4 research outputs found

    O corpo na história: a dupla natureza do homem na perspectiva materialista dialética de Vigotski

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    The main idea of this work is that Vygotsky should not be seen just as theoretical of the development, but also, and mainly, as metodologist and epistemologist of Psychology. Our objective is showing how his approach of mind-body problem led him to the search for a scientific operacionalization to it. His answer to the problem lies on the notion of dialectical synthesis of opposites. We intended to show the originality of his contribution in a few different fields: a) his proposal of units of analysis in Psychology, when he proposes the study of the psychological phenomena as dialectical synthesis of the psychic and the physiologic; b) treating cognitive deficits decurrent from cerebral lesions as "natural experiments" that would allow the research of the "psychological systems" in deterioration (a counterpart of his developmental studies); c) the Marxist's anthropological project of production of "a new man", embodied in the pedologic movement. Our aim is to show how his perspective of three developmental lines (evolutionary, historical and ontogenetic) can lead to a psychological model that considers the biological factors without succumbing to the temptations of the recapitulacionist and maturationist tendencies. Vygotsky's expanded developmental perspective considers man endowed of a dual nature, both biological and social. It seems to provide a useful approach of the relationships between the psychic phenomena and the corporal, once: a) it assumes them in a no reductionist way the idiosyncrasies of the involved instances, having practicable methodological proposals, and b) it considers that the unit of the human behavior, conscience and History, is a datum that is not denied by the existence of several different disciplines devoted to the focal study of each factor, since it is taken in its correct place in the mosaic of the sciences

    From the Amoeba to the Psychologist: Popper dialogues with Psychology

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    Pouco se conhece da obra de Popper entre os psicólogos à parte alguma informação sobre as suas contribuições à Filosofia da Ciência. Todavia as relações que Popper manteve com a disciplina, seja a sua formação inicial nesta área, ou seus escritos em que abordava matéria psicológica, foram várias e profícuas. Em sua pretensão mais modesta este trabalho é uma retomada do estudo destas relações, entretanto ele pretende não só recapitulá-las, mas também argumentar em favor da atualidade das contribuições de Popper para a Psicologia em diversos níveis: do metateórico à sugestão de hipóteses para testagem empírica. Os principais resultados aos quais a pesquisa conduziu foram: a) o rastreamento de Bühler e Selz como principais influências do campo da Psicologia sobre a obra de Popper. A Psicologia da Aprendizagem de Selz inspirando suas idéias sobre o problema do crescimento do conhecimento, e a solução pluralista de Bühler para a crise da psicologia, associada à sua Teoria da Linguagem, colaborando para a criação do pluralismo metodológico; b) a identificação do pluralismo metodológico popperiano como base de uma epistemologia interacionista. Seu pluralismo tem grande potencial para repercussões na Psicologia, especialmente na forma da Teoria dos Mundos e do papel concedido ao Mundo 3 tanto na constituição do psiquismo, quanto na mediação da relação entre seres autoconscientes; c) as incursões de Popper na Teoria da Evolução, como o modelo popperiano do Dualismo Genético, e a proposição de que seu esquema tetrádico do crescimento do conhecimento pode ser entendido como uma generalização da evolução darwinista enriquecem, colaboram com debate corrente no campo da Psicologia Evolucionista no que se refere ao papel desempenhado pelo comportamento ativo dos organismos na evolução e do alcance do dawinismo universal; d) A idéia de que o eu pode em grande medida ser entendido como um objeto de Mundo 3, com todas as suas propriedades, resulta em um fértil campo de especulação que lança luz sobre problemas contemporâneos em Psicologia Cultural, como o da interobjetividade, e a complementariedade dos processos de internalização e externalização; e) algumas propostas concretas de hipóteses a serem testadas são apresentadas ao conjugar-se a idéia popperiana de que a ciência é a um só tempo uma atividade criativa e crítica, com a perspectiva do Self-Dialógico. Eu- Crítico, e Eu- Criador, poderiam ser entendidos como I-positions dos cientistas concretos; f) a Epistemologia da maturidade de Popper, com sua ênfase na crítica do indutivismo e em determinado ethos científico, podem nos ajuda a enfrentar o problema da Crise da Psicologia. Apesar dos resultados acima não esgotarem toda a possibilidade de diálogo que se pode estabelecer entre a obra de Popper e a Psicologia (pois haveria ainda outros aspectos que poderiam ser abordados, como a relação de Popper com a Psicanálise; o problema do individualismo metodológico e suas conseqüências para a Psicologia Social; novas maneiras de se pensar o inconsciente a partir do entendimento do eu como um objeto do Mundo 3, etc.), acredita-se que o presente trabalho representa ganhos substanciais ao debate teórico acerca das relações que se propõe discutirPopper oeuvre is mostly unknown among psychologists, besides a piecemeal of information about his contributions to Philosophy of Science. Nevertheless, Popper has always been in close and productive contact with Psychology, since his first academic studies in the area, to his later works on Mind Philosophy. The minor goal of this work is to retake from the History books the study of these relations, although it intends to go further defending their value to the contemporary Psychology, in different levels: from the metalevel, to the formulation of empirically testable hypothesis. The main results of my research are: a) identify Bühler and Selz as the main psychological influences over Poppers work. Selzs Learning Psychology had served as an inspiration to Popper thoughts about the nature of the processes involved on the growth of knowledge, as Bühlers pluralistic solution to the Crisis in Psychology problem, and his also pluralistic Language theory, had helped in the creation of his methodological pluralism; b) pointing Popperian methodological pluralism as the ground to an interactionist epistemology. His pluralism has great potential repercussions to Psychology mainly the form of his Worlds Theory, and the role given to the third world in the constitution of the psyche and mediation of the communication of sentient beings; c) Poppers flirts with evolutionary theory, as the genetic dualism model, and the proposition that his knowledge growth scheme could be understood as a general formula of the Darwinian evolution, contribute to the current discussion in Evolutionary Psychology about the role of the active behavior of the organism upon the evolutionary pathways, and the reach of the universal darwinism; d) the idea that the I can be understood as a world 3 object, results in a fertile field of speculation on contemporary Cultural Psychology problematic, as the concept of interobjectivity and the complementary nature of internalization and externalization processes; e) some concrete proposal of empirical testable hypothesis are presented trying to connect the Popperian idea that the scientific activity is at the same time a creative an critic activity with the Dialogical-Self perspective. I- Critic and I-Creator could be taken as concrete scientists I-positions; f) Poppers maturity philosophy, with its emphasis on the criticism of inductivism and in the prescription of a certain scientific ethos, can help us to face the old problem of the Crisis of Psychology. Although the results present dont exhaust all the possibility of dialogue between Poppers work and psychological inquiry (once there still being other aspects that could be explored, as the relationship among Popper end Psychoanalysis; the problem of the methodological individualism and its consequences to the Social Psychology; new ways to look at the unconscious from the Popperian assumption of the world 3 nature of the Self), we believe the present work represents substantian improvements to the theoretical debate about the relationships it discus