18 research outputs found

    AfriNames: Most ASR models "butcher" African Names

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    Useful conversational agents must accurately capture named entities to minimize error for downstream tasks, for example, asking a voice assistant to play a track from a certain artist, initiating navigation to a specific location, or documenting a laboratory result for a patient. However, where named entities such as ``Ukachukwu`` (Igbo), ``Lakicia`` (Swahili), or ``Ingabire`` (Rwandan) are spoken, automatic speech recognition (ASR) models' performance degrades significantly, propagating errors to downstream systems. We model this problem as a distribution shift and demonstrate that such model bias can be mitigated through multilingual pre-training, intelligent data augmentation strategies to increase the representation of African-named entities, and fine-tuning multilingual ASR models on multiple African accents. The resulting fine-tuned models show an 81.5\% relative WER improvement compared with the baseline on samples with African-named entities.Comment: Accepted at Interspeech 2023 (Main Conference

    Adapting Pretrained ASR Models to Low-resource Clinical Speech using Epistemic Uncertainty-based Data Selection

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    While there has been significant progress in ASR, African-accented clinical ASR has been understudied due to a lack of training datasets. Building robust ASR systems in this domain requires large amounts of annotated or labeled data, for a wide variety of linguistically and morphologically rich accents, which are expensive to create. Our study aims to address this problem by reducing annotation expenses through informative uncertainty-based data selection. We show that incorporating epistemic uncertainty into our adaptation rounds outperforms several baseline results, established using state-of-the-art (SOTA) ASR models, while reducing the required amount of labeled data, and hence reducing annotation costs. Our approach also improves out-of-distribution generalization for very low-resource accents, demonstrating the viability of our approach for building generalizable ASR models in the context of accented African clinical ASR, where training datasets are predominantly scarce

    AfroLM: A Self-Active Learning-based Multilingual Pretrained Language Model for 23 African Languages

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    In recent years, multilingual pre-trained language models have gained prominence due to their remarkable performance on numerous downstream Natural Language Processing tasks (NLP). However, pre-training these large multilingual language models requires a lot of training data, which is not available for African Languages. Active learning is a semi-supervised learning algorithm, in which a model consistently and dynamically learns to identify the most beneficial samples to train itself on, in order to achieve better optimization and performance on downstream tasks. Furthermore, active learning effectively and practically addresses real-world data scarcity. Despite all its benefits, active learning, in the context of NLP and especially multilingual language models pretraining, has received little consideration. In this paper, we present AfroLM, a multilingual language model pretrained from scratch on 23 African languages (the largest effort to date) using our novel self-active learning framework. Pretrained on a dataset significantly (14x) smaller than existing baselines, AfroLM outperforms many multilingual pretrained language models (AfriBERTa, XLMR-base, mBERT) on various NLP downstream tasks (NER, text classification, and sentiment analysis). Additional out-of-domain sentiment analysis experiments show that \textbf{AfroLM} is able to generalize well across various domains. We release the code source, and our datasets used in our framework at https://github.com/bonaventuredossou/MLM_AL.Comment: Third Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 202

    The African Stopwords project:curating stopwords for African languages

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    Stopwords are fundamental in Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for information retrieval. One of the common tasks in preprocessing of text data is the removal of stopwords. Currently, while high-resource languages like English benefit from the availability of several stopwords, low-resource languages, such as those found in the African continent, have none that are standardized and available for use in NLP packages. Stopwords in the context of African languages are understudied and can reveal information about the crossover between languages. The \textit{African Stopwords} project aims to study and curate stopwords for African languages. In this paper, we present our current progress on ten African languages as well as future plans for the project

    Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets

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    With the success of large-scale pre-training and multilingual modeling in Natural Language Processing (NLP), recent years have seen a proliferation of large, web-mined text datasets covering hundreds of languages. We manually audit the quality of 205 language-specific corpora released with five major public datasets (CCAligned, ParaCrawl, WikiMatrix, OSCAR, mC4). Lower-resource corpora have systematic issues: At least 15 corpora have no usable text, and a significant fraction contains less than 50% sentences of acceptable quality. In addition, many are mislabeled or use nonstandard/ambiguous language codes. We demonstrate that these issues are easy to detect even for non-proficient speakers, and supplement the human audit with automatic analyses. Finally, we recommend techniques to evaluate and improve multilingual corpora and discuss potential risks that come with low-quality data releases.Comment: Accepted at TACL; pre-MIT Press publication versio