26 research outputs found

    Verduurzaming van de zuivelketen via het krachtvoerspoor

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    Onderzoek naar de vraag in welke mate (de productie van) krachtvoer kan bijdragen aan verduurzaming verbetering van de efficïentie van energie. Er zijn mogelijkheden: ze zijn echter nogal complex en overstijgen het belang van de individuele agrariër of voerproducen

    Tripe-P in Egyptian Horticulture : Trip report June 2010

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    A delegation from Wageningen University and Research Centre visited Egypt in May 2010 in a first step to promote strategies that are able to increase the sustainability of the horticultural production chain in Egypt, with a focus on the improvement of the resource use efficiency. In this strategic thinking, People, Planet and Profit are analyzed in terms of Production, Marketing and Knowledge. Most likely elements at the farm level are water, nutrients and crop protection. Incentive-based change of behaviour is key to the establishement of a more sustainable horticultural supply chain that functions well in the market. Knowledge is the foundation of any advancement. A wide range of representatives from the public and private sector were met with, both in a broad brainstorm meeting and in small focused visits. The promotion of sustainability in the horticultural production chain was widely welcomed, and various parties indicated their support

    Livestock transportation: a model for ex-ante policy analysis

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    The protection of live animals during transport in the EU is currently regulated under the Council Regulation No. 1/2005. The current legal regime is strongly criticized by the European society. To reform the existing regulation, policy makers need insights into the impact of possible transport restrictions for live animals. In this work, we propose a mathematical programming model to assess the potential impact of a policy reform involving limitations of travelling times and space allowances. This model is implemented for the years 2002 and 2013. A sensitivity analysis is performed on variations of fuel prices and cost of meat transpor

    Concurrentiemonitor blank kalfsvlees

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    In het kader van de jaarlijkse concurrentiemonitor heeft het LEI een studie gedaan naar de concurrentiekracht van de Nederlandse kalfsvleessector. Deze sector staat al sinds lang bekend om haar hoge kwaliteit en de belangrijke exportpositie. In dit rapport wordt de huidige internationale positie van de Nederlandse sector verder uitgediept. Daarnaast zijn aan de hand van een Porteranalyse de belangrijkste succesfactoren in kaart gebracht, te weten: de economische orde, het netwerk, de (thuis)markt en factorvoordelen. Ook het overheidsbeleid met betrekking tot de kalversector wordt belicht

    The Farmer’s Perspective: Bridging the Last Mile to Market

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    The Kenyan ‘farmer’ value chain was not just a neat box in the formal structure of a value chain, but a flexible, multipurpose node in the rural economy’s complex web of human interaction and exchange of goods, services and knowledge. Therefore we have called it the agricultural value web. This is the main conclusion from the inquiry on adoption of information and technology services with farmers in their rural communities. LEI Wageningen UR has executed this inquiry on behalf of the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs