8 research outputs found

    Measuring Emotional Awareness in Patients With Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders

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    The ability to mentalize (i.e., to form representations of mental states and processes of oneself and others) is often impaired in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Emotional awareness (EA) represents one aspect of affective mentalizing and can be assessed with the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS), but findings regarding individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders are inconsistent. The present study aimed at examining the usability and convergent validity of the LEAS in a sample of N = 130 stabilized outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. An adequacy rating was added to the conventional LEAS rating to account for distortions of content due to, for example, delusional thinking. Scores of the patient group were compared with those of a matched healthy control sample. Correlation with symptom clusters, a self-report measure of EA, a measure of synthetic metacognition (MAS-A-G), and an expert rating capturing EA from the psychodynamic perspective of psychic structure (OPD-LSIA) were examined. Regarding self-related emotional awareness, patients did not score lower than controls neither in terms of conventional LEAS nor in terms of adequacy. Regarding other-related emotional awareness, however, patients showed a reduced level of adequacy compared to controls whereas no such difference was found for conventional LEAS scores. Higher conventional LEAS scores were associated with fewer negative symptoms, and higher structural integration of self-perceptions measured by the OPD-LSIA. Higher adequacy of responses correlated with fewer symptoms of disorganization as well as excitement, higher scores of self-reflection on the MAS-A-G as well as self- and object-perception and internal and external communication as measured by the subscales of the OPD-LSIA. Findings suggest that the LEAS might not be sensitive enough to detect differences between mildly symptomatic patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and healthy controls. However, LEAS ratings are still suitable to track intraindividual changes in EA over time. Observing the adequacy of patients' responses when using the LEAS may be a promising way to increase diagnostical utility and to identify patterns of formal and content-related alterations of mentalizing in this patient group. Methodological indications for future studies are discussed

    Levels of Structural Integration Mediate the Impact of Metacognition on Functioning in Non-affective Psychosis: Adding a Psychodynamic Perspective to the Metacognitive Approach

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    Synthetic metacognition is defined by integrative and contextualizing processes of discrete reflexive moments. These processes are supposed to be needed to meet intrapsychic as well as interpersonal challenges and to meaningfully include psychotic experience in a personal life narrative. A substantial body of evidence has linked this phenomenon to psychosocial functioning and treatment options were developed. The concept of synthetic metacognition, measured with the Metacognition Assessment Scale-Abbreviated (MAS-A), rises hope to bridge gaps between therapeutic orientations and shares valuable parallels to modern psychodynamic constructs, especially the 'levels of structural integration' of the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2). As theoretical distinctions remain, aim of this study was to compare the predictive value of both constructs with regard to psychosocial functioning of patients with non-affective psychoses, measured with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (MINI-ICF-APP). It was further explored if levels of structural integration (OPD-LSIA) would mediate the impact of metacognition (MAS-A) on function (MINI-ICF-APP). Expert ratings of synthetic metacognition (MAS-A), the OPD-2 'levels of structural integration' axis (OPD-LSIA), psychosocial functioning (MINI-ICF-APP) and assessments of general cognition and symptoms were applied to 100 individuals with non-affective psychoses. Whereas both, MAS-A and OPD-LSIA, significantly predicted MINI-ICF-APP beyond cognition and symptoms, OPD-LSIA explained a higher share of variance and mediated the impact of MAS-A on MINI-ICF-APP. Levels of structural integration, including the quality of internalized object representations and unconscious interpersonal schemas, might therefore be considered as valuable predictors of social functioning and as one therapeutic focus in patients with non-affective psychoses. Structural integration might go beyond and form the base of a person's actual reflexive and metacognitive capabilities. Psychotherapeutic procedures specific for psychoses may promote and challenge a patient's metacognitive capacities, but should equally take the need for maturing structural skills into account. Modern psychodynamic approaches to psychosis are shortly presented, providing concepts and techniques for the implicit regulation of interpersonal experience and aiming at structural integration in this patient group

    Between a rock and a hard place: Associations between Mentzos' “dilemma”, self‐reported interpersonal problems, and psychosocial functioning in individuals with non‐affective psychoses

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    Primary aim of this study was to determine the extent and type of self-reported interpersonal problems in patients with non-affective psychoses and their impact on psychosocial functioning. Furthermore, we aimed to explore potential links with the psychodynamic construct of Stavros Mentzos' "psychotic dilemma", which describes an insufferable inner tension caused by an individual's struggle of being torn between "self-oriented" and "object-oriented" tendencies. In a cross-sectional study among 129 patients with non-affective psychoses, measures of cognition, symptom load and social functioning as well as a tentative, psychodynamic assessment of Mentzos' "dilemma" were obtained during a clinical research visit. Self-report data on interpersonal problems were gathered using the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-64D) and compared with a German representative standard sample. Second, IIP-64D scores were compared between groups with or without Mentzos' "dilemma". Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to test for the impact of interpersonal problems on psychosocial functioning, while controlling for cognitive deficits and psychopathology. Results showed that IIP-64D scores differed significantly from healthy controls, except for "self-centred" and "intrusive" interpersonal styles. Participants with a potential "psychotic dilemma" scored significantly higher on the subscales: "domineering", "self-centred", "cold", and "socially avoidant" than the group without a "psychotic dilemma". The total amount of interpersonal problems, and particularly high scores on the IIP-64D "socially avoidant" subscale, predicted psychosocial dysfunction, whereas a "cold" interpersonal style had an opposite effect. In conclusion, specific interpersonal problems may predict psychotherapeutic outcome measures like psychosocial functioning and are partly compatible with the psychodynamic construct of Stavros Mentzos' "psychotic dilemma"

    Entwicklung einer psychoanalytisch begrĂŒndeten Typologie von psychotischen Erkrankungen

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    Der Artikel begrĂŒndet die Notwendigkeit eines genuin psychoanalytischen und gleichsam in der empirischen Psychotherapieforschung anschlussfĂ€higen Beitrags zum VerstĂ€ndnis psychotischer Erkrankungen. Die sequenziell erklĂ€rende Mixed-Methods-Studie 'Therapie und Psychodynamik von Patient*innen mit psychotischen Symptomen' (T3PS-Studie) fokussiert auf die Binnendifferenzierung psychotischer Erkrankungen. HierfĂŒr soll eine psychoanalytisch begrĂŒndete Typologie dieser Patient*innen anhand messender und hermeneutischer Methoden entwickelt und validiert werden. Zur Entwicklung der Typologie sieht das Studiendesign psychodynamische, psychopathologische und weitere diagnostische Interviews mit stationĂ€ren Patientinnen und Patienten (N= 100) vor. ZusĂ€tzlich werden am Ende der Behandlung Beziehungsepisodeninterviews mit Mitgliedern des Behandlungsteams gefĂŒhrt und Fragebogen eingesetzt. Mittels zunĂ€chst statistischer Modellierung und anschließender qualitativer Konzeptbildung sollen schließlich Prototypen psychotischer Erkrankungen entlang der in der Operationalisierten Psychodynamischen Diagnostik (OPD) erfassbaren psychoanalytischen Konzepte von Konflikt, Struktur und Beziehungsdynamik identifiziert werden. Die klinische NĂŒtzlichkeit dieser Typologie soll durch systematische Untersuchungen einzelner BehandlungsverlĂ€ufe nach dem Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design (HSCED) geprĂŒft werden