4 research outputs found

    Diversity, ecology and medical significance of the Passiflora genus

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    Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti nekoliko najzanimljivijih vrsta roda Passiflora, zašto su i po čemu poznate te način na koji ljudi upotrebljavaju njihove dijelove. Pasiflore su jedne od najatraktivnijih biljaka te postaju sve popularnije u vrtlarstvu, medicini i kulinarstvu.The goal of this work is to present some of the most interesting Passiflora species, the reason behind their popularity and how and what are they used for. The Passiflora genus consists of some most attractive plants and they are becoming very popular in horticulture, medicine and gastronomy

    Diversity, ecology and medical significance of the Passiflora genus

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    Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti nekoliko najzanimljivijih vrsta roda Passiflora, zašto su i po čemu poznate te način na koji ljudi upotrebljavaju njihove dijelove. Pasiflore su jedne od najatraktivnijih biljaka te postaju sve popularnije u vrtlarstvu, medicini i kulinarstvu.The goal of this work is to present some of the most interesting Passiflora species, the reason behind their popularity and how and what are they used for. The Passiflora genus consists of some most attractive plants and they are becoming very popular in horticulture, medicine and gastronomy

    Diversity, ecology and medical significance of the Passiflora genus

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    Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti nekoliko najzanimljivijih vrsta roda Passiflora, zašto su i po čemu poznate te način na koji ljudi upotrebljavaju njihove dijelove. Pasiflore su jedne od najatraktivnijih biljaka te postaju sve popularnije u vrtlarstvu, medicini i kulinarstvu.The goal of this work is to present some of the most interesting Passiflora species, the reason behind their popularity and how and what are they used for. The Passiflora genus consists of some most attractive plants and they are becoming very popular in horticulture, medicine and gastronomy

    Broj gnijezdećih parova i izbor vrsta stabala gačaca Corvus frugilegus u Zagrebu, Hrvatska

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    The Rook is a common breeding species in lowland Croatia where it inhabits agricultural and urban habitats. This study aimed to determine the trend of the Rook population in Zagreb and the preferences of the tree species for nesting. Data used in this analysis was collected from 2017 to 2023 through citizen science. From 2017 until 2023, a total of 20 rookeries were counted and the number of breeding pairs from 2017 has increased by 49.7%. The highest numbers of breeding pairs were observed in 2022 and 2023, with 1172 and 1168 active nests, respectively. Nests were located on 35 different tree species, with the London plane Platanus x acerifolia being the most common. Also, a significant proportion of the rookeries\u27 surroundings was covered by grasslands. A total number of 18 instances of nest destruction, tree removal, or the cutting down of main branches was recorded, aiming to reduce the Rook population. These efforts did not impact the overall numbers of breeding pairs significantly.Gačac je česta gnjezdarica u nizinskoj Hrvatskoj gdje nastanjuje poljoprivredna i urbana područja. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti trend populacije gačaca u gradu Zagrebu te vrste stabla na kojima se gnijezde. Podaci korišteni u analizi prikupljeni su od 2017. do 2023. godine metodom građanske znanosti. Volonteri su u istraživanom razdoblju posjećivali kolonije pri čemu su bilježili broj gnjezdećih parova, vrste stabla na kojima se gnijezda nalaze te ostale važne napomene. U razdoblju od 2017. do 2023. na području grada Zagreba zabilježeno je 20 kolonija te se broj gnijezdećih parova ukupno povećao za 49,7 %. Najveći ukupan broj gnijezdećih parova zabilježen je 2022. i 2023. godine s 1172 i 1168 gnijezdećih parova. Gnijezda su se nalazila na 35 različitih vrsta stabla, a najčešće na platani Platanus x acerifolia. U okolici kolonija zabilježen je velik udio travnjačkih površina koje su značajne za prehranu gačaca. Zabilježeno je 18 pokušaja uklanjanja gnijezda ili rezanja grana sa stabla na kojima se nalaze kolonije s ciljem smanjenja broja gačaca. Ti pokušaji nisu imali velik utjecaj na promjenu broja gačaca na području grada Zagrebu