102 research outputs found

    Projekt Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) w Polsce

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    Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Project in PolandSocial and economical consequences of using tobacco products are commonly known. This is an issue of a global scale and requires systematic monitoring. The need of in depth examination of this issue concerns also Poland. In 2008 Polish Ministry of Health joined Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). This survey is conducted under Bloomberg Global Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use. In Poland GATS is being coordinated by World Health Organization. Three institutions were selected to conduct the survey: Maria Sklodowska-Curie Oncology Center (Centrum Onkologii – Instytut im. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie), Pentor Research International and Warsaw Medical University (Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny). GATS survey is national, representative survey of households conducted amongst adult population. Globally standardized protocol is being used to implement the survey in Poland. The protocol has been adapted to the Polish needs and reality.The main aim of the project is to assess the usage of tobacco products and examination of the size of the problem, exposure to the tobacco smoke and perception, attitudes and knowledge regarding tobacco products use as well issues concerning taxes on tobacco products. Information gained during GATS will support tobacco control policy. Experience gained during the survey implementation will, in the future, allow building systematic monitoring system of tobacco use and other health behaviors in our country

    Healthy lifestyle counseling, and barriers perceived by general practitioners in Poland

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    IntroductionThe aim of the study was to determine the influence of the personal factors, such as body mass index (BMI), of general practitioners (GPs), and their counseling on weight management, healthy lifestyle, and their perceived barriers.Materials and methodsThe cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2020 to December 2021 among 161 GPs in the city of Lodz.ResultsOnly 3.7% of physicians always advised their patients on diet and physical activity (p < 0.05). Most of the GPs (54%) provide counseling occasionally. GPs gave general advice more often to patients with chronic diseases than to patients who did not. The study showed that the chance of providing advice on eating habits or physical activity was significantly higher for the GPs who practiced physical activity (OR = 2.64; 95%Cl: 1.01–6.91, p < 0.05) and measured patient weight, height, and BMI (OR = 4.86; 95%Cl: 1.86–12.67, p < 0.001). GPs who were overweight (OR = 3.55; 95%Cl: 1.49–8.41, p < 0.01) and measured patient weight, height, and BMI (OR = 3.61; 95%Cl: 1.58–8.25, p < 0.01) were more likely to advise on nutrition or physical activity to “healthy” patients. Doctors who measured patient weight, height, and BMI advised patients with chronic diseases (OR = 6.45; 95%Cl: 2.54–16.34, p < 0.001). Over 40% of GPs believe that they are not effective in counseling. Lack of time turned out to be the main barrier to counseling for 73.3% of GPs, which was associated with heavy workload (>100 visits per week).ConclusionAs many GPs doubt their effectiveness, it is recommended that GPs attend more training activities regarding counseling. In addition, organizational changes are needed to reduce patient numbers, and financial incentives are needed to improve counseling and patient measurement

    Nurse-led lifestyle counseling in Polish primary care: the effect of current health status and perceived barriers

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    IntroductionOur study included counseling on diet and physical activity, smoking, e-cigarette use, and alcohol consumption. The aim was to examine the correlates of counseling provided by primary care nurses with the health status/health behaviors of nurses and the barriers in the advice provided.Materials and methodsIn 2022, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among 331 nurses employed in the primary care sector in Lodz. The questionnaire consisted of three sections: characteristics of the patient population receiving treatment and provided with healthy lifestyle counseling by nurses, barriers to the process of assessing, controlling, and guiding patients, and health status/health behaviors of nurses.ResultsEighty percent of the nurses in our study provided advice on diet and physical activity to primary care patients. Over 70% of the survey participants performed minimal anti-smoking interventions forsmokers, 67.7% for alcohol drinkers, and 56.8% for e-cigarette users. The correlates of counseling in the field of diet and physical activity turned out to be the knowledge and skills, which enabled nurses to provide advice (OR = 2.57, p < 0.01). The correlates of the conducted minimal anti-smoking interventions in smoking patients were: subjective assessment of overweight and obesity in nurses, knowledge and skills in conducting counseling (OR = 1.92, p < 0.05), and measuring body weight, height and BMI (OR = 2.18, p < 0.01). Among the three most common barriers identified by the nurses in the process of assessing, monitoring, and guiding patients were the opinion that patients are not interested in improving their diet, physical activity, and weight loss (60.7%), lack of time (51.4%), as well as the belief that patients find it too difficult to change their current habits (54.1%).ConclusionThe results of our survey indicate that nurses’ participation in healthy lifestyle counseling in adult patients is unsatisfactory. Interventions in primary care should be designed considering the specific obstacles nurses may face in leading healthy lifestyles. Further training of nursing staff is required to increase their knowledge on healthy lifestyles


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    Background: Tobacco smoking is one of the major risk factors for chronic diseases and results in huge economic and social costs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of smoking. Moreover, we evaluated the association between selected socio-economic factors and tobacco smoking among economically active individuals. Material and Methods: The study population covered 2254 economically active men and 1666 women. Data were derived from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). Results: About 37.3% of men and 28.2% of women smoke regularly. Daily smoking was significantly associated with low level of education in men (primary vs. high education OR = 3.2, 95% CI: 1.9-5.3; p < 0.001; vocational vs. high education: OR = 2.1, 95% CI: 1.5-3.0; p < 0.001) and women (primary vs. high education OR = 2.8, CI: 1.4-5.5; p < 0.01; vocational vs. high education: OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 1.2-2.9; p < 0.01). Daily smoking was significantly associated with age of women (40-49 years vs. 20-29 years OR = 1.64, 95% CI: 1.1-2.44; p < 0.01), lack of awareness of health effects of smoking in both genders (men unaware vs. aware: OR = 2.9, 95% CI: 1.8-4.6; p < 0.01 and women unaware vs. aware: OR = 2,9, 95% CI: 1.5-5.7; p < 0.01). Smoking was associated with lack of complete smoking bans at workplaces of respondents. Conclusions: Comprehensive interventions are needed to reduce the prevalence of smoking among economically active individuals. Med Pr 2013;64(3):359–37


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    The paper presents the results of laboratory tests on possibilities to utilize active carbons produced in Poland (WD-ekstra, WG-12, WG-15, AG-5 and DTO) for removing humic substances from water. The objective of the tests was to arrive to quantitative formulation of the adsorption process, as well as determine the effect of various factors on process course. Attempt was undertaken to solve the tasks set in the study purpose using model experimental setups. Model solution with humic substances in concentration of 20 mg/dm3. The processes of adsorption conducted in a batch mode, were best described by Freundlich isotherms. The adsorption capacity of tested active carbons was calculated on the basis of the isotherms. The flow conditions were created/realized by columnar filtration method. On the basis of obtained results, the breakthrough curves, so-called iso-planes, were prepared and served in turn to determine the adsorption capacities in flow conditions. The WD-extra (7,71 mg/g) and DTO (7,40 mg/g) carbons exhibited the highest values of adsorption capacities, as determined in both non-flow and flow conditions. The exit curves (iso-planes) were also utilized to determine the mass penetration zone (the adsorption front height), as well as to calculate the rate of mass-exchange zone advance

    Multiple complications of the induction phase chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) despite of high efficiency often leads to many different complications, what bring consequences like therapy failure, death, breaks in chemotherapy, elongate hospitalization. We reported case old 6-year-old girl treated with ALL, who experienced many, severe complications of chemotherapy during the induction phase of treatment

    Breast cancer: epidemiology, molecular classification, diagnostic and therapeutic management

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occurring in the female population. It is estimated that it causes up to 15% of deaths related to oncological diseases. Despite the development of medicine, there are still no effective methods of treating breast cancer, especially in the advanced stage of the disease. Selected, up-to-date details in the field of epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis of breast cancer are presented in this article. Moreover, the molecular classification and available therapeutic strategies used in patients with breast cancer are described. The most important step in breast cancer prevention is to increase patients' awareness of self-examination and diagnosis. However, in the case of breast cancer therapy, there is a wide range of solutions, but much depends on the molecular subtype of the cancer and the stage of disease advancement. The basic choice if early changes are detected is breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy. To complement the main therapy (i.e. surgery and radiotherapy), adjuvant therapies are used, which include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and molecularly targeted therapies. Additionally, in the case of triple-negative breast cancer, immunotherapy is used using monoclonal antibodies, which are programmed death receptor 1 inhibitors or blockers of antigen 4 associated with cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Other immunotherapy methods, such as therapy using chimeric T cells and anticancer vaccines, are also of interest in the treatment of patients with triple-negative breast cancer. The worst-prognosis form of breast cancer is a lesion that metastasizes to tissues. In such cases, the recommended systemic treatment includes various methods (molecularly targeted therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy) used alone or in combination. A relatively rare situation is the occurrence of breast cancer in the male population. Nevertheless, all disturbing changes should be monitored, as late diagnosis prevents effective therapy, which is based on methods used to treat breast disease in women. Despite many therapeutic strategies currently used in treatment, the death rate among patients with advanced breast cancer is still alarmingly high. The problem is the lack of response to treatment, side effects, and the occurrence of metastases and relapses of the disease

    Malignant melanoma: epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and innovative therapeutic methods

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    Melanoma is the most common cause of death among people with skin cancer, and its development is most often associated with excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation and predisposing genetic factors. Early detection of melanoma significantly reduces mortality in both the short and long term. Unfortunately, this cancer has the ability to quickly reach the malignant phase and metastasize to other organs. The typical treatment for melanoma is surgical resection, but over the last few years significant progress has also been made in the field of systemic therapies, which has led to a noticeable improvement in survival in patients with metastases. The article summarizes information about modern therapeutic methods used in patients with melanoma. Drugs belonging to BRAF kinase inhibitors: vemurafenib and dabrafenib are currently the first-line therapy for advanced melanomas with a confirmed BRAF gene mutation. Modern therapeutic strategies that have revolutionized the treatment of melanoma also include immunotherapy. By blocking inhibitory checkpoints of the immune system, it is possible to generate an anti-cancer response alone or in synergy with other types of therapy. These drugs target molecules that are pathologically overexpressed in melanoma, such as PD-1 or CTLA-4. Intralesional agents, such as oncolytic viruses, can also induce immune stimulation to destroy cancer cells. The only drug of this type registered so far for the treatment of melanoma is talimogene laherparepvec, which uses a genetically modified herpes simplex virus type 1. The possibility of individually tailored treatment to the patient is created by CAR-T therapy, which involves collecting tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes from the patient, modifying them to obtain a receptor that specifically recognizes melanoma cells, and then multiply and introduce it into the patient's body. Recent findings have shown higher success rates with combinations of immunotherapy and chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or targeted molecular therapy. Despite the success of modern systemic therapy, many melanoma patients do not respond to treatment or develop drug resistance, which leads to the constant need to look for new solutions in the fight against this cancer

    Dual target ligands with 4-tert-butylphenoxy scaffold as histamine H3 receptor antagonists and monoamine oxidase B inhibitors

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    Dual target ligands are a promising concept for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). A combination of monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) inhibition with histamine H3 receptor (H3R) antagonism could have positive effects on dopamine regulation. Thus, a series of twenty-seven 4-tert-butylphenoxyalkoxyamines were designed as potential dual-target ligands for PD based on the structure of 1-(3-(4-tert-butylphenoxy)propyl)piperidine (DL76). Probed modifications included the introduction of different cyclic amines and elongation of the alkyl chain. Synthesized compounds were investigated for human H3R (hH3R) affinity and human MAO B (hMAO B) inhibitory activity. Most compounds showed good hH3R affinities with Ki values below 400 nM, and some of them showed potent inhibitory activity for hMAO B with IC50 values below 50 nM. However, the most balanced activity against both biological targets showed DL76 (hH3R: Ki = 38 nM and hMAO B: IC50 = 48 nM). Thus, DL76 was chosen for further studies, revealing the nontoxic nature of DL76 in HEK293 and neuroblastoma SH-SY5Ycells. However, no neuroprotective effect was observed for DL76 in hydrogen peroxide-treated neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Furthermore, in vivo studies showed antiparkinsonian activity of DL76 in haloperidol-induced catalepsy (Cross Leg Position Test) at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight