392 research outputs found

    Nonchiral Edge States at the Chiral Metal Insulator Transition in Disordered Quantum Hall Wires

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    The quantum phase diagram of disordered wires in a strong magnetic field is studied as a function of wire width and energy. The two-terminal conductance shows zero-temperature discontinuous transitions between exactly integer plateau values and zero. In the vicinity of this transition, the chiral metal-insulator transition (CMIT), states are identified that are superpositions of edge states with opposite chirality. The bulk contribution of such states is found to decrease with increasing wire width. Based on exact diagonalization results for the eigenstates and their participation ratios, we conclude that these states are characteristic for the CMIT, have the appearance of nonchiral edges states, and are thereby distinguishable from other states in the quantum Hall wire, namely, extended edge states, two-dimensionally (2D) localized, quasi-1D localized, and 2D critical states.Comment: replaced with revised versio

    Higher-order mesoscopic fluctuations in quantum wires: Conductance and current cumulants

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    We study conductance cumulants >> and current cumulants CjC_j related to heat and electrical transport in coherent mesoscopic quantum wires near the diffusive regime. We consider the asymptotic behavior in the limit where the number of channels and the length of the wire in the units of the mean free path are large but the bare conductance is fixed. A recursion equation unifying the descriptions of the standard and Bogoliubov--de Gennes (BdG) symmetry classes is presented. We give values and come up with a novel scaling form for the higher-order conductance cumulants. In the BdG wires, in the presence of time-reversal symmetry, for the cumulants higher than the second it is found that there may be only contributions which depend nonanalytically on the wire length. This indicates that diagrammatic or semiclassical pictures do not adequately describe higher-order spectral correlations. Moreover, we obtain the weak-localization corrections to CjC_j with j10j\le 10.Comment: 7 page

    Conductance of 1D quantum wires with anomalous electron-wavefunction localization

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    We study the statistics of the conductance gg through one-dimensional disordered systems where electron wavefunctions decay spatially as ψexp(λrα)|\psi| \sim \exp (-\lambda r^{\alpha}) for 0<α<10 <\alpha <1, λ\lambda being a constant. In contrast to the conventional Anderson localization where ψexp(λr)|\psi| \sim \exp (-\lambda r) and the conductance statistics is determined by a single parameter: the mean free path, here we show that when the wave function is anomalously localized (α<1\alpha <1) the full statistics of the conductance is determined by the average and the power α\alpha. Our theoretical predictions are verified numerically by using a random hopping tight-binding model at zero energy, where due to the presence of chiral symmetry in the lattice there exists anomalous localization; this case corresponds to the particular value α=1/2\alpha =1/2. To test our theory for other values of α\alpha, we introduce a statistical model for the random hopping in the tight binding Hamiltonian.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Few changes in the presentation and references updated. Published in PRB, Phys. Rev. B 85, 235450 (2012

    How the recent BABAR data for P to \gamma\gamma* affect the Standard Model predictions for the rare decays P to l+l-

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    Measuring the lepton anomalous magnetic moments (g2)(g-2) and the rare decays of light pseudoscalar mesons into lepton pairs Pl+lP\to l^{+}l^{-} , serve as important tests of the Standard Model. To reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the standard model predictions, the data on the charge and transition form factors of the light pseudoscalar mesons play a significant role. Recently, new data on the behavior of the transition form factors PγγP\to\gamma\gamma* at large momentum transfer were supplied by the BABAR collaboration. There are several problems with the theoretical interpretation of these data: 1) An unexpectedly slow decrease of the pion transition form factor at high momenta, 2) the qualitative difference in the behavior of the pion form factor and the η\eta and η\eta^\prime form factors at high momenta, 3) the inconsistency of the measured ratio of the η\eta and η\eta^\prime form factors with the predicted one. We comment on the influence of the new BABAR data on the rare decay branchings.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic-Field Dependence of the Localization Length in Anderson Insulators

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    Using the conventional scaling approach as well as the renormalization group analysis in d=2+ϵd=2+\epsilon dimensions, we calculate the localization length ξ(B)\xi(B) in the presence of a magnetic field BB. For the quasi 1D case the results are consistent with a universal increase of ξ(B)\xi(B) by a numerical factor when the magnetic field is in the range \ell\ll{\ell_{\!{_H}}}\alt\xi(0), \ell is the mean free path,  ⁣H{\ell_{\!{_H}}} is the magnetic length c/eB\sqrt{\hbar c/eB}. However, for d2d\ge 2 where the magnetic field does cause delocalization there is no universal relation between ξ(B)\xi(B) and ξ(0)\xi(0). The effect of spin-orbit interaction is briefly considered as well.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figures; to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Ballistic transport in disordered graphene

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    An analytic theory of electron transport in disordered graphene in a ballistic geometry is developed. We consider a sample of a large width W and analyze the evolution of the conductance, the shot noise, and the full statistics of the charge transfer with increasing length L, both at the Dirac point and at a finite gate voltage. The transfer matrix approach combined with the disorder perturbation theory and the renormalization group is used. We also discuss the crossover to the diffusive regime and construct a ``phase diagram'' of various transport regimes in graphene.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    The Generalized Star Product and the Factorization of Scattering Matrices on Graphs

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    In this article we continue our analysis of Schr\"odinger operators on arbitrary graphs given as certain Laplace operators. In the present paper we give the proof of the composition rule for the scattering matrices. This composition rule gives the scattering matrix of a graph as a generalized star product of the scattering matrices corresponding to its subgraphs. We perform a detailed analysis of the generalized star product for arbitrary unitary matrices. The relation to the theory of transfer matrices is also discussed

    A model of a transition neutral pion formfactor measured in annihilation and scattering channels

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    We consider an alternative explanation of newly found growth of neutral pion transition form factor with virtuality of one of photon. It is based on Sudakov suppression of quark-photon vertex. Some applications to scattering and annihilation channels are considered including the relevant experiments with lepton-proton scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figur

    Localization length in Dorokhov's microscopic model of multichannel wires

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    We derive exact quantum expressions for the localization length LcL_c for weak disorder in two- and three chain tight-binding systems coupled by random nearest-neighbour interchain hopping terms and including random energies of the atomic sites. These quasi-1D systems are the two- and three channel versions of Dorokhov's model of localization in a wire of NN periodically arranged atomic chains. We find that Lc1=N.ξ1L^{-1}_c=N.\xi^{-1} for the considered systems with N=(1,2,3)N=(1,2,3), where ξ\xi is Thouless' quantum expression for the inverse localization length in a single 1D Anderson chain, for weak disorder. The inverse localization length is defined from the exponential decay of the two-probe Landauer conductance, which is determined from an earlier transfer matrix solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation in a Bloch basis. Our exact expressions above differ qualitatively from Dorokhov's localization length identified as the length scaling parameter in his scaling description of the distribution of the participation ratio. For N=3 we also discuss the case where the coupled chains are arranged on a strip rather than periodically on a tube. From the transfer matrix treatment we also obtain reflection coefficients matrices which allow us to find mean free paths and to discuss their relation to localization lengths in the two- and three channel systems


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    A hypothesis that working memory participates in spontaneous awakening after short-term sleep episodes during monotonous operator activity is proposed. It is suggested that during short sleep episodes the instruction about operator’s task stored in working memory could be retrieved, causing the operator to wake up and quickly restore the disturbed activity. We suppose that K-complex, high-amplitude sleep pattern could mark physiological activation of brain neural networks and make the instruction’s implementation possible.Предложена гипотеза о возможном механизме участия рабочей памяти в пробуждении и восстановлении операторской деятельности после кратковременных эпизодов засыпания, вызываемых монотонным характером деятельности. Мы предполагаем, что инструкция о необходимости выполнении задания сохраняется в активном состоянии при засыпании в буфере рабочей памяти, и ен извлечение во время сна вызывает пробуждение оператора и быстрое восстановление нарушенной деятельности. Физиологическим маркером момента активации нейрональных сетей мозга, обеспечивающих реализацию инструкции, является возникновение высокоамплитудного паттерна сна: К-комплекса.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 22-28-0176.9