163 research outputs found

    How Bodies Remember: Tattoos Gotten In The YPA As A Figure Of Memory

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    U radu se problematizira status tetovaža napravljenih u Jugoslavenskoj narodnoj armiji (JNA) nakon političke tranzicije. Osim što svoje nositelje ove tetovaže mogu upućivati na najrazličitije događaje iz prošlosti, različite intervjuima prikupljene naracije o životu u JNA upućuju na postojanje donekle suprotstavljenih pojedinačnih tumačenja osobnih povijesti, koja mogu ali i ne moraju sadržavati elemente nostalgije. Osim ovoga, činjenica da postoji određena zajednica pamćenja predstavljena u obliku internetskog Foruma bivših pripadnika JNA čijim je članovima iskustvo vojske jedna od identificirajućih životnih epizoda potvrđuje da ove tetovaže i danas imaju kolektivnu dimenziju, budući da ih ova zajednica prepoznaje kao dio svoje kolektivne prošlosti. Na temelju ovoga tetovaže iz JNA moguće je protumačiti kao svojevrsne figure sjećanja, pošto odgovaraju svim trima kriterijima koje autor ove sintagme, Jan Assman, navodi, a to su: vezanost za prostor i vrijeme; vezanost za zajednicu; mogućnost rekonstrukcije.The author discusses the status of tattoos gotten in the Yugoslav People\u27s Army (YPA) after the political transition. Besides the fact that these tattoos serve to remind their bearers of a broad spectrum of episodes from their past, different narratives about life in the YPA that were collected by means of interviews, show the existence of somewhat opposed individual interpretations of personal histories, which may or may not be interpreted as nostalgic. Besides this, the fact that there is a specific memory community represented in the form of a Web forum of ex YPA members, who find the experience of serving the army as an identifying life period, confirms that these tattoos still have a collective dimension, since this community recognizes them as a part of their collective past. After all this being said, tattoos from the YPA can be interpreted as certain figures of memory, because they incorporate all of the criteria that Jan Assman, the creator of this syntagm, has mentioned: connection to the space and time; connection to the community; the capability of reconstruction

    Hemp: Anthropological Aspects of Cultivation and Use

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    U radu se problematizira dinamična prošlost ljudskog rukovanja konopljom i njene implikacije na današnji zakonski status ove biljke. Iako je još od najranijih kineskih zapisa hvaljena kao vrlo korisna biljka velikog uporabnog potencijala, bilo u izradi tekstila, medicini ili proizvodnji hrane i ulja, specifične povijesne okolnosti uzrokovat će njeno postepeno odbacivanje. Ovaj proces može se pratiti u barem dvije zasebne povijesne "cjeline". Prva od njih vezana je uz razdoblje kolonijalizma kada uvođenjem hašiša u europski javni diskurs počinje svojevrsna orijentalizacija konoplje, koja u ovom razdoblju na sebe prima svu stereotipiziranu višeznačnu simboliku pripisivanu Orijentu. Druga povijesna cjelina obuhvaća razdoblje kraja devetnaestog i početka dvadesetog stoljeća, točnije od razdoblja ukidanja američkog robovlasničkog sistema o kojem je ovisila američka industrija konoplje; preko prebacivanja papirne, tekstilne i užarske industrije na druge prirodne, a kasnije i umjetne sirovine; dokinuća američke prohibicije alkohola i potrebe da se zbrine njen birokratski aparat; jačanja ksenofobne i anti-meksičke atmosfere u Americi ranog dvadesetog stoljeća; pa sve do konačne prohibicije konoplje prvo na američkoj, a potom i svjetskoj razini.This paper problematizes the dynamic past of human interference with hemp, and it\u27s implications on the present legal status of this plant. Although since the first Chinese writings it has been praised as a very useful plant with a great potential in textile, medical, food and oil production, specific historical circumstances will lead to it being gradually forsaken. This proces can be traced in at least two historical "wholes". The first one is connected with the era of colonialism when with the introduction of hash in the European public discourse hemp is being orientalised and takes upon itself the complete ambiguous symbolics attributed with the Orient. The second historical whole covers the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. The times in which the American slave system was abandoned, and with it the labour-intensive large-scale hemp industries; the era of converting paper, textile and rope industries to other natural, and later artificial resources; also, the era of abandoning the alcohol prohibition in America which resulted in a need to take care of it\u27s large birocratic aparatus; the rise of the anti-Mexican and xenophobic spirit; and at last, the era of complete prohibition of hemp first on the American, and soon on the level of the whole world

    Touristic Contextualization of Croatian Lighthouses

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    U radu se tematizira fenomen turističkog iznajmljivanja svjetionika istočne obale Jadrana u kontekstu dva stoljeća duge povijesti ovdašnje svjetioničarske službe. Pritom je kao ključan element u ovom procesu predstavljena „otočnost“ svjetionika, odnosno sposobnost da posluži kao platforma za prikupljanje metaforičkih značenja koja se turistima ispoljavaju u realnom prostoru svjetionika. Prvi, faktografski dio rada odnosi se na povijesni kontekst izgradnje svjetionika i organiziranja svjetioničarske službe od njenog uspostavljanja do danas, a u drugom dijelu fenomenu turističkog iznajmljivanja svjetionika pristupa se unutar teorijskog okvira studija otočnosti.This paper addresses the topic of touristic renting of the lighthouses on the eastern Adriatic shore in the context of two centuries of lighthouse keeping service in this area. The „islandness“ of the lighthouse will be presented as the key element in this process, referring to it\u27s capability to withstand metaphorical meanings that expose themself to the tourist in a real place of the lighthouse. The first part of the paper gives an overview of the historical context of lighthouse building and organising the first services in this area, and the second part deals with the interpretation of data about lighthouse renting in the theoretical framework of island studies

    How bodies remember: tattoos made in the YPA as a figure of memory

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    U radu se problematizira status tetovaža napravljenih u Jugoslavenskoj narodnoj armiji (JNA) nakon političke tranzicije. Osim što svoje nositelje ove tetovaže mogu upućivati na najrazličitije događaje iz prošlosti, različite intervjuima prikupljene naracije o životu u JNA upućuju na postojanje donekle suprotstavljenih pojedinačnih tumačenja osobnih povijesti, koja mogu ali i ne moraju sadržavati elemente nostalgije. Osim ovoga, činjenica da postoji određena zajednica pamćenja predstavljena u obliku internetskog Foruma bivših pripadnika JNA čijim je članovima iskustvo vojske jedna od identificirajućih životnih epizoda potvrđuje da ove tetovaže i danas imaju kolektivnu dimenziju, budući da ih ova zajednica prepoznaje kao dio svoje kolektivne prošlosti. Na temelju ovoga tetovaže iz JNA moguće je protumačiti kao svojevrsne figure sjećanja, pošto odgovaraju svim trima kriterijima koje autor ove sintagme, Jan Assman, navodi, a to su: vezanost za prostor i vrijeme; vezanost za zajednicu; mogućnost rekonstrukcije.This paper is problematising the status of tattoos made in the Yugoslav People's Army (YPA) after the political transition. Besides the fact that these tattoos can refer their bearers to a spectre of different episodes from the past, different narations about life in YPA that were collected in the interviews show the existence of somewhat opposed individual interpretations of personal histories, which may or may not be interpreted as nostalgic. Besides this, the fact that there is a specific remembering group introduced in the form of an internet Forum of ex members of ex YPA, to whose members the experience of military is one of the identifying episodes of life, confirms that these tattoos still have a collective dimension, given that this community recognises them as a part of their collective past. After all this being said, tattoos from YPA can be interpreted as figures of memory, because they incorporate all of the criteria that Jan Assman, who devised the term, gives us. They are: connected to space and time; connected to a community; and have a capability of reconstruction

    Touristic Contextualization of Croatian Lighthouses

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    U radu se tematizira fenomen turističkog iznajmljivanja svjetionika istočne obale Jadrana u kontekstu dva stoljeća duge povijesti ovdašnje svjetioničarske službe. Pritom je kao ključan element u ovom procesu predstavljena „otočnost“ svjetionika, odnosno sposobnost da posluži kao platforma za prikupljanje metaforičkih značenja koja se turistima ispoljavaju u realnom prostoru svjetionika. Prvi, faktografski dio rada odnosi se na povijesni kontekst izgradnje svjetionika i organiziranja svjetioničarske službe od njenog uspostavljanja do danas, a u drugom dijelu fenomenu turističkog iznajmljivanja svjetionika pristupa se unutar teorijskog okvira studija otočnosti.This paper addresses the topic of touristic renting of the lighthouses on the eastern Adriatic shore in the context of two centuries of lighthouse keeping service in this area. The „islandness“ of the lighthouse will be presented as the key element in this process, referring to it\u27s capability to withstand metaphorical meanings that expose themself to the tourist in a real place of the lighthouse. The first part of the paper gives an overview of the historical context of lighthouse building and organising the first services in this area, and the second part deals with the interpretation of data about lighthouse renting in the theoretical framework of island studies

    Matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation in a compartmentalized early stage of osteoarthritis

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    SummaryObjectiveCartilage restoration in joints with an early stage of osteoarthritis (OA) is an important clinical challenge. In this study, a compartmentalized, early-stage OA was generated surgically in sheep stifle joints, and this model was used to evaluate a matrix-associated cell transplantation approach for cartilage repair.MethodEighteen sheep were operated twice. During the first operation, a unicompartmental OA in a stable joint was induced by creating a critical-size defect. The second operation served as a regeneration procedure. The eighteen sheep were divided into three groups. One group was treated with spongialization (SPONGIO), while the two others had spongialization followed by implantation of a hyaluronan matrix with (MACT) or without chondrocytes (MATRIX). The follow-up took place 4 months after the second operation. Gross Assessment of Joint Changes score and Brittberg score were used for the macroscopic evaluation, Mankin score, O'Driscoll score, and immunohistochemistry for collagen type I and type II for histological evaluation.ResultsThe MACT group achieved significantly better results in both macroscopic and histological examinations. In the regeneration area, a Mankin score of 7.88 (6.20; 9.55) [mean (upper 95% confidence interval; lower 95% confidence interval)] was reached in the MACT group, 10.38 (8.03; 12.72) in the MATRIX group, and 10.33 (8.80; 11.87) in the SPONGIO group. The O'Driscoll score revealed a highly significant difference in the degree of defect repair: 15.92 (14.58; 17.25) for the MACT group compared to the two other groups [5.04 (1.21; 8.87) MATRIX and 6.58 (5.17; 8.00) SPONGIO; P < 0.0001].ConclusionThis study demonstrates promising results toward the development of a biological regeneration technique for early-stage OA