17 research outputs found

    RĂ©flexions autour des dispositifs didactiques implĂ©mentĂ©s Ă  l’attention des personnes vivant avec le diabĂšte : de quels modĂšles d’apprentissage parle-t-on ?

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    Il s'agit d'une revue de la littérature de 40 ans d'éducation thérapeutique dans le cadre du diabÚte. Cette revue cherche à voir les tendances qui ressortent des dispositifs pédagogiques implémentés à l'attention des patients diabétiques. Ces tendances suggÚrent une vision réductrice du processus d'apprentissage du sujet patient-apprenant

    Theorization and relationships with time: Some reflections

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    Open peer commentary on the article “A Temporal Puzzle: Metamorphosis of the Body in Piaget’s Early Writings” by Marc J. Ratcliff. Abstract: In this commentary, I would like to know more details of the role of temporality and the social dimension of the body in Piaget’s early works, notably on the content of the notebooks written by Piaget and his wife, Valentine. Through diachronic-synchronic concepts drawn from linguistics, I propose a discussion of the methodological problems of Piaget’s observation method, as presented by Ratcliff. In principle, taking a look at the methodological steps through these concepts could greatly contribute to the reflection on Piaget’s units of analysis and thus to his interpretation of the emergence and coordination of the multimodality of skills


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    Due to the high prevalence of diabetes in the world, educational approach has been gradually introduced as a strategy to hinder its potential complications. Therapeutic patient education (TPE) is rarely described as a practice, although it is recognised as an effective strategy and as a new form of relationship in health care. Studies related to TPE have largely focused on the biomedical results of these interventions. By means of explanation, the main discursive procedure for the professional activity of TPE, doctors, nurses and dietitians align themselves in the transmission of the knowledge that is necessary for the daily management of diabetes. Inspired by a socio-historical perspective, this article offers an analysis of the explanation as a situated professional activity. Using theoretical tools from disciplines such as Linguistics and Clinic of Activity, this study attempts to understand the accomplishment of the explanation in this specific context of health care. Using a simple self-confrontation method, we propose an analysis of Denise’s (a dietitian who works in a TPE team in the French-speaking region of Switzerland) explanation in two ways: a) the interactive analysis of the explanation; b) Denise’s discourse analysis as she analyses her own explanatory activity while watching a recorded video. The analysis points to the explanatory process as an interactive and dialogical accomplishment which updates the representations of the body and the patient guided by the psychological dimensions of professional activity

    La temporalité et le récit de soi dans le cas du diabÚte du type 2 : quelques réflexions à propos de la promotion de la santé

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    On considĂšre l’ETP comme un ensemble de pratiques visant Ă  favoriser le processus d’apprentissage des personnes qui vivent avec une maladie chronique dans le but de les rendre actives et responsables de leur santĂ©. Il s’agit ainsi de favoriser une maĂźtrise progressive de l’amĂ©lioration de la santĂ© en prenant en considĂ©ration des dimensions sociales plus larges qui dĂ©passent l’aspect individuel (WHO, 1984). La promotion de la santĂ© est de cette façon envisagĂ©e comme la prise en considĂ©ration des aspects qui touchent le processus de socialisation de la maladie tels que la description de l’expĂ©rience du diabĂšte et l’impact de celle-ci sur le processus d’apprentissage. Dans une perspective interactionniste, le rĂ©cit de soi peut ĂȘtre un outil qui permet d’aborder deux perspectives d’un mĂȘme Ă©vĂ©nement de vie : l’aspect individuel de l’expĂ©rience et l’aspect social de celle-ci. Ces deux aspects sont indĂ©niablement prĂ©sents dans le processus d’apprentissage (Bamberg, 1997 ; Bruner, 2003 ; Muller Mirza & Dos Santos Mamed, 2019). Cette communication prĂ©sentera une analyse thĂ©matique des rĂ©cits de cinq patients diabĂ©tiques adultes participant d’une formation ETP (pour des patients diabĂ©tiques adultes, type 1 et 2 compris) dans une rĂ©gion de Suisse Romande. D’abord issus d’une sĂ©ance de photolangage, oĂč il Ă©tait question de se prĂ©senter par le biais d’une image, ces rĂ©cits Ă  propos du diabĂšte sont croisĂ©s avec des entretiens semi-directifs menĂ©s avec ces mĂȘmes participants Ă  la fin de leur formation ETP. Les analyses thĂ©matiques montrent que les rĂ©cits des participants vis-Ă -vis de leurs expĂ©riences du diabĂšte dĂ©voilent une dimension temporelle oĂč le diabĂšte devient progressivement un Ă©lĂ©ment d’appropriation biographique dĂ©passant le moment du diagnostic et des sĂ©ances d’ETP. L’expĂ©rience du diabĂšte est ainsi construite sur des aspects temporels et interactifs qui guident la focalisation des participants sur certains Ă©lĂ©ments abordĂ©s dans les sĂ©ances d’ETP. Ces focalisations collaborent au processus d’apprentissage et Ă  l’ensemble de connaissances en construction. La communication ouvrira la rĂ©flexion Ă  propos de compĂ©tences Ă  dĂ©velopper favorisant l’autogestion et de cette façon la promotion de la santĂ©

    Self-narration and agency as interactive achievements: A sociocultural and interactionist analysis of migrant women's stories in a language learning setting

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    Migration is commonly seen as disrupting individuals’ sense of continuity and agency. In current research on adult identity development, (self-)narratives are regarded as a means of making sense of self. We combined an interactional methodology with a sociocultural and dialogical perspective to examine collective identity processes at work during self-narration by immigrant women in a learning language setting. Data were gathered throughout an intervention designed to encourage participants to put their personal experiences of migration into words. Verbal interactions were analysed to identify 1) narrative discursive units, 2) agentic relationships in and on the narratives, and 3) processes of narrative co-construction. Results showed that self-narratives arose from dynamic interactions in which participants displayed discursive skills in negotiating status and instructions, supported the cognitive and affective work of narrating in a foreign language, and constructed agency that challenged the poor immigrant woman image. We discuss the contributions of our study in terms of methodology and interventions

    notas sobre cotidianos escolares

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    Trata-se de diĂĄlogos entre ativistas-investigador.a.s4 das questĂ”es de gĂȘnero e sexualidades com professoras lĂ©sbicas e bissexuais da educação pĂșblica de VitĂłria, EspĂ­rito Santo, Brasil sobre temas relacionados Ă  diversidade sexual na escola. Apresenta relatos de professoras cisgĂȘnero sobre dificuldades em lidar com a diversidade sexual na escola. Relata as impressĂ”es das professoras sobre o tema, com foco nas implicaçÔes do pertencimento a determinadas categorias sexuais e de gĂȘnero no desempenho pedagĂłgico. Informa que o ambiente escolar estĂĄ permeado por preconceitos, em que a lesbo-homo-trans e bifobia fazem parte dos discursos heteronormativos e que obriga as professoras lĂ©sbicas e bissexuais a uma ocultação da sua orientação sexual como espĂ©cie de blindagem para garantir o respeito profissional

    Approche socioculturelle de l’Éducation ThĂ©rapeutique du Patient : Explications et interactions de soin dans la prise en charge du diabĂšte

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    L’Éducation ThĂ©rapeutique du Patient (ETP) diabĂ©tique vise Ă  permettre aux personnes vivant avec le diabĂšte d’ĂȘtre le plus autonomes possible dans la gestion de leur maladie. Elle recouvre un ensemble de pratiques professionnelles, parmi lesquelles l’explication de savoirs complexes, dont on fait l’hypothĂšse qu’elle repose sur des logiques d’action partagĂ©es en Ă©quipe. S’inspirant de la psychologie socioculturelle, ce travail a pour but de comprendre : a) le dĂ©ploiement interactif de sĂ©quences explicatives identifiĂ©es dans des sĂ©ances d’ETP ; b) les obstacles et difficultĂ©s relatĂ©s par les praticiens ; c) les apprentissages rĂ©alisĂ©s par les participants ; (d) le dĂ©veloppement professionnel rĂ©alisĂ© par les professionnels suite Ă  notre intervention. La recherche a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans trois Ă©quipes (composĂ©es de mĂ©decins, infirmiers et diĂ©tĂ©ticiens) en Suisse romande et recourant Ă  trois dispositifs d’ETP diffĂ©rents auprĂšs d’enfants et d’adultes vivant avec un diabĂšte de types 1 ou 2. InspirĂ©es de mĂ©thodes empruntĂ©es aux sciences de langage et au courant thĂ©orique de la Clinique de l’ActivitĂ©, les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies par enregistrement de sessions d’ETP, autoconfrontations et entretiens face Ă  face. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les explications des trois dispositifs observĂ©s s’appuient sur des logiques d’action diffĂ©rentes (experte, informative et expĂ©rientielle). Celles-ci sont traversĂ©es par diffĂ©rentes instances psychologiques (impersonnelles, interpersonnelles, transpersonnelles et personnelles) qui orientent le travail des Ă©quipes. Elles donnent plus ou moins d’espace auxcontributions des participants et ont un impact sur leur apprentissage. De plus la confrontation des professionnels Ă  leur propre activitĂ© constitue une occasion de dĂ©veloppement professionnel. En conclusion, ce travail montre que les spĂ©cificitĂ©s des dispositifs d’ETP, les processus discursifs d’explication et l’appropriation des connaissances par les personnes vivant avec un diabĂšte sont Ă©troitement liĂ©s. Il permet Ă©galement d’envisager l’ETP dans une perspective socioculturelle Ă  travers ses pratiques effectives et les possibilitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement professionne

    Reflections on autonomy and chronic disease: the discourses of parents of diabetic adolescents

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    Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed during childhood or adolescence and represents an important change in the life of patients and their parents. It requires a greater control over the body and a great mastery of knowledge and tools used to reach a physiological balance. Parents are highly involved in the management of this disease and it can represent a further dimension to reflect about the construction of youth autonomy. In this contribution, we aimed to examine how diabetic teenagers’ parents talk about diabetes and autonomy. A focus group with 6 parents of adolescents with diabetes in the context of a study launched by the Cantonal Diabetes Program (VD) highlight a set of complex links between chronicity and progression of diabetes and autonomy. Specifically, content analysis of parents’ discourses suggests that they develop different ways to face challenges introduced by diabetes management. These ways of coping provide important insights into how autonomy can be promoted for young diabetics

    Reflections on teaching and learning processes in chronic diseases: what kind of methods to describe these processes?

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    The chronic aspects of diabetes underscore self-care dimension as an important element for maintaining quality of life of patients. For this, health practitioners dedicate hours for teaching diabetic patients in health education settings. We consider teaching and learning as a social and cultural situation that involves many dimensions and tensions between actors. In this contribution, we aim to discuss these practices based on methods of clinic of activity. Self-confrontation interviews with 1 doctor and 2 nurses and semi-structured interviews with 5 patients from a health education setting located in the East region of vaud, Switzerland, suggest that health education cannot be reduced to a mere process of information dissemination between two individuals endorsing asymmetric roles. It can be seen as a distributed and collective process demanding a complex work of coordination and adjustment from actors. Hence the needs for methods taking into account the richness of these different points of view