5 research outputs found

    Completeness and Underestimation of Cancer Mortality Rate in Iran: A Report from Fars Province in Southern Iran

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    Background: The incidence and mortality rates of cancer are increasing worldwide, particularly in the developing countries. Valid data are needed for measuring the cancer burden and making appropriate decisions toward cancer control. We evaluated the completeness of GHDWK�UHJLVWU\�ZLWK�UHJDUG�WR�FDQFHU�GHDWK�LQ�)DUV�3URYLQFH��,��5��RI�,UDQ� Methods: We used data from three sources in Fars Province, including the national death registry (source 1), the follow-up data from the pathology-based cancer registry (source 2) and hospital based records (source 3) during 2004 – 2006. We used the capture-recapture PHWKRG�DQG�HVWLPDWHG�XQGHUHVWLPDWLRQ�DQG�WKH�WUXH�DJH�VWDQGDUGL]HG�PRUWDOLW\�UDWH��605��IRU�FDQFHU��:H�XVHG�ORJ�OLQHDU��//��PRGHOLQJ� for statistical analysis. Result: :H�REVHUYHG������������DQG�����FDQFHU�GHDWKV�LQ�VRXUFHV������DQG����UHVSHFWLYHO\��IWHU�GDWD�OLQNDJH��ZH�HVWLPDWHG�WKDW�PRUWDOLW\� UHJLVWU\�KDG�DERXW�����XQGHUHVWLPDWLRQ�IRU�FDQFHU�GHDWK��IWHU�DGMXVWPHQW�IRU�WKLV�XQGHUHVWLPDWLRQ�UDWH��WKH�IWHU�DGMXVWPHQW�IRU�WKLV�XQGHUHVWLPDWLRQ�UDWH��WKH�605�RI�FDQFHU�LQ�WKH�)DUV� 3URYLQFH�IRU�DOO�FDQFHU�W\SHV�LQFUHDVHG�IURP������SHU��������������&,�������±�������WR������SHU��������������&,�������±��������DFFRXQWLQJ� IRU�����������&,�������±�������FDQFHU�GHDWKV�DQQXDOO\�� Conclusion: The mortality rate of cancer is considerably higher than the rates reported by the routine registry in Iran. Improvement in the validity and completeness of the mortality registry is needed to estimate the true mortality rate caused by cancer in Iran

    Completeness and Underestimation of Cancer Mortality Rate in Iran: A Report from Fars Province in Southern Iran

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    Background: The incidence and mortality rates of cancer are increasing worldwide, particularly in the developing countries. Valid data are needed for measuring the cancer burden and making appropriate decisions toward cancer control. We evaluated the completeness o

    Effects of empowerment program on attitude toward disease in patients with diabetes

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    Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic disease that produces serious incapacitating complications and education has an important role to successful control of it. Reviews of literature show perform of empowerment programs for activating patients in their self care roles are inadequate, so these kinds of survey are essential. Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of empowerment program on attitude toward disease in type 1 diabetes patients. Method: In this semi-experimental research, subjects consist of 40 type 1 diabetes patients that randomly divided into two equal intervention and control groups. Diabetes empowerment scale were used for data collection, both of groups completed the questionnaires. Then empowerment program during six, 90 minutes sessions were held for intervention group. Six weeks after intervention both of groups completed the questionnaires again. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Results: Finding showed no significant difference in attitude toward disease before the intervention. (p>0.05) but after the intervention, positive changes had been created in intervention group (p=0.000). Conclusion: Implementation of empowerment program had significant effects on attitude toward disease for type 1 diabetes patients, and caused positive changes in total scale of attitude toward disease and patient’s autonomy subscale, so implementation of similar programs can improve attitude toward disease and therefore accept responsibility by patient, and finally can improve patient’s health status. Keywords: Empowerment program, Attitude toward disease, Type 1 Diabete

    Prevalence of Disability and Relevant Risk Factors In Elderly Dwellers in Isfahan Province-2012

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    Objectives: Due to the increasing elderly population in the country, this study was conducted to determine the level of disability and associated factors, in order to plan for the prevention of disability and reduce the effects of aging. Methods & Materials: This study was conducted through cross-sectional, descriptive analysis and cluster sampling method among 300 patients aged 60 years and older in 8 districts of 14 urban areas of Esfahan. The Data was collected through face to face interviews at elderly people's home. The data collection tool was a questionnaire consisted of two parts: The first section contained demographic, socioeconomic, disease and the needs of the studied population and the second part WHODAS (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule) standard questionnaire, from the World Health Organization resources. The data were analysed through descriptive and analytic statistics. Results: The mean age of the total study population were 71.4 years old, and the median age was 70 years. Among the studied population 15.7 had no disability and most of them (33.3%) were suffering from low levels of disability. The highest rate of people without disabilities - regardless of employed people - reffered to cope and live with other people (63.3%). However, the highest rate of severe disability was related to the mobility and doing the daily duties (25.3%). Disability scores increased with age (r=0.4) and decreased significantly with income enhancement (r=-0.3). Moreover, women, widows, those who were living with people other than family, illiteracy and workers had a significantly more disability. Considering disorders and diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, urinary and faecal incontinence, speech disorder, brain stroke, ataxia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, cognitive and memory disorders were more severe disabilities. So that the mean disability score (out of 100) in patients with the musculoskeletal diseases was approximately 2.7 times, Alzheimer's 2.6 times, Parkinson's 2.7 times, and for urinary and faecal incontinence, speech disorder, brain stroke, cognitive and memory disorders 2 times more. Conclusion: Considering age as an effective factor of disability, it is necessary to contrive ways to postpone disability to older ages and provide rehabilitation services to preserve the independence and improve the performance of elderly especially older women. According to the results of this study, it seems that the most major diseases which cause disability in elderly people are musculoskeletal disorders and depression. Considering these results, it is necessary to provide early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation facilities for elderly