9 research outputs found

    FORUM:Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics

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    Acoustics research involving human participants typically takes place in specialized laboratory settings. Listening studies, for example, may present controlled sounds using calibrated transducers in sound-attenuating or anechoic chambers. In contrast, remote testing takes place outside of the laboratory in everyday settings (e.g., participants' homes). Remote testing could provide greater access to participants, larger sample sizes, and opportunities to characterize performance in typical listening environments at the cost of reduced control of environmental conditions, less precise calibration, and inconsistency in attentional state and/or response behaviors from relatively smaller sample sizes and unintuitive experimental tasks. The Acoustical Society of America Technical Committee on Psychological and Physiological Acoustics launched the Task Force on Remote Testing (https://tcppasa.org/remotetesting/) in May 2020 with goals of surveying approaches and platforms available to support remote testing and identifying challenges and considerations for prospective investigators. The results of this task force survey were made available online in the form of a set of Wiki pages and summarized in this report. This report outlines the state-of-the-art of remote testing in auditory-related research as of August 2021, which is based on the Wiki and a literature search of papers published in this area since 2020, and provides three case studies to demonstrate feasibility during practice

    Improved diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 by using nucleoprotein and spike protein fragment 2 in quantitative dual ELISA tests

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    The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), is the causative agent of the 2020 worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Antibody testing is useful for diagnosing historic infections of a disease in a population. These tests are also a helpful epidemiological tool for predicting how the virus spreads in a community, relating antibody levels to immunity and for assessing herd immunity. In the present study, SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins were recombinantly produced and used to analyse serum from individuals previously exposed, or not, to SARS-CoV-2. The nucleocapsid (Npro) and spike subunit 2 (S2Frag) proteins were identified as highly immunogenic, although responses to the former were generally greater. These two proteins were used to develop two quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) that when used in combination resulted in a highly reliable diagnostic test. Npro and S2Frag-ELISAs could detect at least 10% more true positive coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) cases than the commercially available ARCHITECT test (Abbott). Moreover, our quantitative ELISAs also show that specific antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 proteins tend to wane rapidly even in patients who had developed severe disease. As antibody tests complement COVID-19 diagnosis and determine population-level surveillance during this pandemic, the alternative diagnostic we present in this study could play a role in controlling the spread of the virus

    Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics: Initial report of the ASA P&P Task Force on Remote Testing

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    Acoustics research involving human participants typically takes place in specialized laboratory settings. Listening studies, for example, may present controlled sounds using calibrated transducers in sound-attenuating or anechoic chambers. In contrast, remote testing takes place away from the lab, in natural settings or in participants' homes. Remote testing can potentially provide greater access to participants, larger sample sizes, and enhanced ecological validity, at the cost of reduced acoustical control, standardization, calibration, and consistency of participant experiences. Emerging technologies can ameliorate some drawbacks, and potentially support new forms of robust research via remote testing. The ASA Technical Committee on Psychological and Physiological Acoustics (P&P) launched the Task Force on Remote Testing in May 2020, with goals of (1) surveying approaches and platforms available to support remote testing by ASA members, (2) identifying challenges and considerations for prospective investigators, and (3) communicating this information via online resources, papers, and presentations. Longer-term goals include identifying best practices and providing resources for evaluating outcomes of remote testing to facilitate via peer review. This presentation will describe the activities of the P&P Task Force on Remote Testing, online resources identified and/or developed by Task Force members, and additional opportunities for ASA members to contribute

    Supplementary_Information_3 – Supplemental material for Screening for cognitive deficits with the Evaluation of Cognitive Processes involved in Disability in Schizophrenia scale

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    <p>Supplemental material, Supplementary_Information_3 for Screening for cognitive deficits with the Evaluation of Cognitive Processes involved in Disability in Schizophrenia scale by Paul Roux, Mathieu Urbach, Sandrine Fonteneau, Fabrice Berna, Lore Brunel, Delphine Capdevielle, Isabelle Chereau, Julien Dubreucq, Catherine Faget-Agius, Guillaume Fond, Sylvain Leignier, Claire-Cécile Perier, Raphaëlle Richieri, Priscille Schneider, Franck Schürhoff, Anne Marie Tronche, Hanan Yazbek, Anna Zinetti-Bertschy, the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise in Schizophrenia (FACE-SCZ) Collaborators, Christine Passerieux, Eric Brunet-Gouet, M Andrianarisoa, B Aouizerate, N Bazin, F Berna, O Blanc, L Brunel, E Bulzacka, D Capdevielle, I Chereau-Boudet, G Chesnoy-Servanin, JM Danion, T D’Amato, A Deloge, C Delorme, H Denizot, JM Dorey, C Dubertret, J Dubreucq, C Faget, C Fluttaz, G Fond, S Fonteneau, F Gabayet, E Giraud-Baro, D Lacelle, C Lançon, H Laouamri, M Leboyer, T Le Gloahec, Y Le Strat, PM Llorca, J Mallet, E Metairie, D Misdrahi, I Offerlin-Meyer, C Passerieux, P Peri, S Pires, C Portalier, L Ramet, R Rey, C Roman, A Schandrin, F Schürhoff, A Tessier, AM Tronche, M Urbach, F Vaillant, A Vehier, P Vidailhet, E Vilà, H Yazbek and A Zinetti-Bertschy in Clinical Rehabilitation</p

    Supplemental_Material – Supplemental material for Screening for cognitive deficits with the Evaluation of Cognitive Processes involved in Disability in Schizophrenia scale

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    <p>Supplemental material, Supplemental_Material for Screening for cognitive deficits with the Evaluation of Cognitive Processes involved in Disability in Schizophrenia scale by Paul Roux, Mathieu Urbach, Sandrine Fonteneau, Fabrice Berna, Lore Brunel, Delphine Capdevielle, Isabelle Chereau, Julien Dubreucq, Catherine Faget-Agius, Guillaume Fond, Sylvain Leignier, Claire-Cécile Perier, Raphaëlle Richieri, Priscille Schneider, Franck Schürhoff, Anne Marie Tronche, Hanan Yazbek, Anna Zinetti-Bertschy, the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise in Schizophrenia (FACE-SCZ) Collaborators, Christine Passerieux, Eric Brunet-Gouet, M Andrianarisoa, B Aouizerate, N Bazin, F Berna, O Blanc, L Brunel, E Bulzacka, D Capdevielle, I Chereau-Boudet, G Chesnoy-Servanin, JM Danion, T D’Amato, A Deloge, C Delorme, H Denizot, JM Dorey, C Dubertret, J Dubreucq, C Faget, C Fluttaz, G Fond, S Fonteneau, F Gabayet, E Giraud-Baro, D Lacelle, C Lançon, H Laouamri, M Leboyer, T Le Gloahec, Y Le Strat, PM Llorca, J Mallet, E Metairie, D Misdrahi, I Offerlin-Meyer, C Passerieux, P Peri, S Pires, C Portalier, L Ramet, R Rey, C Roman, A Schandrin, F Schürhoff, A Tessier, AM Tronche, M Urbach, F Vaillant, A Vehier, P Vidailhet, E Vilà, H Yazbek and A Zinetti-Bertschy in Clinical Rehabilitation</p

    Supplementary_Information_1 – Supplemental material for Screening for cognitive deficits with the Evaluation of Cognitive Processes involved in Disability in Schizophrenia scale

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    <p>Supplemental material, Supplementary_Information_1 for Screening for cognitive deficits with the Evaluation of Cognitive Processes involved in Disability in Schizophrenia scale by Paul Roux, Mathieu Urbach, Sandrine Fonteneau, Fabrice Berna, Lore Brunel, Delphine Capdevielle, Isabelle Chereau, Julien Dubreucq, Catherine Faget-Agius, Guillaume Fond, Sylvain Leignier, Claire-Cécile Perier, Raphaëlle Richieri, Priscille Schneider, Franck Schürhoff, Anne Marie Tronche, Hanan Yazbek, Anna Zinetti-Bertschy, the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise in Schizophrenia (FACE-SCZ) Collaborators, Christine Passerieux, Eric Brunet-Gouet, M Andrianarisoa, B Aouizerate, N Bazin, F Berna, O Blanc, L Brunel, E Bulzacka, D Capdevielle, I Chereau-Boudet, G Chesnoy-Servanin, JM Danion, T D’Amato, A Deloge, C Delorme, H Denizot, JM Dorey, C Dubertret, J Dubreucq, C Faget, C Fluttaz, G Fond, S Fonteneau, F Gabayet, E Giraud-Baro, D Lacelle, C Lançon, H Laouamri, M Leboyer, T Le Gloahec, Y Le Strat, PM Llorca, J Mallet, E Metairie, D Misdrahi, I Offerlin-Meyer, C Passerieux, P Peri, S Pires, C Portalier, L Ramet, R Rey, C Roman, A Schandrin, F Schürhoff, A Tessier, AM Tronche, M Urbach, F Vaillant, A Vehier, P Vidailhet, E Vilà, H Yazbek and A Zinetti-Bertschy in Clinical Rehabilitation</p