3 research outputs found

    Translation of the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale Into the Croatian Language

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    Introduction: Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) is the most common and psychometrically sound instrument used to measure the impostor phenomenon. The aim of this study was to translate and make a cultural adaptation of the CIPS from English into Croatian. Materials and Methods: The translation process included two independent forward translations, combination of the forward translations into one single translation, back-translation, back-translation review, pre-piloting and drafting of the final translation after several revisions and minor adjustments by a professional reviewer. Results: We noticed no semantic differences when comparing the original and the back-translated versions of the CIPS. Thus, the final translation was only slightly changed in comparison with the first version. Conclusions: The version of the CIPS which was translated and culturally adapted into Croatian represents a reliable translation ready to be used in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Social and emotional competence of children with autism spectrum disorder and parental behavior

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati međusobnu povezanost socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, nepoželjnih ponašanjna kod djece te roditeljskih ponašanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 95 roditelja djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u dobi od 7 do 14 godina, s područja Republike Hrvatske, a za odabir sudionika ovog istraživanja koristilo se slučajno uzorkovanje. Za procjenu socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija djece koristio se instrument DESSA (eng. „Devereux Student Strenghs Assesment“), dok se za procjenu roditeljskog ponašanja koristio Upitnik roditeljskog ponašanja URP 29 koji je prilagođen hrvatskoj kulturnoj sredini koji mjeri tri dimenzije roditeljskog ponašanja: restriktivna kontrola, roditeljska podrška i popustljivost (Keresteš i sur., 2012). Nepoželjna ponašanja podijeljena su u četiri kategorije: agresija (ozljeđivanje drugih), autoagresija (ozljeđivanje sebe), stereotipna ponašanja (učestalo ponavljanje iste radnje) te destruktivna ponašanja (uništavanje fizičke okoline). Podaci su prikupljeni putem metode upitnika u online obliku, u kojem su roditelji davali procjene socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija svoje djece te vlastitog roditeljskog ponašanja. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je roditeljska podrška statistički značajno pozitivno povezana sa socijalnim i emocionalnim komeptencijama (samosvijest, društvena svijest, samoupravljanje, ponašanje usmjereno prema cilju, vještine odnosa, osobna odgovornost, donošenje odluka, pozitivno razmišljanje), dok je negativno povezana s nepoželjnim ponašanjima djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Prema tome, što je roditeljska podrška veća, bolje su razvijene socijalne i emocionalne kompetencije, a nepoželjna ponašanja manje su prisutna. Nadalje, utvrđena je negativna povezanost svih područja socijalne i emocionalne kompetencije (samosvijest, društvena svijest, samoupravljanje, ponašanje usmjereno prema cilju, vještine odnosa, osobna odgovornost, donošenje odluka, pozitivno razmišljanje) sa svim mjerenim nepoželjnim ponašanjima (agresija, autoagresija, stereotipna ponašanja, destruktiva ponašanja). U skladu s tim, što je viša razina socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija to je manje nepoželjnih ponašanja. Međutim nije utvrđena povezanost roditeljske kontrole i popustljivosti sa niti jednim područjem socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija, kao niti s nepoželjnim ponašanjima. Zaključno, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da nije dovoljan rad s djecom s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, već da je nužan i rad s roditeljima. Stručnjaci bi trebali pružiti roditeljima advekvatnu podršku, savjetovati ih i potaknuti da promišljaju o svojim postupcima kako bi roditelji osvijestili utjecaj svojih ponašanja na razvoj djeteta. Također, preventivni programi te programi procjene i praćenja socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija istih svakako je područje kojem stručnjaci trebaju posvetiti više pažnje, posebno u populaciji djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma.The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a connection between the social and emotional competencies of children with autism spectrum disorders, challenging behaviors in children and parental behaviors. A total of 95 parents of children with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 7 and 14 from Croatia participated in the research, and random sampling was used to select the participants of this study. The DESSA (Devereux Student Strengths Assessment) instrument was used to assess children's social and emotional competencies, while the Parental Behavior Questionnaire URP 29 was used to assess parental behavior, which is adapted to the Croatian cultural environment and measures three dimensions of parental behavior: restrictive control, parental support and permissiveness (Keresteš et al., 2012). Challenging behaviors are divided into four categories: aggression (injuring others), autoaggression (injuring oneself), stereotyped behaviors (frequent repetition of the same action) and destructive behaviors (destruction of the physical environment). The data was collected using an online questionnaire, in which parents provided assessments of their children's social and emotional competencies and their own parenting behavior. The results of this study indicate that parental support is statistically significantly positively associated to social and emotional competences (self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management, goal-directed behavior, relationship skills, personal responsibility, decision making, optimistic thinking), while it is negatively associated to challenging behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, with greater parental support, children develope better social and emotional competences and less challenging behaviors are present. Furthermore, a negative correlation was established between all areas of social and emotional competence (self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management, goal-directed behavior, relationship skills, personal responsibility, decision making, optimistic thinking) with all measured undesirable behaviors (aggression, autoaggression, stereotypic behaviors, destructive behaviors). Accordingly, the higher the level of social and emotional competences, the fewer challenging behaviors. However, there was no correlation between parental control and permissiveness with any area of social and emotional competence, nor with undesirable behaviors. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that working with children with autism spectrum disorders is not enough, but that working with parents is also necessary. Experts should provide parents with adequate support, advise them and encourage them to reflect on their actions so that parents become aware of the impact of their behavior on the child's development. Also, preventive programs and programs for assessment and monitoring of social and emotional competences are certainly an area that experts should pay more attention to, especially in the population of children with autism spectrum disorder

    Social and emotional competence of children with autism spectrum disorder and parental behavior

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati međusobnu povezanost socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, nepoželjnih ponašanjna kod djece te roditeljskih ponašanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 95 roditelja djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma u dobi od 7 do 14 godina, s područja Republike Hrvatske, a za odabir sudionika ovog istraživanja koristilo se slučajno uzorkovanje. Za procjenu socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija djece koristio se instrument DESSA (eng. „Devereux Student Strenghs Assesment“), dok se za procjenu roditeljskog ponašanja koristio Upitnik roditeljskog ponašanja URP 29 koji je prilagođen hrvatskoj kulturnoj sredini koji mjeri tri dimenzije roditeljskog ponašanja: restriktivna kontrola, roditeljska podrška i popustljivost (Keresteš i sur., 2012). Nepoželjna ponašanja podijeljena su u četiri kategorije: agresija (ozljeđivanje drugih), autoagresija (ozljeđivanje sebe), stereotipna ponašanja (učestalo ponavljanje iste radnje) te destruktivna ponašanja (uništavanje fizičke okoline). Podaci su prikupljeni putem metode upitnika u online obliku, u kojem su roditelji davali procjene socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija svoje djece te vlastitog roditeljskog ponašanja. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je roditeljska podrška statistički značajno pozitivno povezana sa socijalnim i emocionalnim komeptencijama (samosvijest, društvena svijest, samoupravljanje, ponašanje usmjereno prema cilju, vještine odnosa, osobna odgovornost, donošenje odluka, pozitivno razmišljanje), dok je negativno povezana s nepoželjnim ponašanjima djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Prema tome, što je roditeljska podrška veća, bolje su razvijene socijalne i emocionalne kompetencije, a nepoželjna ponašanja manje su prisutna. Nadalje, utvrđena je negativna povezanost svih područja socijalne i emocionalne kompetencije (samosvijest, društvena svijest, samoupravljanje, ponašanje usmjereno prema cilju, vještine odnosa, osobna odgovornost, donošenje odluka, pozitivno razmišljanje) sa svim mjerenim nepoželjnim ponašanjima (agresija, autoagresija, stereotipna ponašanja, destruktiva ponašanja). U skladu s tim, što je viša razina socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija to je manje nepoželjnih ponašanja. Međutim nije utvrđena povezanost roditeljske kontrole i popustljivosti sa niti jednim područjem socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija, kao niti s nepoželjnim ponašanjima. Zaključno, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da nije dovoljan rad s djecom s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, već da je nužan i rad s roditeljima. Stručnjaci bi trebali pružiti roditeljima advekvatnu podršku, savjetovati ih i potaknuti da promišljaju o svojim postupcima kako bi roditelji osvijestili utjecaj svojih ponašanja na razvoj djeteta. Također, preventivni programi te programi procjene i praćenja socijalnih i emocionalnih kompetencija istih svakako je područje kojem stručnjaci trebaju posvetiti više pažnje, posebno u populaciji djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma.The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a connection between the social and emotional competencies of children with autism spectrum disorders, challenging behaviors in children and parental behaviors. A total of 95 parents of children with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 7 and 14 from Croatia participated in the research, and random sampling was used to select the participants of this study. The DESSA (Devereux Student Strengths Assessment) instrument was used to assess children's social and emotional competencies, while the Parental Behavior Questionnaire URP 29 was used to assess parental behavior, which is adapted to the Croatian cultural environment and measures three dimensions of parental behavior: restrictive control, parental support and permissiveness (Keresteš et al., 2012). Challenging behaviors are divided into four categories: aggression (injuring others), autoaggression (injuring oneself), stereotyped behaviors (frequent repetition of the same action) and destructive behaviors (destruction of the physical environment). The data was collected using an online questionnaire, in which parents provided assessments of their children's social and emotional competencies and their own parenting behavior. The results of this study indicate that parental support is statistically significantly positively associated to social and emotional competences (self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management, goal-directed behavior, relationship skills, personal responsibility, decision making, optimistic thinking), while it is negatively associated to challenging behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, with greater parental support, children develope better social and emotional competences and less challenging behaviors are present. Furthermore, a negative correlation was established between all areas of social and emotional competence (self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management, goal-directed behavior, relationship skills, personal responsibility, decision making, optimistic thinking) with all measured undesirable behaviors (aggression, autoaggression, stereotypic behaviors, destructive behaviors). Accordingly, the higher the level of social and emotional competences, the fewer challenging behaviors. However, there was no correlation between parental control and permissiveness with any area of social and emotional competence, nor with undesirable behaviors. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that working with children with autism spectrum disorders is not enough, but that working with parents is also necessary. Experts should provide parents with adequate support, advise them and encourage them to reflect on their actions so that parents become aware of the impact of their behavior on the child's development. Also, preventive programs and programs for assessment and monitoring of social and emotional competences are certainly an area that experts should pay more attention to, especially in the population of children with autism spectrum disorder