63 research outputs found

    Akut és szubakut klinikai állapotok radiológiai intervenciója: fókuszban a nem vascularis intervenciók es a haemoptysis kezelése

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    Interventional radiology provides fast, straightforward and tolerable solutions for many medical problems including acute and subacute situations. Aspiration and drainage of fluid collections, biliary and endourologic interventions and gastrointestinal interventions are parts of non-vascular interventions. In addition, the authors discuss in detail interventional radiological treatment options in patients with hemoptysis. In acute cases interventions must be performed within 12-24 hours. For background, an everyday 24 hours service should be provided with well-trained personnel, high quality equipment and devices, and a reasonable financial reimbursement should be included, too. Multidisciplinary teamwork, consultations, consensus in indications and structured education should make these centers function most effectively

    Thermoablatios lehetőségek a benignus térfoglaló képletek gyógyításában

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    INTRODUCTION: Depending on their size and location, some benign tumors can cause prolonged discomfort and even rupture and fatal bleeding in severe cases. Hitherto the therapeutic strategies for such lesions were observation, surgery and in selected cases transarterial embolization. AIM: Our aim was to present the possibilities of thermoablation for treating lesions. METHOD: Here we present interventions of four patients in Semmelweis University Department of Transplantation and Surgery. A thyroid adenoma and a kidney angiomyolipoma were treated with radiofrequency ablation. Two patients with a liver haemangioma were treated with microwave thermoablation technique. RESULTS: Complications were not observed in any of the cases. In most cases, the size of the treated lesions decreased. The mean decrease in volume was 32.7%. The contrast enhancement of the lesions also decreased, the mean reduction in contrast enhancing volume was 75.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Thermoablational procedures for the benign tumors presented above are safe. The therapy shows excellent cosmetic results, a shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(51), 2040-2047

    Az intervenciós radiológia szerepe a hasi szervek átültetésében = Role of interventional radiology in the transplantation of abdominal solid organs

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    Absztrakt: A hasi szervek transzplantációja kiemelkedő szerephez jut számos kórkép gyógyítása esetén. Az elmúlt évtizedekben robbanásszerű fejlődés ment végbe a transzplantáció kapcsán tevékenykedő szakmák mindegyikét érintően. A szervtranszplantáció sikerének kulcsa több szakma specialistáinak szoros együttműködése. A csapatmunka a teljes folyamatot végigkíséri, a megfelelő technikai és humánerőforrás-lehetőségek biztosításától a beültetett szervek és recipienseik lényegében élethosszig tartó gondozásáig. Ezen folyamat fontos részei a diagnosztikus és az intervenciós radiológia. Az utóbbi lehetőségeit, szerepét foglaljuk össze a transzplantáció előtti és utáni kóros állapotok minimálisan invazív megoldásában. Érképleteken keresztül végzett – vascularis – és folyadékgyülemeket, epevezetékeket, húgyvezetékeket érintő – nonvascularis – intervenciók mellett az intervenciós onkológia egyes lehetőségei is említésre kerülnek az összefoglalóban, a hazai tapasztalatok és a nemzetközi irodalom tükrében. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1940–1947. | Abstract: The transplantation of the abdominal organs has a major role in the treatment of several diseases. All subspecialities affected with the transplantation showed a rapid development in the last decades. The cooperation of the specialists of different segments of medicine provides the success of organ transplantation. Teamwork is necessary throughout the whole process starting from securing the technical background and proper human workforce, followed by the lifelong management of organs and recipients as well. One of the key players of organ transplantation is radiology and interventional radiology – the role of the latter one is discussed in this review, including the minimally invasive treatment of pre- and post-transplantation situations and diseases. Besides vascular and non-vascular interventions, the options of interventional oncology will be mentioned based on international literature and Hungarian experience. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1940–1947

    Bakteriális infekciók májátültetés után

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    INTRODUCTION: The authors reviewed the prevalence of postoperative infections, the results of bacterium cultures, and the incidence of multidrug resistance in their liver transplanted patients during a period between 2003 and 2012. AIM: The aim of this study was to analyse risk factors and colonisations of bacterial infections. METHOD: The files of 408 patients (281 bacterium cultures) were reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 408 patients 70 had a postoperative infection (17%); 58 patients (14.2%) had positive and 12 patients (2.9%) negative bacterial culture results. Cholangitis was found in 7 cases (12.1%), abdominal infection in 17 cases (29.3%), and pulmonal infection in 28 cases (48.3%). Postoperative infection was more frequent in patients with initial poor graft function, acute renal insufficiency, biliary complication, and in those with intraabdominal bleeding. The 1-, 3- and 5-year cumulative survival of patients who had infection was 70%, 56% and 56%, respectively, whereas the cumulative survival data of patients without infection was 94%, 87% and 85%, respectively (p<0.001). Multidrug resistance was found in 56% of the positive cultures, however, the one-year survival was not different in patients who had multidrug resistance positive and negative bacterial infection (both 70.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Infection control must target the management of multidrug resistance microbes through encouraging prevention, hygienic, and isolation rules, improving the operational, transfusion, and antimicrobial policy in a teamwork setting. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(34), 1366-1382

    Veseérintettség májátültetés során

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    Introduction: In liver cirrhosis renal function decreases as well. Hepatorenal syndrome is the most frequent cause of the decrease, but primary kidney failure, diabetes mellitus and some diseases underlying endstage liver failure (such as hepatitis C virus infection) can also play an important role. In liver transplantation several further factors (total cross-clamping of vena cava inferior, polytransfusion, immunosuppression) impair the renal function, too. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the changes in kidney function during the first postoperative year after liver transplantation. Method: Retrospective data analysis was performed after primary liver transplantations (n = 319). Results: impaired preoperative renal function increased the devepolment of postoperative complications and the first year cumulative patient survival was significantly worse (91,7% vs 69,9%; p<0,001) in this group. If renal function of the patients increased above 60 ml/min/1,73 m2 after the first year, patient survival was better. Independently of the preoperative kidney function, 76% of the patients had impaired kidney function at the first postoperative year. In this group, de novo diabetes mellitus was more frequently diagnosed (22,5% vs 9,5%; p = 0,023). Conclusions: Selection of personalized immunosuppressive medication has a positive effect on renal function. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 1018-1025