6 research outputs found

    Effects of Cannabidiol on exercise physiology and bioenergetics : a randomised controlled pilot trial

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    Background: Cannabidiol (CBD) has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects that have the potential to benefit athletes. This pilot study investigated the effects of acute, oral CBD treatment on physiological and psychological responses to aerobic exercise to determine its practical utility within the sporting context. Methods: On two occasions, nine endurance-trained males (mean±SD V̇O2max: 57.4±4.0 mL·min−1 ·kg−1 ) ran for 60 min at a fixed intensity (70% V̇O2max) (RUN 1) before completing an incremental run to exhaustion (RUN 2). Participants received CBD (300 mg; oral) or placebo 1.5 h before exercise in a randomised, double-blind design. Respiratory gases (V̇O2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR), blood glucose (BG) and lactate (BL) concentrations, and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and pleasure–displeasure were measured at three timepoints (T1–3) during RUN 1. V̇O2max, RERmax, HRmax and time to exhaustion (TTE) were recorded during RUN 2. Venous blood was drawn at Baseline, Pre- and Post-RUN 1, Post-RUN 2 and 1 h Post-RUN 2. Data were synthesised using Cohen’s dz effect sizes and 85% confidence intervals (CIs). Effects were considered worthy of further investigation if the 85% CI included±0.5 but not zero. Results: CBD appeared to increase V̇O2 (T2:+38±48 mL·min−1, dz: 0.25–1.35), ratings of pleasure (T1:+0.7±0.9, dz: 0.22–1.32; T2:+0.8±1.1, dz: 0.17–1.25) and BL (T2:+3.3±6.4 mmol·L−1, dz:>0.00–1.03) during RUN 1 compared to placebo. No differences in HR, RPE, BG or RER were observed between treatments. CBD appeared to increase V̇O2max (+119±206 mL·min−1, dz: 0.06–1.10) and RERmax (+0.04±0.05 dz: 0.24–1.34) during RUN 2 compared to placebo. No differences in TTE or HRmax were observed between treatments. Exercise increased serum interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1ÎČ, tumour necrosis factor-α, lipopolysaccharide and myoglobin concentrations (i.e. Baseline vs. Post-RUN 1, Post-RUN 2 and/or 1-h Post-RUN 2, p’s<0.05). However, the changes were small, making it difficult to reliably evaluate the effect of CBD, where an effect appeared to be present. Plasma concentrations of the endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide (AEA), increased Post-RUN 1 and Post-RUN 2, relative to Baseline and Pre-RUN 1 (p’s<0.05). CBD appeared to reduce AEA concentrations Post-RUN 2, compared to placebo (−0.95±0.64 pmol·mL−1, dz: −2.19, −0.79). Conclusion: CBD appears to alter some key physiological and psychological responses to aerobic exercise without impairing performance. Larger studies are required to confirm and better understand these preliminary findings

    Detection of a Fourth Orbivirus Non-Structural Protein

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    The genus Orbivirus includes both insect and tick-borne viruses. The orbivirus genome, composed of 10 segments of dsRNA, encodes 7 structural proteins (VP1–VP7) and 3 non-structural proteins (NS1–NS3). An open reading frame (ORF) that spans almost the entire length of genome segment-9 (Seg-9) encodes VP6 (the viral helicase). However, bioinformatic analysis recently identified an overlapping ORF (ORFX) in Seg-9. We show that ORFX encodes a new non-structural protein, identified here as NS4. Western blotting and confocal fluorescence microscopy, using antibodies raised against recombinant NS4 from Bluetongue virus (BTV, which is insect-borne), or Great Island virus (GIV, which is tick-borne), demonstrate that these proteins are synthesised in BTV or GIV infected mammalian cells, respectively. BTV NS4 is also expressed in Culicoides insect cells. NS4 forms aggregates throughout the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus, consistent with identification of nuclear localisation signals within the NS4 sequence. Bioinformatic analyses indicate that NS4 contains coiled-coils, is related to proteins that bind nucleic acids, or are associated with membranes and shows similarities to nucleolar protein UTP20 (a processome subunit). Recombinant NS4 of GIV protects dsRNA from degradation by endoribonucleases of the RNAse III family, indicating that it interacts with dsRNA. However, BTV NS4, which is only half the putative size of the GIV NS4, did not protect dsRNA from RNAse III cleavage. NS4 of both GIV and BTV protect DNA from degradation by DNAse. NS4 was found to associate with lipid droplets in cells infected with BTV or GIV or transfected with a plasmid expressing NS4

    An ecological future for weed science to sustain crop production and the environment. A review

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    Sustainable strategies for managing weeds are critical to meeting agriculture's potential to feed the world's population while conserving the ecosystems and biodiversity on which we depend. The dominant paradigm of weed management in developed countries is currently founded on the two principal tools of herbicides and tillage to remove weeds. However, evidence of negative environmental impacts from both tools is growing, and herbicide resistance is increasingly prevalent. These challenges emerge from a lack of attention to how weeds interact with and are regulated by the agroecosystem as a whole. Novel technological tools proposed for weed control, such as new herbicides, gene editing, and seed destructors, do not address these systemic challenges and thus are unlikely to provide truly sustainable solutions. Combining multiple tools and techniques in an Integrated Weed Management strategy is a step forward, but many integrated strategies still remain overly reliant on too few tools. In contrast, advances in weed ecology are revealing a wealth of options to manage weedsat the agroecosystem levelthat, rather than aiming to eradicate weeds, act to regulate populations to limit their negative impacts while conserving diversity. Here, we review the current state of knowledge in weed ecology and identify how this can be translated into practical weed management. The major points are the following: (1) the diversity and type of crops, management actions and limiting resources can be manipulated to limit weed competitiveness while promoting weed diversity; (2) in contrast to technological tools, ecological approaches to weed management tend to be synergistic with other agroecosystem functions; and (3) there are many existing practices compatible with this approach that could be integrated into current systems, alongside new options to explore. Overall, this review demonstrates that integrating systems-level ecological thinking into agronomic decision-making offers the best route to achieving sustainable weed management

    Coadministered cannabidiol and clobazam : preclinical evidence for both pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions

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    Objective: Cannabidiol (CBD) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat intractable childhood epilepsies, such as Dravet syn-drome and Lennox‐Gastaut syndrome. However, the intrinsic anticonvulsant activity of CBD has been questioned due to a pharmacokinetic interaction between CBD and a first‐line medication, clobazam. This recognized interaction has led to speculation that the anticonvulsant efficacy of CBD may simply reflect CBD augmenting clobazam exposure. The present study aimed to address the nature of the interaction between CBD and clobazam. Methods: We examined whether CBD inhibits human CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 mediated metabolism of clobazam and N‐desmethylclobazam (N‐CLB), respectively, and performed studies assessing the effects of CBD on brain and plasma pharma-cokinetics of clobazam in mice. We then used the Scn1a+/− mouse model of Dravet syndrome to examine how CBD and clobazam interact. We compared anticonvulsant effects of CBD‐clobazam combination therapy to monotherapy against thermally‐in-duced seizures, spontaneous seizures and mortality in Scn1a+/− mice. In addition, we used Xenopus oocytes expressing γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptors to investigate the activity of GABAA receptors when treated with CBD and clobazam together. Results: CBD potently inhibited CYP3A4 mediated metabolism of clobazam and CYP2C19 mediated metabolism of N‐CLB. Combination CBD‐clobazam treatment resulted in greater anticonvulsant efficacy in Scn1a+/− mice, but only when an anticonvulsant dose of CBD was used. It is important to note that a sub‐anticonvulsant dose of CBD did not promote greater anticonvulsant effects despite increasing plasma clobazam concentrations. In addition, we delineated a novel pharmacodynamic mechanism where CBD and clobazam together enhanced inhibitory GABAA receptor activation

    Coadministered cannabidiol and clobazam: Preclinical evidence for both pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions

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    Objective: Cannabidiol (CBD) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat intractable childhood epilepsies, such as Dravet syn-drome and Lennox‐Gastaut syndrome. However, the intrinsic anticonvulsant activity of CBD has been questioned due to a pharmacokinetic interaction between CBD and a first‐line medication, clobazam. This recognized interaction has led to speculation that the anticonvulsant efficacy of CBD may simply reflect CBD augmenting clobazam exposure. The present study aimed to address the nature of the interaction between CBD and clobazam. Methods: We examined whether CBD inhibits human CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 mediated metabolism of clobazam and N‐desmethylclobazam (N‐CLB), respectively, and performed studies assessing the effects of CBD on brain and plasma pharma-cokinetics of clobazam in mice. We then used the Scn1a+/− mouse model of Dravet syndrome to examine how CBD and clobazam interact. We compared anticonvulsant effects of CBD‐clobazam combination therapy to monotherapy against thermally‐in-duced seizures, spontaneous seizures and mortality in Scn1a+/− mice. In addition, we used Xenopus oocytes expressing γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptors to investigate the activity of GABAA receptors when treated with CBD and clobazam together. Results: CBD potently inhibited CYP3A4 mediated metabolism of clobazam and CYP2C19 mediated metabolism of N‐CLB. Combination CBD‐clobazam treatment resulted in greater anticonvulsant efficacy in Scn1a+/− mice, but only when an anticonvulsant dose of CBD was used. It is important to note that a sub‐anticonvulsant dose of CBD did not promote greater anticonvulsant effects despite increasing plasma clobazam concentrations. In addition, we delineated a novel pharmacodynamic mechanism where CBD and clobazam together enhanced inhibitory GABAA receptor activation