6 research outputs found

    Flow amplitude or up‐ramping rate? : quantifying single and combined effects on macroinvertebrate drift during hydropeaking simulations, considering sensitive traits

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    The hydrological regime of many alpine rivers is heavily altered due hydroelectric power generation. Hydropeaking operation produces frequent and irregular discharge fluctuations. Depending on the operational changes of flow amplitude and/or upramping rate as well as on river morphology, hydropeaking can lead to quick and strong variations in hydraulic stress affecting stream invertebrates and causing increased drift. In the present flume experimental study, we analyzed trait-specific drift reactions to single and combined effects of increased flow amplitude and upramping rate. We analyzed taxa according to their hydraulic habitat preference and flow exposure, as these traits seem to be indicative toward hydropeaking. The results show that the sudden increase in discharge and related flow velocity led to increased macroinvertebrate drift proportions in hydropeaking treatments, which differed significantly to parallel control runs (mean drift proportion in all hydropeaking setups: 13% compared to 5% in controls). Increasing flow amplitudes led to an increase in drift for most taxa and traits. This was particularly significant for taxa associated with lentic areas. The effect of the up-ramping rate on macroinvertebrate drift was nonsignificant but showed strong interactive effects with the flow amplitude, especially for taxa dwelling on the substrate surface. Our results therefore indicate that dischargerelated parameters, such as flow velocity, primarily affect macroinvertebrate drift and the importance of the up-ramping rate increases, if certain discharge-related thresholds are exceeded. Vice versa, a reduction of the up-ramping rate at hydropeaking events with high flow amplitudes may reduce the effect on macroinvertebrate drift. Flow-exposed (surface) and flow-sensitive (lentic) taxa showed distinct drift reactions following hydropeaking treatments, which were significantly higher compared to effects on taxa associated to lotic and interstital habitats. Therefore, we conclude that both traits (hydraulic and vertical habitat preference) have proven as promising for analyzing hydropeaking effects. The trait classifications should be extended to a higher number of taxa and to different life stages as these may show different drift patterns

    Effects of hydropeaking on drift, stranding and community composition of macroinvertebrates : a field experimental approach in three regulated Swiss rivers

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    Hydropeaking operation leads to fluctuations in wetted area between base and peak flow and increases discharge-related hydraulic forces (e.g. flow velocity). These processes promote macroinvertebrate drift and stranding, often affecting benthic abundance and biomass. Our field experimental study—conducted in three hydropeakingregulated Swiss rivers—aimed to quantify (a) the short-term effects of the combined increase in flow amplitude and up-ramping rate based on macroinvertebrate drift and stranding, as well as (b) long-term effects based on the established community composition. Hydropeaking led to increased macroinvertebrate drift compared to base flow and to unaffected residual flow reaches. Moreover, stranding of macroinvertebrates was positively related to drift, especially during the up-ramping phase. Flow velocity and up-ramping rate were identified as major determinants for macroinvertebrate drift, while flow ratio and down-ramping rate for stranding. Particularly high sensitivity towards hydropeaking was found for Limnephilidae, whereas Heptageniidae seemed to be resistant in respect to short- and long-term hydropeaking effects. In the longterm, hydropeaking did not considerably reduce benthic density of most taxa, especially of some highly resistant and resilient taxa such as Chironomidae and Baetidae, which dominated the community composition even though they showed comparably high drift and stranding responses. Therefore, we argue that high drift and/or stranding, especially of individual-rich taxa, does not necessarily indicate strong hydropeaking sensitivity. Finally, our results demonstrate the necessity to consider the differences in river-specific morphological complexity and hydropeaking intensity, since these factors strongly influence the community composition and short-term drift and stranding response of macroinvertebrates to hydropower pressure

    In the mood for wood-habitat specific colonization patterns of benthic invertebrate communities along the longitudinal gradient of an Austrian river

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    Instream large wood (LW) constitutes an indispensable element of natural river ecosystems. It affects local hydraulics, morphology, nutrient budget, overall habitat complexity, and dynamics. Despite numerous studies about LW as a habitat for benthic communities, information on the varying importance along the longitudinal gradient of a river is lacking. The focus of this study is therefore to investigate general differences between lithal and xylal colonizers and to further investigate trends along the river course. We analyzed lithal and xylal communities at ten sites along the medium-sized Lafnitz River in Southeast Austria. Our results significantly show (1) a general differentiation between lithal and xylal communities, (2) an increasing distinction of the lithal and xylal fauna along the longitudinal gradient of the river, and (3) a distinct correlation between the distance from source and the number of exclusive xylal and nowadays predominantly rare taxa. The presence of LW is therefore directly linked to higher aquatic biodiversity compared to rocky substrates and presents a unique element for river restoration, especially in lower river sections

    Macroinvertebrate drift response to hydropeaking simulations with varying peak discharge and ramping velocities

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    There is evidence that, besides shear stress and flow velocity, the rapidity of flow changes (up- and down-ramping) during a hydropeaking event may be a decisive factor regarding the harmfulness for riverine biota. Quantification of this assumption is still lacking, therefore we present an experimental approach, addressing macroinvertebrate drift response following hydropeaking events with five different ramping velocities at three different peak discharges. Our results indicate that drift responses of macroinvertebrates strongly relate to peak discharge and corresponding flow velocities. Further, our observations indicate that low ramping velocities reduce the drift-rates when discharge-related thresholds at peak flow are exceeded. Measures addressing these key parameters, such as the construction of compensation basins are therefore expected to have strong mitigating effects

    Infrared Spectroscopy

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