1,131 research outputs found

    Bulk metals with helical surface states

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    In the flurry of experiments looking for topological insulator materials, it has been recently discovered that some bulk metals very close to topological insulator electronic states, support the same topological surface states that are the defining characteristic of the topological insulator. First observed in spin-polarized ARPES in Sb (D. Hsieh et al. Science 323, 919 (2009)), the helical surface states in the metallic systems appear to be robust to at least mild disorder. We present here a theoretical investigation of the nature of these "helical metals" - bulk metals with helical surface states. We explore how the surface and bulk states can mix, in both clean and disordered systems. Using the Fano model, we discover that in a clean system, the helical surface states are \emph{not} simply absorbed by hybridization with a non-topological parasitic metallic band. Instead, they are pushed away from overlapping in momentum and energy with the bulk states, leaving behind a finite-lifetime surface resonance in the bulk energy band. Furthermore, the hybridization may lead in some cases to multiplied surface state bands, in all cases retaining the helical characteristic. Weak disorder leads to very similar effects - surface states are pushed away from the energy bandwidth of the bulk, leaving behind a finite-lifetime surface resonance in place of the original surface states

    Near zero modes in condensate phases of the Dirac theory on the honeycomb lattice

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    We investigate a number of fermionic condensate phases on the honeycomb lattice, to determine whether topological defects (vortices and edges) in these phases can support bound states with zero energy. We argue that topological zero modes bound to vortices and at edges are not only connected, but should in fact be \emph{identified}. Recently, it has been shown that the simplest s-wave superconducting state for the Dirac fermion approximation of the honeycomb lattice at precisely half filling, supports zero modes inside the cores of vortices (P. Ghaemi and F. Wilczek, 2007). We find that within the continuum Dirac theory the zero modes are not unique neither to this phase, nor to half filling. In addition, we find the \emph{exact} wavefunctions for vortex bound zero modes, as well as the complete edge state spectrum of the phases we discuss. The zero modes in all the phases we examine have even-numbered degeneracy, and as such pairs of any Majorana modes are simply equivalent to one ordinary fermion. As a result, contrary to bound state zero modes in px+ipyp_x+i p_y superconductors, vortices here do \emph{not} exhibit non-Abelian exchange statistics. The zero modes in the pure Dirac theory are seemingly topologically protected by the effective low energy symmetry of the theory, yet on the original honeycomb lattice model these zero modes are split, by explicit breaking of the effective low energy symmetry.Comment: Final version including numerics, accepted for publication in PR

    Non-adiabatic pumping in an oscillating-piston model

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    We consider the prototypical "piston pump" operating on a ring, where a circulating current is induced by means of an AC driving. This can be regarded as a generalized Fermi-Ulam model, incorporating a finite-height moving wall (piston) and non trivial topology (ring). The amount of particles transported per cycle is determined by a layered structure of phase-space. Each layer is characterized by a different drift velocity. We discuss the differences compared with the adiabatic and Boltzmann pictures, and highlight the significance of the "diabatic" contribution that might lead to a counter-stirring effect.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, improved versio

    A thermodynamic measure of the Magneto-electric coupling in the 3D topological insulator

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    We show that the magneto-electric coupling in 3D (strong) topological insulators is related to a second derivative of the bulk magnetization. The formula we derive is the non-linear response analog of the Streda formula for Hall conductivity (P. Streda, J. Phys. C: Solid State Physics, 15, 22 (1982)), which relates the Hall conductivity to the derivative of the magnetization with respect to chemical potential. Our finding allows one to extract the magneto-electric coefficient by measuring the magnetization, while varying the chemical potential and one more perturbing field. Such an experimental setup could circumvent many of the current difficulties with measuring the magneto-electric response in 3D topological insulators. The relation we find also makes transparent the effect of disorder on the magneto-electric response, which occurs only through the density of states, and has no effect when the system is gapped

    Coin Tossing as a Billiard Problem

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    We demonstrate that the free motion of any two-dimensional rigid body colliding elastically with two parallel, flat walls is equivalent to a billiard system. Using this equivalence, we analyze the integrable and chaotic properties of this new class of billiards. This provides a demonstration that coin tossing, the prototypical example of an independent random process, is a completely chaotic (Bernoulli) problem. The related question of which billiard geometries can be represented as rigid body systems is examined.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Tuning magnetic frustration on the diamond lattice of the A-site magnetic spinels CoAl2x_{2-x}Gax_xO4_4: Lattice expansion and site disorder

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    The spinels CoB2_2O4_4 with magnetic Co2+^{2+} ions on the diamond lattice A site can be frustrated because of competing near-neighbor (J1J_1) and next-near neighbor (J2J_2) interactions. Here we describe attempts to tune the relative strengths of these interactions by substitution on the non-magnetic B-site. The system we employ is CoAl2x_{2-x}Gax_xO4_4, where Al is systematically replaced by the larger Ga, ostensibly on the B site. As expected, Ga substitution expands the lattice, resulting in Co atoms on the A-site being pushed further from one other and thereby weakening magnetic interactions. In addition, Ga distributes between the B and the A site in a concentration dependent manner displacing an increasing amount of Co from the A site with increasing xx. This increased inversion, which is confirmed by neutron diffraction studies carried out at room temperature, affects magnetic ordering very significantly, and changes the nature of the ground state. Modeling of the magnetic coupling illustrates the complexity that arises from the cation site disorder.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Measurement of the Total (p,Pi) Cross Sections Through Residual Activity

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    Nonequilibrium Josephson current in ballistic multiterminal SNS-junctions

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    We study the nonequilibrium Josephson current in a long two-dimensional ballistic SNS-junction with a normal reservoir coupled to the normal part of the junction. The current for a given superconducting phase difference ϕ\phi oscillates as a function of voltage applied between the normal reservoir and the SNS-junction. The period of the oscillations is πvF/L\pi \hbar v_F/L, with LL the length of the junction, and the amplitude of the oscillations decays as V3/2V^{-3/2} for eVvF/LeV \gg \hbar v_{F}/L and zero temperature. The critical current IcI_c shows a similar oscillating, decaying behavior as a function of voltage, changing sign every oscillation. Normal specular or diffusive scattering at the NS-interfaces does not qualitatively change the picture.Comment: Proceeding of MS2000, to appear in Physica