19 research outputs found

    Multi-model seascape genomics identifies distinct environmental drivers of selection among sympatric marine species

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    Background As global change and anthropogenic pressures continue to increase, conservation and management increasingly needs to consider species’ potential to adapt to novel environmental conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to characterise the main selective forces acting on ecosystems, and how these may influence the evolutionary potential of populations and species. Using a multi-model seascape genomics approach, we compare putative environmental drivers of selection in three sympatric southern African marine invertebrates with contrasting ecology and life histories: Cape urchin (Parechinus angulosus), Common shore crab (Cyclograpsus punctatus), and Granular limpet (Scutellastra granularis). Results Using pooled (Pool-seq), restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq), and seven outlier detection methods, we characterise genomic variation between populations along a strong biogeographical gradient. Of the three species, only S. granularis showed significant isolation-by-distance, and isolation-by-environment driven by sea surface temperatures (SST). In contrast, sea surface salinity (SSS) and range in air temperature correlated more strongly with genomic variation in C. punctatus and P. angulosus. Differences were also found in genomic structuring between the three species, with outlier loci contributing to two clusters in the East and West Coasts for S. granularis and P. angulosus, but not for C. punctatus. Conclusion The findings illustrate distinct evolutionary potential across species, suggesting that species-specific habitat requirements and responses to environmental stresses may be better predictors of evolutionary patterns than the strong environmental gradients within the region. We also found large discrepancies between outlier detection methodologies, and thus offer a novel multi-model approach to identifying the principal environmental selection forces acting on species. Overall, this work highlights how adding a comparative approach to seascape genomics (both with multiple models and species) can elucidate the intricate evolutionary responses of ecosystems to global change

    Thermal adaptation rather than demographic history drives genetic structure inferred by copy number variants in a marine fish

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    Increasing evidence shows that structural variants represent an overlooked aspect of genetic variation with consequential evolutionary roles. Among those, copy number variants (CNVs), including duplicated genomic region and transposable elements (TEs) may contribute to local adaptation and/or reproductive isolation among divergent populations. Those mechanisms suppose that CNVs could be used to infer neutral and/or adaptive population genetic structure, whose study has been restricted to microsatellites, mtDNA, and AFLP markers in the past and more recently the use of SNPs. Taking advantage of recent developments allowing CNV analysis from RAD-seq data, we investigated how variation in fitness-related traits, local environmental conditions and demographic history are associated with CNVs, and how subsequent copy number variation drives population genetic structure in a marine fish, the capelin (Mallotus villosus). We collected 1538 DNA samples from 35 sampling sites in the north Atlantic Ocean and identified 6620 putative CNVs. We found associations between CNVs and the gonadosomatic index, suggesting that six duplicated regions could affect female fitness by modulating oocyte production. We also detected 105 CNV candidates associated with water temperature, among which 20% corresponded to genomic regions located within the sequence of protein-coding genes, suggesting local adaptation to cold water by means of gene sequence amplification. We also identified 175 CNVs associated with the divergence of three previously defined parapatric glacial lineages, of which 24% were located within protein-coding genes, making those loci potential candidates for reproductive isolation. Lastly, our analyses unveiled a hierarchical, complex CNV population structure determined by temperature and local geography, which was in stark contrast with that inferred based on SNPs in a previous study. Our findings underscore the complementarity of those two types of genomic variation in population genomics studies

    Genome-wide DNA methylation predicts environmentally driven life history variation in a marine fish.

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    Epigenetic modifications are thought to be one of the molecular mechanisms involved in plastic adaptive responses to environmental variation. However, studies reporting associations between genome-wide epigenetic changes and habitat-specific variations in life history traits (e.g., lifespan, reproduction) are still scarce, likely due to the recent application of methylome resequencing methods to non-model species. In this study, we examined associations between whole genome DNA methylation and environmentally driven life history variation in 2 lineages of a marine fish, the capelin (Mallotus villosus), from North America and Europe. In both lineages, capelin harbor 2 contrasting life history tactics (demersal vs. beach-spawning). Performing whole genome and methylome sequencing, we showed that life history tactics are associated with epigenetic changes in both lineages, though the effect was stronger in European capelin. Genetic differentiation between the capelin harboring different life history tactics was negligible, but we found genome-wide methylation changes in both lineages. We identified 9,125 European and 199 North American differentially methylated regions (DMRs) due to life history. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis for both lineages revealed an excess of terms related to neural function. Our results suggest that environmental variation causes important epigenetic changes that are associated with contrasting life history tactics in lineages with divergent genetic backgrounds, with variable importance of genetic variation in driving epigenetic variation. Our study emphasizes the potential role of genome-wide epigenetic variation in adaptation to environmental variation