25 research outputs found

    Thermospheric density and wind determination from satellite dynamics

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    Astrodynamics and Satellite MissionsAerospace Engineerin

    Opposite hemispheric asymmetries during the ionospheric storm of 29–31 August 2004

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    By making use of multiple ground-based and spaceborne instruments, we study ionospheric and thermospheric behavior during the moderately intense geomagnetic storm of 29–31 August 2004 (minimum Dst excursion of ?128?nT). Although this storm was far from the strongest in solar cycle 23, it provoked quite interesting effects in the ionosphere, such as opposite hemispheric asymmetries in the ionospheric F layer and in the topside ionosphere and a development of the ionospheric superfountain effect in the postsunset sector. Data from ground-based GPS receivers and ionosondes revealed large increase in total electron content (TEC) and in NmF2 in the southern hemisphere, whereas in the northern hemisphere, very weak or no effect was observed. On the contrary, the topside measurements indicated the occurrence of a positive storm in the northern hemisphere. Overall, the strongest storm time disturbances were observed in the postsunset sector (~20:30–21:30 LT), where satellite radar altimeters TOPEX and Jason 1, along with the CHAMP satellite showed ~250–400% TEC increase in the middle- and low-latitude regions. The signatures of the ionospheric plasma enhancement were seen up to the height of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites (~840?km). As for the thermospheric storm, data of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission revealed no asymmetry in neutral density data in the evening sector (~17 UT); however, very strong hemispheric asymmetry was observed in the postsunset sector by CHAMP (~21 UT). Overall, neutral density increase in the postsunset sector was found to be much stronger than in the evening sector.Space EngineeringAerospace Engineerin

    CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Swarm Thermosphere Density Data with Improved Aerodynamic and Geometry Modelling

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    Since 2000, accelerometers on board of the CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Swarm satellites have provided highresolution thermosphere density data, improving knowledge on atmospheric dynamics and coupling processes in the thermosphere-ionosphere layer. Most of the research has focused on relative changes in density. Scale differences between datasets and models have been largely neglected or removed using ad hoc scale factors. The origin of these variations arises from errors in the aerodynamic modelling, specifically in the modelling of the satellite outer surface geometry and of the gas-surface interactions. Therefore, in order to further improve density datasets and models that rely on these datasets, and in order to make them align with each other in terms of the absolute scale of the density, it is first required to enhance the geometry modelling. Once accurate geometric models of the satellites are available, it will be possible to enhance the characterization of the gassurface interactions, and to enhance the satellite aerodynamic modelling. This presentation offers an accurate approach for determining aerodynamic forces and torques and improved density data for CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Swarm. Through detailed high fidelity 3-D CAD models and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo computations, flow shadowing and complex concave geometries can be investigated. This was not possible with previous closed-form solutions, especially because of the low fidelity geometries and the incapability to introduce shadowing effects. This inaccurate geometry and aerodynamic modelling turned out to have relevant influence on derived densities, particularly for satellites with complex elongated shapes and protruding instruments, beams and antennae. Once the geometry and aerodynamic modelling have been enhanced with the proposed approach, the accelerometer data can be reprocessed leading to 81 higher fidelity density estimates. An overview of achieved improvements and dataset comparisons will be provided together with an introduction to the next gas-surface interactions research phase.Astrodynamics & Space Mission

    Wave coupling between the lower and middle thermosphere as viewed from TIMED and GOCE

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    Vertical coupling between the lower and middle thermosphere due to the eastward propagating diurnal tide with zonal wave number 3 (DE3) and the 3.5?day ultra-fast Kelvin Wave (UFKW) is investigated using Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics and Dynamics-Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (TIMED-SABER) temperatures near 100?km and Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) neutral densities and zonal winds near 260?km. The analysis is performed between ±45? latitude during 2011, when reliable and continuous measurements are available. With geomagnetic and solar effects removed, DE3 and the UFKW are identified as dominant sources of day-to-day variability at both heights. Evidence is found for the vertical propagation of DE3 and the UFKW from the lower to middle thermosphere over a range of time scales. Over 60% of the variance due to DE3 and the UFKW at 260?km is traceable to variability occurring at 100?km. The not exact agreement is thought to be due to the influences of wave-wave interactions, zonal mean winds, dissipation, and inherent transience that interfere with one-to-one mapping of structures between 100 and 260?km. Spectral and temporal analyses of the SABER and GOCE data also reveal the presence of sidebands due to the modulation of DE3 by the UFKW. These secondary waves are responsible for up to 10% to 20% of the longitudinal and day-to-day variability. Overall, vertical propagating waves together with sidebands from DE3-UFKW nonlinear interactions are responsible for 60% to 80% of the total variability, while geomagnetic and solar effects correlated with ap and F10.7 account for less than 20% of the variance.Space EngineeringAerospace Engineerin

    Horizontal and Vertical Wind Measurements from GOCE Angular Accelerations

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    Because of the highly accurate accelerometers, the GOCE mission has proven to be a unique source of thermosphere neutral density and cross-wind data. In the current methods, in which only the horizontal linear accelerations are used, the vertical winds cannot be obtained. In the algorithm proposed in this paper, angular accelerations derived from the individual gradiometer accelerations are used to obtain the vertical wind speeds as well. To do so, the measured angular rate and acceleration are combined to find a measurement of the torque acting on the spacecraft. This measurement is then corrected for modeled control torque applied by the magnetic torquers, aerodynamic torque, gravity gradient torque, solar radiation pressure torque, the torque caused by the misalignment of the thrust with respect to the center of gravity, and magnetic torque caused by the operation of several different subsystems of the spacecraft bus. Since the proper documentation of the magnetic properties of the payload were not available, a least squares estimate is made of one hard- and one soft-magnetic dipole pertaining to the payload, on an aerodynamically quiet day. The model for aerodynamic torque uses moment coefficients from Monte-Carlo Test Particle software ANGARA. Finally the neutral density, horizontal cross-wind, and vertical wind are obtained from an iterative process, in which the residual forces and torques are minimized. It is found that, like horizontal wind, the vertical wind responds strongly to geomagnetic storms. This response is observed over the whole latitude range, and shows seasonal variations.Astrodynamics & Space MissionsControl & Simulatio

    Synthetic thermosphere winds based on CHAMP neutral and plasma density measurements

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    Meridional winds in the thermosphere are key to understanding latitudinal coupling and thermosphere-ionosphere coupling, and yet global measurements of this wind component are scarce. In this work, neutral and electron densities measured by the Challenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) satellite at solar low and geomagnetically quiet conditions are converted to pressure gradient and ion drag forces, which are then used to solve the horizontal momentum equation to estimate low latitude to midlatitude zonal and meridional "synthetic" winds. We validate the method by showing that neutral and electron densities output from National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Electrodynamics-General Circulation Model (TIME-GCM) can be used to derive solutions to the momentum equations that replicate reasonably well (over 85% of the variance) the winds self-consistently calculated within the TIME-GCM. CHAMP cross-track winds are found to share over 65% of the variance with the synthetic zonal winds, providing further reassurance that this wind product should provide credible results. Comparisons with the Horizontal Wind Model 14 (HWM14) show that the empirical model largely underestimates wind speeds and does not reproduce much of the observed variability. Additionally, in this work we reveal the longitude, latitude, local time, and seasonal variability in the winds; show evidence of ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) coupling, with enhanced postsunset eastward winds due to depleted ion drag; demonstrate superrotation speeds of ∼27 m/s at the equator; discuss vertical wave coupling due the diurnal eastward propagating tide with zonal wave number 3 and the semidiurnal eastward propagating tide with zonal wave number 2.Astrodynamics & Space Mission

    Lunar tide contribution to thermosphere weather

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    As the utilization of low-Earth orbit increases, so does the need for improved ephemeris predictions and thus more accurate density models. In this paper we quantify the density variability of the thermosphere attributable to the lunar gravitational tide, a potentially predictable component of variability not included in any operational density prediction models to date. Using accelerometer measurements from the GOCE satellite near 260 km altitude, the level of lunar tidal density variability is shown to be about half that associated with the low level of geomagnetic variability that occurs about 75% of the time (Kp ? 3), thus constituting an element of “space weather.” Our conclusion is that the lunar tide ought to be considered for inclusion in contemporary density models of the thermosphere for operational ephemeris predictions. Some suggested first steps are included in the conclusions of this paper.Space EngineeringAerospace Engineerin

    Comparing high-latitude thermospheric winds from Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) and challenging mini-satellite payload (CHAMP) accelerometer measurements

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    It is generally assumed that horizontal wind velocities are independent of height above the F<span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">1</span> region (>300km) due to the large molecular viscosity of the upper thermosphere. This assumption is used to compare two completely different methods of thermospheric neutral wind observation, using two distinct locations in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere. The measurements are from ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) and from in situ accelerometer measurements onboard the challenging mini-satellite payload (CHAMP) satellite, which was in a near-polar orbit. The University College London (UCL) Kiruna Esrange Optical Platform Site (KEOPS) FPI is located in the vicinity of the auroral oval at the ESRANGE site near Kiruna, Sweden (67.8<span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ</span>N, 20.4<span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ</span>E). The UCL Longyearbyen FPI is a polar cap site, located at the Kjell Henriksen Observatory on Svalbard (78.1<span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ</span>N, 16.0<span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ</span>E). The comparison is carried out in a statistical sense, comparing a longer time series obtained during night-time hours in the winter months (DOY 300-65) with overflights of the CHAMP satellite between 2001 and 2007 over the observational sites, within <span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">±2</span><span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ</span> latitude (<span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">±230</span>km horizontal range). The FPI is assumed to measure the line-of-sight winds at a height of <span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ1/4240</span>km, i.e. the peak emission height of the atomic oxygen 630.0nm emission. The cross-track winds are derived from state-of-the-art precision accelerometer measurements at altitudes between <span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ1/4450</span>km (in 2001) and <span classCombining double low line"inline-formula">ĝ1/4350</span>km (in 2007), i.e. 100-200km above the FPI wind observations. We show that CHAMP wind values at high latitudes are typically 1.5 to 2 times larger than FPI winds. In addition to testing the consistency of the different measurement approaches, the study aims to clarify the effects of viscosity on the height dependence of thermospheric winds.Astrodynamics & Space Mission

    Horizontal and vertical thermospheric cross-wind from GOCE linear and angular accelerations

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    Thermospheric wind measurements obtained from linear non-gravitational accelerations of the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite show discrepancies when compared to ground-based measurements. In this paper the cross-wind is derived from both the linear and the angular accelerations using a newly developed iterative algorithm. The two resulting data sets are compared to test the validity of wind derived from angular accelerations and quantify the uncertainty in accelerometer-derived wind data. In general the difference is found to be less than 50 m/s vertically after high-pass filtering, and 100 m/s horizontally. A sensitivity analysis reveals that continuous thrusting is a major source of uncertainty in the torque-derived wind, as are the magnetic properties of the satellite. The energy accommodation coefficient is identified as a particularly promising parameter for improving the consistency of thermospheric cross-wind data sets in the future. The algorithm may be applied to obtain density and cross-wind from other satellite missions that lack accelerometer data, provided the attitude and orbit are known with sufficient accuracy.Astrodynamics & Space MissionsControl & Simulatio