15 research outputs found

    Tolerance, Mıgratıon And Hybrıd Identities: Normative Reasoning Of Intercultural Dialogue In A Blurring Structure

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    The aim of this study is to proof the argument – i.e. ‘there are significant linkages amongst tolerance, hybrid identities and migration.’ These linkages can be comprehended by means of conceptualising extensions of hybrid identities in aggregate trans/inter-migration processes. It can be put forward that arising hybrid identities are embedded in a blurring structure of thoughts, beliefs, states of affairs, facts, belongings and so forth. From multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism viewpoints, it is argued that tolerance and migration ought to be analysed in frame of sociology of law, human rights, international migration law, and of course the European Union law. So far, normative arguments and soft law approaches are very much well integrated with social aspects of migration, tolerance, identity and culture. In this context, the study examines to what extent cultural and human components are protected by law in multiple levels from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this framework, it is crucial to raise the research enquiries: What are possible criteria for the limits of tolerance? To what extent tolerance is related to human rights and morality? What ought to be the limit of tolerance towards hybrid identities in multicultural and cosmopolitan societies? In a consistent manner, the criteria and standards developed by some leading scholars were reconstructed and discussed throughout this paper. These criteria and standards are both moral (part of a universal system of morality) and legal (international, supranational, or national – i.e. constitutional). In order to apply such standards their validity was discussed (i.e. the respective normative power has the norms at the various levels). In the case of morals, their difference to particular ethnic systems was established (i.e. criteria by which the two can be distinguished). Then the research argument was elaborated on whether and how the legal standards comply with the moral standards, how national standards comply with supranational or international standards. Likewise, the study highlights the crucial contributions of “World Society and World System Paradigms” that are associated with social space, global civil society, cosmopolitanism, ethnic diversity, cultural hybridity, human rights activism and public sphere. Recent debates in Refugee Studies (e.g. Syrian Refugee Crisis, Dual and Multiple Citizenship Issues and so forth) highlight the fact that the European Union needs to consider new aspects of tolerance for hybrid identities and tolerate cultural rights of hybrid identities, create cohesion in communities and establish intercultural dialogue amongst home-states and host-states. Sanguinely, the efforts of hybrid identities are strengthening the relations between home-host states and these ought to attract some considerable attention. The authors of this study hope that their endeavours may contribute somewhat towards that

    Power of Global Transnational Networks: Civilizing of World Order

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    Can be a world order shaped by equivalents in the framework of the supranational model of Europe with the same legitimacy and with the same effectiveness? In this study was argued that Civilizing World Order (CWO) by Transnational Norm-Building Networks (TNNs) should have the legitimacy and effectiveness of the European Union supranational order. In this context, the concept of decentration (supra: centralization and infra: decentralization) which includes the nexus of voice (democratic participation) and entitlement (legal-social rights and duties) was examined. In this study as methodology published secondary data, online resources were used in order to reinforce the hypothesis. Keywords: TNNs, CWO, Legitimacy, Effectiveness, Sovereignt

    Power of global transnational networks : civilizing of world order

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    Can be a world order shaped by equivalents in the framework of the supranational model of Europe with the same legitimacy and with the same effectiveness? In this study was argued that Civilizing World Order (CWO) by Transnational Norm-Building Networks (TNNs) should have the legitimacy and effectiveness of the European Union supranational order. In this context, the concept of decentration (supra: centralization and infra: decentralization) which includes the nexus of voice (democratic participation) and entitlement (legal-social rights and duties) was examined. In this study as methodology published secondary data, online resources were used in order to reinforce the hypothesis.Kann eine Weltordnung durch Äquivalente, die im Rahmen der supranationalen Modell von Europa mit der gleichen Legitimität und Effektivität geprägt sein? In dieser Studie wurde argumentiert, dass Zivilizierung Welt Ordnung durch Transnationale Norm-bildung Netzwerke (TNNs) sollte die Legitimität und Effizienz der Europäischen Union supranationalen Ordnung haben. In diesem Zusammenhang den Begriff der Dezentrierung (supra: Zentralisierung und Infra: Dezentralisierung) wurde die Verknüpfung von Voice-(demokratischer Beteiligung) und Berechtigung/Verpflichtung (hinsichtlich sozialer und rechtlicher Rechten und Pflichten) umfasst untersucht. In dieser Studie als Methodik veröffentlicht sekundäre Daten und Online-Ressourcen wurden verwendet, um die Hypothese zu stärken.A mund të ketë një rendi botëror të që është krijuar nga Ekuivalentet me modelin mbikombëtare të Evropës me të njëjtin legjitimitet dhe me të njëjtin efektivitet? Në këtë studim është argumentuar se Civilizues së Rendit Botëror sipas Rrjetave Norm-ndertuese Ndërkombëtare duhet të kenë legjitimitetin dhe efektivitetin e rendit të Bashkimit Evropian që është mbikombëtare. Në këtë shikim, nocioni i decentrimit (supra: centralizimi dhe infra: decentralizimi) e cila përfshin lidhjen e zërit (pjesëmarrje demokratike) dhe e drejta (të drejtat ligjore – sociale dhe detyrat) janë shqyrtuar. Në këtë studim si metodologji janë përdorur dhënat të publikuara dhe burimet linjore në mënyrë që të përforcoj hipotezën

    Medical Tourism Market and Inter-Stakeholders’ Relations in Turkey: A Comparative Investigation from Reverse Innovation and Destination Governance Viewpoint

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    This study aims to analyze inter-stakeholders’ interactions, destination governance, reverse innovation and the tasks of central government within Turkish medical tourism market. The investigation’s objective is to shed lights on scientists and practitioners regarding to what extent medical tourism is affected by stakeholders. Likewise, the originality of this investigation is that this study is the first attempt that links up reverse innovation and stakeholder approach as a holistic strategy and competitive advantage tool in medical tourism. The statistical evidences of Turkey also support the fact that the incline of medical tourism incomes and benefits is tightly bound on key inter-stakeholders’ collaborations, marketing tools, specific strategies, effective governance mechanism and cooperation with civil society organizations. This study is a thematic case that comprises particular research fields and formulates advanced arguments that are embedded in enriched relevant literature review and the highlights of the 7th International Health Tourism Congress

    Medical tourism market and inter-stakeholders' relations in Turkey: a comparative investigation from reverse innovation and destination governance viewpoint

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    This study aims to analyze inter-stakeholders’ interactions, destination governance, reverse innovation and the tasks of central government within Turkish medical tourism market. The investigation’s objective is to shed lights on scientists and practitioners regarding to what extent medical tourism is affected by stakeholders. Likewise, the originality of this investigation is that this study is the first attempt that links up reverse innovation and stakeholder approach as a holistic strategy and competitive advantage tool in medical tourism. The statistical evidences of Turkey also support the fact that the incline of medical tourism incomes and benefits is tightly bound on key inter-stakeholders’ collaborations, marketing tools, specific strategies, effective governance mechanism and cooperation with civil society organizations. This study is a thematic case that comprises particular research fields and formulates advanced arguments that are embedded in enriched relevant literature review and the highlights of the 7th International Health Tourism Congress

    The Impact of the Strategic Interests and Communicative Actions between the Socially Responsible Entrepreneurial Universities and University - Industry Collaboration Ecosystem

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    There is a natural harmony between the organizations’ stakeholders and corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication. The roles of socially responsible entrepreneurial universities have become more important among many organizational structures that produce solutions to global social problems and transnational challenges. Recently, the UIC interface structures within the socially responsible entrepreneurial universities have ensured effective communication with stakeholders in the UIC ecosystem due to the strategic collaborative projects. Furthermore, the effective communication they provide strengthens trust and reciprocal understanding among organizations, creates a harmonious collaboration environment, and develops a more efficient understanding of partnership. The purpose of this study is to examine the attributes and operations of the UIC structures functioning in socially responsible entrepreneurial universities and explore the CSR-related projects potentials and project management culture of these structures with their stakeholders. In this context, the CSR-related communications and actions with the companies that are actively working in Technoparks, which are among the UIC interfaces, were examined by taking into account the nexus between the stakeholders, companies, and the UIC interfaces. In this study, case study research and content analysis were applied in terms of methodology

    Hybridity, Multilevel Governance and Decentration: Supra versus Infra

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    The aim of our research is to examine the new trends in the hybridity research area and clarify the convergence of interests among state actors, private actors and civil society actors. Hybridity is conceived as a ‘multidimensional phenomenon’ and ‘new paradigm’ in tourism industry. The effective collaboration amongst public sector – private sector – civil society can be attained likelihood with taking into account regional governance and multilevel governance. In this study, it is argued that there is an inter-relationship between hybridity, multilevel governance and decentration

    Hybridity, Multilevel Governance and Decentration: Supra versus Infra

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    The aim of our research is to examine the new trends in the hybridity research area and clarify the convergence of interests among state actors, private actors and civil society actors. Hybridity is conceived as a ‘multidimensional phenomenon’ and ‘new paradigm’ in tourism industry. The effective collaboration amongst public sector – private sector – civil society can be attained likelihood with taking into account regional governance and multilevel governance. In this study, it is argued that there is an inter-relationship between hybridity, multilevel governance and decentration

    The WTO law and the global economic governance framework : a normative perspective

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    The research aims to analyze the impact of the World Trade Organization on enhancing the legitimacy of global economic governance within the scope of the WTO law. The world economic outlook and macro-data indicators demonstrate that the convergence of interests amongst state actors and nonstate actors reinforces the efficiency of Bretton Woods institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The objective of this study is to highlight the fact that the WTO has vital efforts to strengthen the legitimacy of the global economic governance mechanism and liberalize economic activity in the world economic system. In a more liberalized transnational relations environment, the activities, operations, and efforts of nonstate actors provide a ground to stabilize economic cooperation and sustainable development. From a macro perspective, the study aims to monitor the first five-year period of the global financial crisis (2008-2013) and present the descriptive statistics and intercorrelations for 36 OECD countries. The research results indicate that 36 states' governments should develop sustainable solutions to issues related to GDP, social security, and public / private expenditure in global economic governance platforms. In collaboration with governments, the WTO's role is vital to cooperate with ILO and enhance its legitimacy and efficiency in labor relations, industrial relations, and employment protection. The research results illustrate that global economic governance has been reshaped by a 'duality of global governance approach' (i.e., a de facto G2: US-China relations), and the principles of global economic development have been reconstructed during the transition period from the Washington consensus to the Beijing consensus (G2 hegemony), competitively

    Hybrıd structures ın tourısm ındustry: Innovative Models, Sociological Insights and Multilevel Approaches

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    The aim of this study is to examine the new trends in the hybridity research area and clarify the convergence of interests of state actors, private actors and civil society actors. Hybridity is perceived as a ‘multidimensional phenomenon’ and ‘new paradigm’ in tourism industry. The effective collaboration amongst public sector - private sector - civil society can be attained likelihood with taking into account regional governance and multilevel governance. Hybridity at global governance level covers ‘decentration’ (supra: centralisation and infra: decentralisation) which includes the nexus of ‘voice’ (democratic participation) and ‘entitlement’ (legal-social rights and duties). In this framework, this study explores state and non-state interactions at multiple levels and attempts to clarify how hybridisation provides triple win solution for state actors, private actors and civil society actors related issues in realm of theory/praxis dichotomy. Through enhancing legitimacy and effectiveness of the activities and efforts of non-state actors in the framework of (quasi)indirect centralisation process, states ensure reciprocal understanding. In this study, constructivism was followed as paradigmatic research method.El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las nuevas tendencias en el área de investigación de hibridación y clarificar la convergencia de los intereses de los actores estatales, actores privados y los sectores de la sociedad civil. La hibridación es percibida como un "fenómeno multidimensional" y "nuevo paradigma" en la industria del turismo. La colaboración efectiva entre el sector público, el sector privado y la sociedad civil puede ser probablemente lograda tomando en cuenta la gobernanza regional y la gobernanza en múltiples niveles. La hibridación a nivel de la gobernanza global cubre 'descentración' (supra- centralización e Infra-descentralización) que incluye los nexos de la 'voz' (participación democrática) y la ‘calificación’ (legal-social derechos y deberes). En este marco, este estudio explora el estado y las interacciones no-estatales en múltiples niveles y los intentos para aclarar cómo la hibridación ofrece ganancias triples para actores estatales, actores privados y para los actores de la sociedad civil en aspectos relacionados con la dicotomía teoría/práctica. Aumentando la legitimidad y la eficacia de las actividades y esfuerzos de los actores no estatales en el marco del proceso de centralización (casi) indirecto, los Estados aseguran la comprensión recíproca. En este estudio, el constructivismo fue utilizando como método de investigación paradigmático