25 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Computation System Design Concept for Developing Controlled Closed Ecosystems: An Intelligent Systems Approach to Foster Gravitational Ecosystem Research for Developing Sustainable Communities in Space and on Earth

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    An adjustably-autonomous intelligent systems approach for developing Closed Ecosystems (CESs) is presented, which includes a design concept and preliminary design details for the Controlled Closed-Ecosystem Development System (CCEDS) and the Orbiting Modular Artificial-Gravity Spacecraft (OMAGS). The paper is divided into three sections: CESs, the CCEDS Design Concept, and Orbiting Fractional-Gravity Closed Ecosystems OMAGS design concept. The first section briefly describes Closed EcoSystems (CESs), complex adaptive systems, biomes, microbial microbiomes, and their relevance for the study of astrobiology. This section also discusses initial efforts in the development of Closed Environment Life Support Systems (CELSSs) for sustainable communities in space and on Earth. This section concludes with a discussion of the bioregenerative life support system challenge of and the corresponding consequences due to the inverse relationship of the very small human biomass/non-human biomass ratio overall on the Earth with respect to the extremely large human biomass/non-human-biomass ratio found in cities and the International Space Station. The second section describes the CCEDS design concept, which consists of a population of controlled colonies of CES Modules (CESMs), each an integrated CES, continually generating data for an intelligent system that operates the CESs and their CESMs. A variety of CESM types and their use are briefly described. The CCEDS intelligent system uses an evolutionary computation algorithm described in this section to develop and optimize these CESs to increase their viability duration and the size of the animals they support with the ultimate goal to support populations of humans, both on Earth and in space. The CCEDS architecture, its five control subsystems, and its five evolutionary computation levels are also discussed. The section concludes with a discussion of several CCEDS design strategies. The third section summarizes the OMAGS design concept for a spacecraft with a payload consisting of CESs in an orbiting spacecraft centrifuge that operates for at least 5 years. The spacecraft concept is described including its 150cm-radius centrifuge with a 2 ton & 3,000 liter bioscience payload capacity for 24 CESMs. The centrifuge design has four physical levels for its CESMs, each level subject to a different fractional gravity level. This section presents the spacecraft benefits of being designed and operated such that the spacecraft and payload centrifuge wheel counter-rotate resulting in net zero angular momentum and zero gyroscopic forces. Artificial-gravity generation by centripetal acceleration is also discussed. This section concludes by showing the external specifications of the CESMs and their layout in the centrifuge, followed by discussing the multi-payload module rationale. In tandem, the CCEDS and OMAGS systems can be used to foster gravitational ecosystem research for developing sustainable communities in space and on Earth

    Adjustably Autonomous Multi-agent Plan Execution with an Internal Spacecraft Free-Flying Robot Prototype

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    We present an multi-agent model-based autonomy architecture with monitoring, planning, diagnosis, and execution elements. We discuss an internal spacecraft free-flying robot prototype controlled by an implementation of this architecture and a ground test facility used for development. In addition, we discuss a simplified environment control life support system for the spacecraft domain also controlled by an implementation of this architecture. We discuss adjustable autonomy and how it applies to this architecture. We describe an interface that provides the user situation awareness of both autonomous systems and enables the user to dynamically edit the plans prior to and during execution as well as control these agents at various levels of autonomy. This interface also permits the agents to query the user or request the user to perform tasks to help achieve the commanded goals. We conclude by describing a scenario where these two agents and a human interact to cooperatively detect, diagnose and recover from a simulated spacecraft fault

    Modular Extended-Stay HyperGravity Facility Design Concept: An Artificial-Gravity Space-Settlement Ground Analogue

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    This document defines the design concept for a ground-based, extended-stay hypergravity facility as a precursor for space-based artificial-gravity facilities that extend the permanent presence of both human and non-human life beyond Earth in artificial-gravity settlements. Since the Earth's current human population is stressing the environment and the resources off-Earth are relatively unlimited, by as soon as 2040 more than one thousand people could be living in Earthorbiting artificial-gravity habitats. Eventually, the majority of humanity may live in artificialgravity habitats throughout this solar system as well as others, but little is known about the longterm (multi-generational) effects of artificial-gravity habitats on people, animals, and plants. In order to extend life permanently beyond Earth, it would be useful to create an orbiting space facility that generates 1g as well as other gravity levels to rigorously address the numerous challenges of such an endeavor. Before doing so, developing a ground-based artificial-gravity facility is a reasonable next step. Just as the International Space Station is a microgravity research facility, at a small fraction of the cost and risk a ground-based artificial-gravity facility can begin to address a wide-variety of the artificial-gravity life-science questions and engineering challenges requiring long-term research to enable people, animals, and plants to live off-Earth indefinitely

    A Rapid, Low-Cost Approach to Permanently Extend Life Beyond Earth

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    This presentation covers the value proposition and challenges of permanently extending life beyond Earth. It proposes that this can be most expeditiously accomplished by starting with a population of small Closed Ecological Systems (CES)s, each with several specie populations that enable each CES to persist indefinitely without the need to add resources, remove wastes, or require human intervention. Each CES is instrumented and controlled so that it can be remotely maintained, experiments performed, and data collected. Data from the entire population of CESs are managed in a cloud server database for analyses on how to improve the performance of each CES as well as formulate new CESs. The presentation discusses a modular, artificial-spacecraft prototype that could be used to fly CES modules in space under various gravity and radiation conditions to study changes in the CESs relative to their counterparts that remain on Earth as the control group. The presentation concludes with the next, low-cost steps for rapidly executing the approach described

    A Bootstrap Approach to Martian Manufacturing

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    In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) is an essential element of any affordable strategy for a sustained human presence on Mars. Ideally, Martian habitats would be extremely massive to allow plenty of room to comfortably live and work, as well as to protect the occupants from the environment. Moreover, transportation and power generation systems would also require significant mass if affordable. For our approach to ISRU, we use the industrialization of the U.S. as a metaphor. The 19th century started with small blacksmith shops and ended with massive steel mills primarily accomplished by blacksmiths increasing their production capacity and product size to create larger shops, which produced small mills, which produced the large steel mills that industrialized the country. Most of the mass of a steel mill is comprised of steel in simple shapes, which are produced and repaired with few pieces of equipment also mostly made of steel in basic shapes. Due to this simplicity, we expect that the 19th century manufacturing growth can be repeated on Mars in the 21st century using robots as the primary labor force. We suggest a "bootstrap" approach to manufacturing on Mars that uses a "seed" manufacturing system that uses regolith to create major structural components and spare parts. The regolith would be melted, foamed, and sintered as needed to fabricate parts using casting and solid freeform fabrication techniques. Complex components, such as electronics, would be brought from Earth and integrated as needed. These parts would be assembled to create additional manufacturing systems, which can be both more capable and higher capacity. These subsequent manufacturing systems could refine vast amounts of raw materials to create large components, as well as assemble equipment, habitats, pressure vessels, cranes, pipelines, railways, trains, power generation stations, and other facilities needed to economically maintain a sustained human presence on Mars

    Remote Agent Demonstration

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    We describe the computer demonstration of the Remote Agent Experiment (RAX). The Remote Agent is a high-level, modelbased, autonomous control agent being validated on the NASA Deep Space 1 spacecraft

    Remote Agent Demonstration

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    We describe the computer demonstration of the Remote Agent Experiment (RAX). The Remote Agent is a high-level, model-based, autonomous control agent being validated on the NASA Deep Space 1 spacecraft

    The Personal Satellite Assistant: An Internal Spacecraft Autonomous Mobile Monitor

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    This paper presents an overview of the research and development effort at the NASA Ames Research Center to create an internal spacecraft autonomous mobile monitor capable of performing intra-vehicular sensing activities by autonomously navigating onboard the International Space Station. We describe the capabilities, mission roles, rationale, high-level functional requirements, and design challenges for an autonomous mobile monitor. The rapid prototyping design methodology used, in which five prototypes of increasing fidelity are designed, is described as well as the status of these prototypes, of which two are operational and being tested, and one is actively being designed. The physical test facilities used to perform ground testing are briefly described, including a micro-gravity test facility that permits a prototype to propel itself in 3 dimensions with 6 degrees-of-freedom as if it were in an micro-gravity environment. We also describe an overview of the autonomy framework and its components including the software simulators used in the development process. Sample mission test scenarios are also described. The paper concludes with a discussion of future and related work followed by the summary

    The Challenge of Planning and Execution for Spacecraft Mobile Robots

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    The need for spacecraft mobile robots continues to grow. These robots offer the potential to increase the capability, productivity, and duration of space missions while decreasing mission risk and cost. Spacecraft Mobile Robots (SMRs) can serve a number of functions inside and outside of spacecraft from simpler tasks, such as performing visual diagnostics and crew support, to more complex tasks, such as performing maintenance and in-situ construction. One of the predominant challenges to deploying SMRs is to reduce the need for direct operator interaction. Teleoperation is often not practical due to the communication latencies incurred because of the distances involved and in many cases a crewmember would directly perform a task rather than teleoperate a robot to do it. By integrating a mixed-initiative constraint-based planner with an executive that supports adjustably autonomous control, we intend to demonstrate the feasibility of autonomous SMRs by deploying one inside the International Space Station (ISS) and demonstrate in simulation one that operates outside of the ISS. This paper discusses the progress made at NASA towards this end, the challenges ahead, and concludes with an invitation to the research community to participate