23 research outputs found

    To Drip or to Pop? The European Triumph of American Art

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    This paper considers the so-called triumph of American art from the perspective of what Western Europeans could actually see and know of American art at the time. Relying on a database of exhibitions, purchases, and publications of American art in Western Europe from 1945 to 1970 created in the framework of Artl@s, it reconstructs the precise chain of events and circulations that marked the dissemination and reception of American art in Europe. It consequently draws a more refined and complex understanding of postwar artistic exchanges out of the entangled historical perspectives of the European peripheries, which challenges the retrospectively dominating position of American Abstract Expressionism

    The New World Debate and the 18th-Century Images of America that Brought Europe Together

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    The New World Debate offers a privileged site to reconstruct and study Europe’s self-image in the 18th century. Taking on Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle, Rameau’s Les Indes Galantes, Voltaire’s Alzire et les Americains, and De Pauw’s Recherches philosophiques sur les AmĂ©ricains, this paper traces the process through which Europe elaborated a Eurocentric view of the world organization through a paternalistic, usually benevolent but always contemptuous, relation to America that would come to define Europe’s colonial expansion of the 19th century and make colonialism an essential, yet uncomfortable, dimension of Europe’s modern identity

    Mapping the Reception of American Art in Postwar Western Europe

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    This article presents a project launched by a multidisciplinary team based at Purdue University in part-nership with ARTL@S. The ambition is to map the diffusion of American art in postwar Western Europe by recov-ering exhibitions that took place be-tween 1945 and 1970 and that fea-tured works by American Abstract Expressionist and American Pop art-ists. The results of this research will be featured on an interactive web ap-plication that will allow users to view the maps, zoom in on them, select art-ists or artworks, scroll through dates, and even create their own maps. It will thus be a great tool for scholars, students, and museums professionals, who will be able to use it as a starting point for their own investigations

    Towards a Spatial (Digital) Art History

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    Among the numerous possibilities offered by the Digital Humanities, digital mapping is certainly among the most promising for art history. It is a rather simple yet efficient way to explore the large amount of data and databases which are available to the discipline but that are often underutilized. New mapping technologies allow us to work with art history’s big data serially and spatially, and to diffuse the result of our research through attractive and compelling visualizations

    The Transatlantic Triangle of Artistic Circulation

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    The international circulation of art has today become a rapidly expanding field of study, yet transcontinental circulations have thus far received less attention. In much the same way, a great deal of research has been conducted into bilateral artistic and cultural exchanges, yet scholarship around triangular systems is still somewhat lacking. This latter term refers to instances in which artistic circulation – whether in the form of artworks, artists, aesthetics or styles – involves at least three cultural reference points, and wherein effects of transformation, adaptation and readaptation are all the more complex. Despite the focus on bilateral exchanges, even a relatively cursory investigation of cultural transfers reveals that the majority are in fact triangular. By bringing together in this volume the twin questions of transcontinental circulation and of triangular artistic and cultural transfers, we hope to broach a third and largely unexplored question: that of “South-North-South” circulations

    Le triangle des circulations artistiques transnationales

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    L\u27Ă©tude des circulations artistiques Ă  l’échelle mondiale est dĂ©sormais un champ en pleine expansion ; mais celle des circulations transcontinentales reste un domaine plus rĂ©duit. De mĂȘme, alors que les Ă©tudes de transferts artistiques et culturels bilatĂ©raux sont dĂ©sormais chose courante, il est plus difficile de trouver des Ă©tudes dans lesquelles un systĂšme triangulaire est mis en Ă©vidence – oĂč la circulation artistique, qu’il s’agisse d’Ɠuvres, d’artistes, d’esthĂ©tiques ou de styles, fait intervenir un nombre au moins ternaire de rĂ©fĂ©rentiels culturels, et oĂč les effets de transformation, d’adaptation et de rĂ©adaptation sont donc particuliĂšrement complexes. Or, avec un peu d’observation, on doit constater que la plupart des transferts culturels sont triangulaires et non pas bilatĂ©raux. Croisant ces deux questions – circulations transcontinentales d’une part, transferts artistiques et culturels triangulaires de l’autre -, nous avons dĂ©sirĂ©, pour ce volume, ajouter Ă  la question une dimension gĂ©opolitique inhabituelle, celle des circulations « Sud-Nord-Sud »

    A geopolĂ­tica dos mundos da arte ocidental: reflexĂŁo e metodologia

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    Reflecting on the origins and methodology of her book, The Rise and Fall of American Art, 19840s-1980s: A Geopolitics of the Western Art Worlds (2015), the author replaces her work in the context of a growing awareness to the multiple stories of art and a need to face this methodological challenge. She then discusses geopolitics as a useful model to think through the complicated historiography of postwar art, tackle the polyphony of art discourses during that period, and study the power dynamics and historiographical mechanisms that give some stories the status of history.Em uma reflexão sobre as origens e a metodologia do seu livro The Rise and Fall of American Art, 19840s-1980s: A Geopolitics of the Western Art Worlds (2015), Catherine Dossin reposiciona seu trabalho em um contexto de crescente atenção às múltiplas histórias da arte, no qual se faz necessário confrontar tal desafio metodológico. A autora então discute a geopolítica como um modelo útil para se pensar a complexa historiografia da arte do pós-guerra, abordar a polifonia de discursos desse período e analisar as dinâmicas de poder e os mecanismos históricos que garantem a alguns de seus capítulos o estatuto de história.En una reflexión de los orígenes y de la metodología de su libro The Rise and Fall of American Art, 19840s-1980s: A Geopolitics of the Western Art Worlds (2015), Catherine Dossin reposiciona su trabajo en un contexto de creciente atención a las múltiples historias del arte en lo cual se hace necesario confrontar ese desafío metodológico. La autora, entonces, discute la geopolítica como un modelo provechoso para se pensar la compleja historiografía del arte de la postguerra, abordar la polifonía de discursos de ese período y analizar las dinámicas de poder y los mecanismos históricos que garanten a algunos de sus capítulos el estatuto de historia

    Introduction: Arts, Spaces, Identities

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    Cercle et Carré, and Seuphor\u27s Partaking in Revival of Geometric Abstraction

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