16 research outputs found
Expansion of non-native brown trout in South Europe may be inadvertently driven by stocking: Molecular and social survey in the North Iberian Narcea River
The biological and anthropogenic (management) factors that may contribute to the expansion of non-native lineages in managed fish have been studied in this work taking brown trout (Salmo trutta) as a model species. The changes of users’ opinion about stocking was studied employing social science methodology (surveys). The evolution of hatchery stocks together with the outcome of stocking were analysed with two genetic tools: the LDH-C1* locus (marker of non-native stocks) and six microsatellite loci (for assignment of wild trout to the natural population or putative hatchery stocks). Consulted stakeholders were convinced of the correctness of releasing only native stocks, although in practice the hatcheries managed by them contained important proportions of non-native gene carriers. Our results suggest that allochthonous individuals perform better and grow faster in hatchery conditions than the native ones. We also find a dilution of the impact of this kind of suplementation in wild conditions. The use of only native individuals as hatchery breeders tested for the presence of non-native alleles previously to the artificial crosses must be a priority. Surveys can help steer policy making toward decisions that will be followed by the public, but they should not be used to justify science
Restoration of native Atlantic salmon runs in northern Spain: do costs outweigh benefits?
Atlantic salmon stocks in northern Spain are at the southern range of the species distribution. As such they are likely more vulnerable to environmental change and human disturbance. The Nalon-Narcea River salmon is one such population in Asturias, Spain. The river is dammed throughout the watershed with few fish passage facilities. However, angling data show that salmon returns are consistent although the population is relatively small. We have employed one tributary as a model, the River Trubia. Although some problems of agriculture and industrial pollution have been detected downstream, an upstream habitat evaluation suggests that adequate spawning and juvenile habitat exists. The regional Government has proposed to construct fishways for allowing upstream passage of salmon. This would potentially increase salmon production, but there are also some concerns like increased hybridization of salmon and trout which is already evident downriver and which previous work suggests will increase as salmon colonize new habitat, and potential changes in fishing regulations as salmon distributions shift upriver and away from traditional angling areas. Here, we present an overview of ecological and social aspects of salmon habitat restoration in the River Nalon-Narcea that we hope will provide solutions that balance costs and benefits and may be applicable to other anadromous populations
Prácticas inclusivas en el aula de inmersión sociolingüística
Resumen tomado de la publicaciónSe presenta para su análisis y discusión una experiencia de educación inclusiva que trata de dar respuesta educativa a las necesidades específicas detectadas entre el alumnado extranjero que, con escasa competencia en la lengua vehicular de enseñanza, se incorpora tardíamente a nuestro sistema educativo. Describimos las aulas de inmersión lingüística, como recurso a través de la experiencia práctica del aula de inmersión sociolingüística del IES Pando de Oviedo (Asturias). Esta aula ha atendido en los últimos 7 años a 108 alumnos y alumnas procedentes de 12 países diferentes. Con un diseño curricular fundamentado en la educación inclusiva, el aula trabaja sobre estrategias didácticas que reproducen experiencias de vida prácticas en torno a la interculturalidad, la coeducación y la progresiva autonomía de los estudiantes con el objetivo de que sean capaces de incorporarse en el menor tiempo posible a sus aulas ordinarias con una competencia lingüística en español suficiente que les permita proseguir adecuadamente sus estudios. Los resultados de progreso así lo revelan. La metodología docente, basada en el aprendizaje por proyectos genera sinergias educativas de aprendizaje cooperativo entre el alumnado que convierte este aula en una verdadera experiencia de inclusión y de vida. Esta acción socioeducativa
informa acerca de las necesidades de formación inicial y continua del profesorado en materia de atención a la diversidad y la necesidad manifiesta de capacitarles en estrategias inclusivas.ES
Scientific and educational strategies for a sustainable port activity facing biological invasions: from Ports to BluePorts. Is it possible?
International Workshop Blueport 2019. From Ports to BluePorts. Is it possible? (5º. 2019. Gijón