7 research outputs found

    Økologisk svineproduktions miljøpåvirkning

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    Beslutningsstøtte model til estimering af miljøpåvirkninger på bedriftsnivea

    Økologisk svineproduktions miljøpåvirkninger. Beslutningsstøttemodel til estimering af miljøpåvirkninger på bedriftsniveau. Model + Brugermanual

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    Modellen gør det muligt for producenter og rådgivere at estimere den enkelte besætnings miljøpåvirkninger, på baggrund af bedriftens egne data, og giver hermed et bedre grundlag end i dag, for også at inddrage de miljømæssige effekter i diskussionen, f.eks. når en ny besætning skal startes op

    3 præsentationer fra Økologisk-Kongres 2017

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    3 præsentationer fra pEcoSystem projektet til Økologi-Kongress 2017 1)Bedre grisemiljø versus lavere klima- og miljøpåvirkning? Eller både og? 2)10 ugers fravænning 3)Træer i folde fordele og ulempe

    Environmental life cycle assessment of organic grass protein from multispecies mixtures

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    Including grass leys in organic arable rotations has potentially several benefits such as suppression of certain weeds, increased biodiversity (i.e. pollinators), increased soil carbon sequestration and productivity among others. The biomass from the grass mixtures can be refined into protein feed concentrate for monogastrics that can partly replace imported soybean, while the fibre fraction can be used as ruminant feed or for biogas. The grass mixtures can also be used directly for biogas. Increasing diversity of the mixtures will potentially also increase the yield stability and the benefits for biodiversity (pollinators), while the number of cuts per year will also have an effect. Thus, the use of multispecies mixtures in organic arable rotation for production of protein or energy has potentially climate and biodiversity benefits. The overall environmental impact on climate and biodiversity was evaluated using life cycle assessment. Three different multispecies mixture and two cutting regimes (two or four cuts per year) was evaluated. The biomass from the two cut strategy was used for biogas directly and the biomass from the four cut strategy were refined to protein concentrate for monogastrics, while the fibre fraction was used for ruminant feed. The results showed a climate impact per ton DM were lowest for the pollinator and energy mixtures and highest for the protein mixtures. However, when measured per ton protein, the climate impact of the biomass from the two cut strategy was highest for the energy mixture followed by the protein and the pollinator mixtures. The hotspots in the agricultural production was the nitrous oxide emissions and the soil carbon changes. The climate impact of protein concentrates from the multispecies mixtures were lower than imported organic soybean. The hotspot in the production of the protein concentrates was the agricultural production, transport and energy use. The sensitivity analysis showed that increasing the transport distance to 50 km for biomass going to the biorefinery, would increase the climate impact of the protein concentrate above the climate impact of imported soybean. Likewise, the sensitivity analysis showed that increasing the energy use for processing 2.5 times would increase the climate impact of the protein concentrate to the level of the imported soybeans

    Environmental life cycle assessment of organic pigs fed with grass protein

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    The most common protein source for organic pig production in Denmark are imported organic soy. Since feed production is a major hotspot in the climate impact of pig production, alternative local protein sources could be a climate mitigation option. One alternative protein source is “grass protein” that are based on grassland biomass and can be fed to monogastrics. Some of the benefits of the grass protein is that it is based on a local resource, which minimises the transport, and that is contributes to carbon sequestration and biodiversity, which is higher under grasslands. One of the disadvantages is that the wet biomass requires some energy for the processing and drying. The energy use for processing and transportation therefore affects the carbon footprint of the grass protein. Feeding the grass protein to organic pigs instead of organic soy might also affect the feed uptake and growth of the organic pigs, which in turn will affect the carbon footprint of the pig meat. The aim of the current paper is to investigate whether the carbon footprint will be improved by feeding grass protein to organic pigs and which factors that affects the results. The results showed that if the grass protein is based on unfertilized grass-clover, the fibre fraction is fed to cattle and the energy for the biorefining process is based on biogas from the brown juice, then feeding the pigs with 15% organic grass protein will lower the carbon footprint of the pigmeat compared to feeding with organic soy. However, the sensitivity analysis showed that the carbon footprint of the grass protein, and thus also the carbon footprint of the pigmeat, is highly dependent on the energy utilization in the biorefinery and the transport distances