, and potential future iterations of the work. We are interested in the generative space created by this reflection, and hope for response from performers and audience members alike

    Soil governance in the agricultural landscapes of New South Wales, Australia

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    Soil is a valuable natural resource. In the state of New South Wales, Australia, the governance of soil has evolved since Federation in 1901. Following rapid agricultural development, and in the face of widespread soil degradation, the establishment of the Soil Conservation Service marked a turning point in the management of soil. Throughout the 20th century, advances in knowledge were translated into evolving governance frameworks that were largely reactionary but saw progressive reforms such as water pollution legislation and case studies of catchment-scale land and vegetation management. In the 21st century, significant reforms have embedded sustainable use of agricultural soils within catchment- and landscape-scale legislative and institutional frameworks. What is clear, however, is that a multitude of governance strategies and models are utilised in NSW. No single governance model is applicable to all situations because it is necessary to combine elements of several different mechanisms or instruments to achieve the most desired outcomes. Where an industry, such as the sugar industry, has taken ownership of an issue such as acid sulfate soil management, self-regulation has proven to be extremely effective. In the case of co-managing agricultural soils with other landuses, such as mining, petroleum exploration and urban development, regulation, compliance and enforcement mechanisms have been preferred. Institutional arrangements in the form of independent commissioners have also played a role. At the landscape or total catchment level, it is clear that a mix of mechanisms is required. Fundamental, however, to the successful evolution of soil governance is strategic investment in soil research and development that informs the ongoing productive use of agricultural landscapes while preventing land degradation or adverse environmental effects

    State Coordination of Water Allocation Management and Water Pollution Regulation

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    A tool for rating chronic disease prevention and public health interventions

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    Bridging the gap between research and practice requires more than evaluating the effectiveness of interventions in controlled studies. To bridge this gap, evidence needs to be defined in different ways, and opportunities need to be provided for practice-based evidence to be replicated and disseminated. Community-based interventions are often not conducted or evaluated in controlled settings, yet they provide more real-world context and have the potential to have a greater effect on population health than findings from controlled studies that are limited in generalizability. The purpose of this article is to describe an approach to identify community-based programs and interventions that have the potential for replication and dissemination. In our study, such interventions met criteria in 3 primary domains: innovativeness, effectiveness, and sustainability. The criteria and tool developed were applied to 2 obesity-prevention programs to demonstrate the usefulness of the tool for identifying potential programs for replication and dissemination, contributing to practice-based evidence. Funders, practitioners, and researchers can apply these criteria to identify programs, environmental changes, or policies that may be replicated and disseminated

    A Healthier Bottom Line: Distilling Best Practices in Corporate Wellness

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    The Massachusetts Business Roundtable (MBR) collaborated with a team from the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) from the University of Massachusetts Boston to explore ways to control health care costs. One strategy being implemented by employers to control health care costs is through “wellness programs,” employer-sponsored efforts to improve the health of employees. Members of the Massachusetts Business Roundtable (MBR) and other large employers have had success in reducing their health care costs through the implementation of corporate wellness initiatives. The purpose of this paper is to define what is working in private sector wellness programs to determine whether there is a broader application that would help the state meet its cost containment goals

    Fatal Outcome of Disseminated Strongyloidiasis despite Detectable Plasma and Cerebrospinal Levels of Orally Administered Ivermectin

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    Strongyloides stercoralis affects over 100 million people worldwide. Those people most susceptible to infection are those with an immunocompromising condition, such as cancer or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Local disease may spread throughout the body of the host, causing a condition termed disseminated strongyloidiasis. Standard treatment for Strongyloides stercoralis infection is oral ivermectin. We describe a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia diagnosed with disseminated strongyloidiasis two weeks after initial presentation. After repeated dosing of oral ivermectin with no clinical response, serum and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of ivermectin were measured to assess absorption. The peak serum concentration of 49.3 ng/mL correlated with a CSF concentration of 0.14 ng/mL. Despite these concentrations, the patient eventually succumbed to multi-system organ failure. We discuss the reasons for treatment failure and explore the utility of measuring ivermectin concentrations

    Social attention during object engagement: Toward a cross-species measure of preferential social orienting

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    BACKGROUND: A central challenge in preclinical research investigating the biology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the translation of ASD-related social phenotypes across humans and animal models. Social orienting, an observable, evolutionarily conserved behavior, represents a promising cross-species ASD phenotype given that disrupted social orienting is an early-emerging ASD feature with evidence for predicting familial recurrence. Here, we adapt a competing-stimulus social orienting task from domesticated dogs to naturalistic play behavior in human toddlers and test whether this approach indexes decreased social orienting in ASD. METHODS: Play behavior was coded from the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) in two samples of toddlers, each with and without ASD. Sample 1 (n = 16) consisted of community-ascertained research participants, while Sample 2 involved a prospective study of infants at a high or low familial liability for ASD (n = 67). Coding quantified the child\u27s looks towards the experimenter and caregiver, a social stimulus, while playing with high-interest toys, a non-social stimulus. A competing-stimulus measure of Social Attention During Object Engagement (SADOE) was calculated by dividing the number of social looks by total time spent playing with toys. SADOE was compared based on ASD diagnosis and differing familial liability for ASD. RESULTS: In both samples, toddlers with ASD exhibited significantly lower SADOE compared to toddlers without ASD, with large effect sizes (Hedges\u27 g ≥ 0.92) driven by a lower frequency of child-initiated spontaneous looks. Among toddlers at high familial likelihood of ASD, toddlers with ASD showed lower SADOE than toddlers without ASD, while SADOE did not differ based on presence or absence of familial ASD risk alone. SADOE correlated negatively with ADOS social affect calibrated severity scores and positively with the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales social subscale. In a binary logistic regression model, SADOE alone correctly classified 74.1% of cases, which rose to 85.2% when combined with cognitive development. CONCLUSIONS: This work suggests that a brief behavioral measure pitting a high-interest nonsocial stimulus against the innate draw of social partners can serve as a feasible cross-species measure of social orienting, with implications for genetically informative behavioral phenotyping of social deficits in ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders