5 research outputs found

    The refined crystal structure of a fully active semisynthetic ribonuclease at 1.8 Ã… resolution

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    A fully active, semisynthetic analog of bovine ribonuclease A, comprised of residues 1-118 of the molecule in a noncovalent complex with the synthetic peptide analog of residues 111-124, has been crystallized in space group P3(2)21 from a solution of 1.3 M ammonium sulfate and 3.0 M cesium chloride at pH 5.2. The crystallographic structure was determined by rotation and translation searches utilizing the coordinates for ribonuclease A reported by Wlodawer and Sjolin (Wlodawer, A., and Sjolin, L. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 2720-2728) and has been refined at 1.8-A resolution to an agreement factor of 0.204. Most of the structure of the semisynthetic enzyme closely resembles that found in ribonuclease A with the synthetic peptide replacing the C-terminal elements of the naturally occurring enzyme. No redundant structure is seen; residues 114-118 of the larger chain and residues 111-113 of the peptide do not appear in our map. The positions of those residues at or near the active site are very similar to, if not identical with, those previously reported by others, except for histidine 119, which occupies predominantly the B position seen as a minor site by Borkakoti et al. (Borkakoti, N., Moss, D. S., and Palmer, R. A. (1982) Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. 38,2210-2217) and not at all by Wlodawer and Sjolin (1983)

    The occupancy of two distinct conformations by active-site histidine-119 in crystals of ribonuclease is modulated by pH

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    AbstractStructures of a semisynthetic RNase have been obtained to a resolution of 2.0 Å at pH values of 5.2, 6.5, 7.5, and 8.8, respectively. The principle structural transformation occurring over this pH range is the conversion of the side chain of active site residue His-119 from one conformation (X1 = −43° to −57°) at low pH to another (X1 = + 159° to + 168°) at higher pH values. On the basis of this observation, a model is proposed that reconciles the disparate pK values for His-119 in the enzyme-substrate complex that have been deduced from kinetic studies and from proton NMR measurements in the presence of pseudosubstrates

    Structural changes that accompany the reduced catalytic efficiency of two semisynthetic ribonuclease analogs

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    The structures of two catalytically defective semi-synthetic RNases obtained by replacing aspartic acid 121 with asparagine or alanine have been determined and refined at a resolution of 2.0 A (R = 0.186 and 0.172, respectively). When these structures are compared with the refined 1.8-A structure (R = 0.204) of the fully active aspartic acid-containing enzyme (Martin, P.D., Doscher, M.S., and Edwards, B. F. P. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15930-15938), numerous and widespread changes, much greater in number and magnitude than the small structural variations noted previously between the semisynthetic complex and RNase A, are found to have occurred. These changes include the movement of the loop containing residues 65-72 away from the active site, a more or less generalized relocation of crystallographically bound water molecules, and a number of rearrangements in the hydrogen bonding network at the active site. Most changes are far removed from the immediate site of the modifications and are distributed essentially throughout the molecule. The details of many of these changes are unique to each analog. In the asparagine analog, a destabilization in the positioning of active site residue His-119 also appears to have occurred

    The occupancy of two distinct conformations by active-site histidine-119 in crystals of ribonuclease is modulated by pH

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    AbstractStructures of a semisynthetic RNase have been obtained to a resolution of 2.0 Å at pH values of 5.2, 6.5, 7.5, and 8.8, respectively. The principle structural transformation occurring over this pH range is the conversion of the side chain of active site residue His-119 from one conformation (X1 = −43° to −57°) at low pH to another (X1 = + 159° to + 168°) at higher pH values. On the basis of this observation, a model is proposed that reconciles the disparate pK values for His-119 in the enzyme-substrate complex that have been deduced from kinetic studies and from proton NMR measurements in the presence of pseudosubstrates