54 research outputs found

    Grammar-and-Interlocution: English Articles as Markers of Recipient Role

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    Mon analyse du système de l’article en anglais est fondée sur l’hypothèse que l’article est un des moyens offerts par la langue pour résoudre le problème fondamental de l’accord interlocutif sur le référent. Cette hypothèse découle de la conception du nom défendue par Gardiner 1932, selon laquelle le nom en soi ne permet pas l’accès de l’interlocuteur à la « chose-signifiée » par le locuteur. J’en viens ainsi à définir les articles comme marqueurs du rôle assigné au pôle allocutif (β) dans le processus de validation. Plus précisément, les trois articles — à savoir Ø, a et the — correspondent à trois configurations différentes du cadre interlocutif qui déterminent les modalités de résolution de l’accord. Mon analyse est étayée par une étude en contexte des principaux effets de sens des trois articles. Finalement, je suggère que ce cadre détermine non seulement le système des articles, mais aussi toute l’organisation interne de la langue anglaise.My core hypothesis is that the article system is directly motivated by a universal communicative problem, which is the necessity of mutual understanding. In the first place I argue, following Gardiner 1932, that a word does not mean per se and that a referent (Gardiner's "thing-meant") can only emerge from the agreement reached by the interlocutors in the referring process. I then suggest that articles play a key role in the process by which referents come to be shared. Their primary function is to determine the interlocutive framework within which the validating process can be achieved. Articles are thus defined as being basically markers of the role assigned to the recipient (β) in the referring process. Detailed examination of contextualized uses supports my analysis. To conclude I suggest that the distinction between different ways of reaching self and other agreement does not only structure the article system but the whole internal organization of the English language

    Would you vote for Obama if he were white ? : l’alternance were/was et la problématique de l’altérité

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    This corpus-based analysis shows that the traditional explanation of the use of were instead of was for 1st and 3rd persons singular in terms of counterfactuality is inadequate. The major claim of my paper is that grammar should be connected with interlocutionary patterns rather than referentially-based distinctions. Accordingly were will be defined as a “duophonic” relational marker which substitutes for was when a contrastive or comparative dimension is involved, e.g. in free indirect speech, concessive strategies, conflicting viewpoints or hypotheses. Conversely the lack of any contrastive dimension characterizes “monophonic” was. I assume that this interlocutionary distinction is the root distinction of linguistic systems

    L’auxiliaire do dans les affirmations non polémiques en anglais

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    When used in affirmative sentences the English auxiliary do is often characterized as expressing more or less polemical values. Yet do often occurs in affirmative utterances where no (potential) disagreement between interlocutors is involved. In the following article we will first show how polemical values of affirmative do result from contextually inferred interpretations. Our claim is that for a unified account of all uses of the auxiliary do (and grammatical morphemes at large), the notions of agreement/ disagreement between interlocutors must first be examined at the systemic level where no such pragmatic notions exist. In line with the interlocutive model we have developed (Douay, Roulland, 2014), we will define do as the marker of a specific interlocutive pattern. Such characterization at a systemic level where roles and not individuals are involved will allow us to bring into focus what is constant in the meaning of the form as opposed to what is context-dependent. Introduction

    Des modalités de l'interlocution au système des modaux

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    Partant de l'hypothèse générale selon laquelle la langue répond à une logique de l'interlocution, nous proposons d'abord de redéfinir la notion de modalité, souvent assimilée à celle de subjectivité, par rapport aux différentes configurations de la relation interlocutive, telles qu'elles sont définies dans C. Douay, 2000. Nous montrons ensuite comment les modaux de l'anglais (must, can/may, will/shall) s'inscrivent dans cette configuration générale des modalités de la communication. L'analyse discursive développée dans la dernière partie, qui vise à rendre compte de façon unifiée des principaux effets de sens des différents modaux, met en lumière les perspectives ouvertes par une approche fondée sur les principes organisateurs de l'entendement humain lui-même.The major claim of this paper is that grammatical paradigms such as this vs that, present vs past etc, should be connected with interlocutive patterns rather than referentially-based contrasts. First I argue that the category of modality, which is often accounted for in terms of subjectivity of the speaker alone, should include full reference to the recipient. Along these lines modal auxiliaries (must, can / may, will / shall) are shown to fit into a general configuration of modalities of communication (see C. Douay : 2000). The analysis developed in the last part aims at a unified description of the main contextual uses of the modals and intends to contribute to a necessary exploration of interaction between interlocutio

    UP à contre-sens

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    Cet article souhaite montrer que les modèles spatiaux, physiques ou expérientiels, proposés généralement pour rendre compte du fonctionnement des particules verbales en anglais, posent de nombreux problèmes. En particulier, il s’avère impossible de réduire le signifié de UP (vs DOWN) à l’expression d’un « mouvement vertical vers le haut » et les valeurs non spatiales sont très nombreuses. L’alternative décrite ici, dans le cadre général de la Théorie de la Relation Interlocutive (Douay & Roulland 2014), consiste à rechercher dans le fonctionnement même du système linguistique les causes et les motifs à la fois de la structuration spatiale et non spatiale. Cette recherche s’appuie sur une définition systémique du langage fondée sur l’auto-référence et l’auto-organisation, plutôt que sur des stimuli environnementaux qui seraient plus ou moins « évidents ».Our aim in this article is to point out that mainstream spatial models (either world-based or experience-based) prove largely inadequate for the analysis of verbal particles in English. In particular the particle UP (vs DOWN) definitely cannot be confined to simply expressing “upward movement” and non-spatial uses are very frequent. We propose here an alternative model for UP in the general framework of the Theory of the Interlocutive Relation (Douay & Roulland 2014), based on systemic operations of language which can account for spatial and non-spatial structural patterns as well. The key-concept in this research is a systemic definition of language based on self-reference and self-organization rather than more or less “obvious” environment-induced stimuli

    Human Fetal Liver: An In Vitro Model of Erythropoiesis

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    We previously described the large-scale production of RBCs from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) of diverse sources. Our present efforts are focused to produce RBCs thanks to an unlimited source of stem cells. Human embryonic stem (ES) cells or induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) are the natural candidates. Even if the proof of RBCs production from these sources has been done, their amplification ability is to date not sufficient for a transfusion application. In this work, our protocol of RBC production was applied to HSC isolated from fetal liver (FL) as an intermediate source between embryonic and adult stem cells. We studied the erythroid potential of FL-derived CD34+ cells. In this in vitro model, maturation that is enucleation reaches a lower level compared to adult sources as observed for embryonic or iP, but, interestingly, they (i) displayed a dramatic in vitro expansion (100-fold more when compared to CB CD34+) and (ii) 100% cloning efficiency in hematopoietic progenitor assays after 3 days of erythroid induction, as compared to 10–15% cloning efficiency for adult CD34+ cells. This work supports the idea that FL remains a model of study and is not a candidate for ex vivo RBCS production for blood transfusion as a direct source of stem cells but could be helpful to understand and enhance proliferation abilities for primitive cells such as ES cells or iPS

    Would you vote for Obama if he were white ? : l’alternance were/was et la problématique de l’altérité

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    This corpus-based analysis shows that the traditional explanation of the use of were instead of was for 1st and 3rd persons singular in terms of counterfactuality is inadequate. The major claim of my paper is that grammar should be connected with interlocutionary patterns rather than referentially-based distinctions. Accordingly were will be defined as a “duophonic” relational marker which substitutes for was when a contrastive or comparative dimension is involved, e.g. in free indirect speech, concessive strategies, conflicting viewpoints or hypotheses. Conversely the lack of any contrastive dimension characterizes “monophonic” was. I assume that this interlocutionary distinction is the root distinction of linguistic systems

    Un autre point de vue sur have

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    Grammaticalized uses of have in perfect tenses or in constructions such as have to+V and have a + V (have a drink, a look) point to a core meaning of this verb as a relational marker. Neither aspect- nor modality-based explanations seem adequate as they fail to provide a unified account of attested occurrences. In particular, emphasis on speakers’ “viewpoints” should be reassessed. In the framework of our own study of the formal conditions of interlocution, we argue that the role of have is precisely to avoid any reference to any viewpoint

    Des modalités de l'interlocution au système des modaux

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    The major claim of this paper is that grammatical paradigms such as this vs that, present vs past etc, should be connected with interlocutive patterns rather than referentially-based contrasts. First I argue that the category of modality, which is often accounted for in terms of subjectivity of the speaker alone, should include full reference to the recipient. Along these lines modal auxiliaries (must, can / may, will / shall) are shown to fit into a general configuration of modalities of communication (see C. Douay : 2000). The analysis developed in the last part aims at a unified description of the main contextual uses of the modals and intends to contribute to a necessary exploration of interaction between interlocutio