4 research outputs found

    The effect of Losartan on flow-induced dilation in healthy Sprague-Dawley rats

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    CILJ: Odrediti utjecaj terapije Losartanom na protokom potaknutu dilataciju (FID) u zdravih Sprague-Dawley štakora. MATERIJALI I METODE: Za istraživanje su korišteni zdravi muški Sprague-Dawley štakori te su podijeljeni u kontrolnu grupu (CTRL, N = 9) i CTRL + Losartan grupu (N = 10) koja je u vodi za piće primala 40 mg Losartana dnevno kroz 7 dana. Osmi dan životinje su žrtvovane. Prije anesteziranja kombinacijom ketamina (75 mg/kg) i midazolama (0,5 mg/kg), pokusne životinje se izvažu. Slijedila je dekapitacija i izolacija središnje moždane arterije te njeno postavljanje na sustav tlačnog miografa (The Myograph System, DMT) za primjenu metode protokom potaknute dilatacije. Arteriju smo postavili na komoricu, inkubirali ju 60 minuta pri tlaku Δ80 mmHg za procjenu bazalnog promjera. Nakon inkubacije, arterija je izložena protoku koji dobivamo istovremenim promjenama ulaznog i izlaznog tlaka uz tlačne gradijente Δ10, Δ20, Δ40, Δ60, Δ100 mmHg, te je nakon bazalnog mjerenja, mjerena dilatacija u prisutnosti acetilkolina (ACh) i natrijevog nitroprusida (SNP). Na kraju eksperimenta PSS otopina, koja je protokom stvarala gradijent tlaka, zamijenjena je PSS Ca-free otopinom zbog mjerenja maksimalnog promjera arterije. REZULTATI: Rezultati pokazuju smanjen dilatacijski odgovor na protokom potaknutu dilataciju i smanjenu osjetljivost na acetilkolin u eksperimentalnoj skupini, odnosno kod životinja koje su bile na terapiji Losartanom, u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu zdravih netretiranih štakora. Odgovor na SNP, koji je izravni donor NO-a, bio je podjednak u obje skupine. ZAKLJUČAK: Istraživanjem smo dokazali kako Losartan smanjuje vazodilatacijski odgovor središnje moždane arterije na o endotelu ovisan stimulus, odnosno na protokom potaknutu dilataciju i acetilkolin.AIM: Determine the effect of Losartan therapy on the flow-induced dilation (FID) in healthy Sprague-Dawley male rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were used for the study and they were divided into a control group (CTRL, N = 9) and a CTRL + Losartan group (N = 10), which received a daily dose of 40 mg of Losartan in their drinking water for 7 days. On the 8th day they were sacrificed. Prior to anesthesia with the combination of ketamine (75 mg/kg) and midazolam (0,5 mg/kg), the experimental animals were weighed. The middle cerebral artery was isolated and set for flow induced dilation measurements (on a pressure myograph system, The Myograph System, DMT). After the incubation (60 minutes at the pressure of Δ80 mmHg), the arteries were exposed to the flow, which is obtained by simultaneous changes of in-flow and out-flow pressure with pressure gradients of Δ10, Δ20, Δ40, Δ60, Δ100 mmHg. After the measurement of basal response, the vascular response was measured in the presence of acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). At the end of the experiment, the PSS solution, which generated the pressure gradient through flow, was replaced by a PSS Ca-free solution for the purpose of measuring the maximum artery diameter. RESULTS: The results showed that the flow induced dilation was decreased in the experimental group of rats that were on Losartan therapy, and dilation to acetylcholine was also reduced in the group of Losartan treated rats, compared to the control group of healthy untreated rats. The response to the direct NO donor, sodium nitroprusside, was not significantly different between the tested groups. CONCLUSION: Losartan reduces the vasodilation response of the middle cerebral artery to the endothelium-dependent stimulus, that is, to the flow-induced dilation, as well acetylcholine

    Serum glucose, sodium and potassium concentrations in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis

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    Aim To investigate possible differences in serum glucose and sodium and potassium concentrations with respect to age, gender and severity of diabetic ketoacidosis. Methods Medical records from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019 were reviewed and patients with the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis were selected. Results The study included 52 patients. Glucose concentration was significantly higher in the age group of 25-44 and >65 years compared to the group of 18-24 years (p=0.02). Sodium concentration was significantly higher in the age group 18-24 and >65 years compared to groups 25-44 and 45-65 years (p=0.002). Females had significantly higher sodium concentration than males (p=0.002). Potassium concentration was significantly higher in the age group 25-44 years compared to other groups (p=0.01). Males had significantly higher potassium concentration (p =0.01). Conclusion This study showed that significant differences exist in electrolyte concentration between specific age groups, male and female gender as well as DKA severity. Knowing these differences could help clinicians to promptly recognize and treat electrolyte derangements, leading to better outcome of patients with DKA

    Plasma glucose, sodium and potassium concentrations and blood pH in atients examined in an emergency hospital admision of the University Hospital Osijek for diabetic ketoacidosis

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    CILJ:Ispitati postoji li razlika u koncentraciji glukoze, natrija i kalija u serumu bolesnika s DKA s obzirom na dob, spol i težinu ketoacidoze. ISPITANICI I METODE:Koristila se postojeća medicinska dokumentacija iz bolničkog informacijskog sustava od 2017. do 2019.godine o 51 bolesniku s DKA. REZULTATI:Koncentracija glukoze bila je značajno viša u dobnoj skupini 25 – 44 godine i starijih od 65 godina u odnosu na skupinu 18 – 24 godine. Nije utvrđena razlika u koncentraciji glukoze s obzirom na spol. Koncentracija natrija bila je značajno viša u dobnoj skupini 18 – 24 godine i starijih od 65 godina u odnosu na skupine 25 – 44 i 45– 65 godina. Koncentracija kalija bila je značajno viša u dobnoj skupini 25 – 44 godine u odnosu na ostale skupine. Žene su imale značajno višu koncentraciju natrija, a muškarci značajno višu koncentraciju kalija. Nije utvrđena povezanost koncentracije glukoze, natrija i kalija i stupnja DKA niti je utvrđena povezanost pH vrijednosti krvi s dobi i spolom ispitanika. ZAKLJUČAK:U prikazanom istraživanju DKA je najčešća u dobnoj skupini 18 – 24 godine i u žena, a najčešće je bila umjerenog stupnja. Najveće prosječne koncentracije glukoze i natrija bile su u starijih od 65 godina, a kalija u skupini 25 – 44 godine. Žene su imale značajno višu koncentraciju natrija, a muškarci kalija. Vrijednost pH nije bila povezana s dobi i spolom niti je stupanj DKA bio povezan s koncentracijom glukoze, natrija i kalija.Serum glucose, sodium and potassium concentrations and blood pH in patients examined in an emergency hospital admision of the University Hospital Osijek due to diabetic ketoacidosis AIM:To examine whether there is a difference in serum sodium and potassium concentrations of patients with DKA with respect to age, sex and severity of ketoacidosis. RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: The existing medical documentation from the hospital information system from 2017 to 2019 on 51 patient with DKA was used. RESULTS:Glucose concentration was significantly higher in the age group of 25 to 44 years and>65 years compared to the group of 18 - 24 years. No difference in glucose concentration was found with respect to gender. Sodium concentration was significantly higher in the age group 18 to 24 years and>65 years compared to groups 25 - 44 and 45 - 65 years. Potassium concentration was significantly higher in the age group 25 to 44 years compared to other groups. Women had significantly higher sodium concentrations and men significantly higher potassium concentrations. No correlation was found between glucose, sodium and potassium concentrations and DKA levels, nor was a correlation between blood pH and age and sex of subjects. CONCLUSION:In the presented study, DKA was most common in the age group 18 - 24 years and in women and was most often of moderate degree. The highest average concentrations of glucose and sodium were in those older than 65 years, and potassium in the group 25 - 44 years. Women had significantly higher sodium concentrations, and men potassium. The pH was not related to age and gender, nor was the degree of DKA related to glucose, sodium, and potassium concentrations

    The effect of Losartan on flow-induced dilation in healthy Sprague-Dawley rats

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    CILJ: Odrediti utjecaj terapije Losartanom na protokom potaknutu dilataciju (FID) u zdravih Sprague-Dawley štakora. MATERIJALI I METODE: Za istraživanje su korišteni zdravi muški Sprague-Dawley štakori te su podijeljeni u kontrolnu grupu (CTRL, N = 9) i CTRL + Losartan grupu (N = 10) koja je u vodi za piće primala 40 mg Losartana dnevno kroz 7 dana. Osmi dan životinje su žrtvovane. Prije anesteziranja kombinacijom ketamina (75 mg/kg) i midazolama (0,5 mg/kg), pokusne životinje se izvažu. Slijedila je dekapitacija i izolacija središnje moždane arterije te njeno postavljanje na sustav tlačnog miografa (The Myograph System, DMT) za primjenu metode protokom potaknute dilatacije. Arteriju smo postavili na komoricu, inkubirali ju 60 minuta pri tlaku Δ80 mmHg za procjenu bazalnog promjera. Nakon inkubacije, arterija je izložena protoku koji dobivamo istovremenim promjenama ulaznog i izlaznog tlaka uz tlačne gradijente Δ10, Δ20, Δ40, Δ60, Δ100 mmHg, te je nakon bazalnog mjerenja, mjerena dilatacija u prisutnosti acetilkolina (ACh) i natrijevog nitroprusida (SNP). Na kraju eksperimenta PSS otopina, koja je protokom stvarala gradijent tlaka, zamijenjena je PSS Ca-free otopinom zbog mjerenja maksimalnog promjera arterije. REZULTATI: Rezultati pokazuju smanjen dilatacijski odgovor na protokom potaknutu dilataciju i smanjenu osjetljivost na acetilkolin u eksperimentalnoj skupini, odnosno kod životinja koje su bile na terapiji Losartanom, u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu zdravih netretiranih štakora. Odgovor na SNP, koji je izravni donor NO-a, bio je podjednak u obje skupine. ZAKLJUČAK: Istraživanjem smo dokazali kako Losartan smanjuje vazodilatacijski odgovor središnje moždane arterije na o endotelu ovisan stimulus, odnosno na protokom potaknutu dilataciju i acetilkolin.AIM: Determine the effect of Losartan therapy on the flow-induced dilation (FID) in healthy Sprague-Dawley male rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were used for the study and they were divided into a control group (CTRL, N = 9) and a CTRL + Losartan group (N = 10), which received a daily dose of 40 mg of Losartan in their drinking water for 7 days. On the 8th day they were sacrificed. Prior to anesthesia with the combination of ketamine (75 mg/kg) and midazolam (0,5 mg/kg), the experimental animals were weighed. The middle cerebral artery was isolated and set for flow induced dilation measurements (on a pressure myograph system, The Myograph System, DMT). After the incubation (60 minutes at the pressure of Δ80 mmHg), the arteries were exposed to the flow, which is obtained by simultaneous changes of in-flow and out-flow pressure with pressure gradients of Δ10, Δ20, Δ40, Δ60, Δ100 mmHg. After the measurement of basal response, the vascular response was measured in the presence of acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). At the end of the experiment, the PSS solution, which generated the pressure gradient through flow, was replaced by a PSS Ca-free solution for the purpose of measuring the maximum artery diameter. RESULTS: The results showed that the flow induced dilation was decreased in the experimental group of rats that were on Losartan therapy, and dilation to acetylcholine was also reduced in the group of Losartan treated rats, compared to the control group of healthy untreated rats. The response to the direct NO donor, sodium nitroprusside, was not significantly different between the tested groups. CONCLUSION: Losartan reduces the vasodilation response of the middle cerebral artery to the endothelium-dependent stimulus, that is, to the flow-induced dilation, as well acetylcholine