777 research outputs found

    Quantum Corrections to the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m and Kerr-Newman Metrics

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    We use effective field theory techniques to examine the quantum corrections to the gravitational metrics of charged particles, with and without spin. In momentum space the masslessness of the photon implies the presence of nonanalytic pieces ∌−q2,q2log⁡−q2\sim \sqrt{-q^2},q^2\log -q^2 etc. in the form factors of the energy-momentum tensor. We show how the former reproduces the classical non-linear terms of the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m and Kerr-Newman metrics while the latter can be interpreted as quantum corrections to these metrics, of order Gαℏ/mr3G\alpha\hbar/mr^3Comment: 16 page latex file with two figure

    The nucleon's octet axial-charge g_A^8 with chiral corrections

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    The value of the nucleon's flavour-singlet axial-charge extracted from polarised deep inelastic scattering is sensitive to the value of the octet axial-charge g_A^8 which is usually taken from an analysis of hyperon beta-decays within the framework of SU(3) symmetry, namely 0.58 \pm 0.03. Using the Cloudy Bag model we find that the value of g_A^8 is reduced by as much as 20% below the usual phenomenological value. This increases the value of the flavour singlet axial charge (g_A^0|_inv) derived from deep inelastic data and significantly reduces the difference between it and g_A^8.Comment: 12 page

    D-Meson Mixing in Broken SU(3)

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    A fit of amplitudes to the experimental branching ratios to two mesons is used to construct a new estimate of neutral DD mixing which includes SU(3)SU(3) breaking. The result is dominated by the experimental uncertainties. This suggests that the charm sector may not be as sensitive to new physics as previously thought and that long-distance calculations may not be useful.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Quark-meson coupling model with the cloudy bag

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    Using the volume coupling version of the cloudy bag model, the quark-meson coupling model is extended to study the role of pion field and the properties of nuclear matter. The extended model includes the effect of gluon exchange as well as the pion-cloud effect, and provides a good description of the nuclear matter properties. The relationship between the extended model and the EFT approach to nuclear matter is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Dilaton in a soft-wall holographic approach to mesons and baryons

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    We discuss a holographic soft-wall model developed for the description of mesons and baryons with adjustable quantum numbers n, J, L, S. This approach is based on an action which describes hadrons with broken conformal invariance and which incorporates confinement through the presence of a background dilaton field. We show that in the case of the bound-state problem (hadronic mass spectrum) two versions of the model with a positive and negative dilaton profile are equivalent to each other by a special transformation of the bulk field. We also comment on recent works which discuss the dilaton sign in the context of soft-wall approaches.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The effectiveness of electronic screening and brief intervention for reducing levels of alcohol consumption: A systematic review and meta-Analysis

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    Electronic screening and brief intervention (eSBI) has been shown to reduce alcohol consumption, but its effectiveness over time has not been subject to meta-Analysis. Objective: The current study aims to conduct a systematic review and meta-Analysis of the available literature to determine the effectiveness of eSBI over time in nontreatment-seeking hazardous/harmful drinkers. Methods: A systematic review and meta-Analysis of relevant studies identified through searching the electronic databases PsychINFO, Medline, and EMBASE in May 2013. Two members of the study team independently screened studies for inclusion criteria and extracted data. Studies reporting data that could be transformed into grams of ethanol per week were included in the meta-Analysis. The mean difference in grams of ethanol per week between eSBI and control groups was weighted using the random-effects method based on the inverse-variance approach to control for differences in sample size between studies. Results: There was a statistically significant mean difference in grams of ethanol consumed per week between those receiving an eSBI versus controls at up to 3 months (mean difference -32.74, 95% CI -56.80 to -8.68, z=2.67, P=.01), 3 to less than 6 months (mean difference -17.33, 95% CI -31.82 to -2.84, z=2.34, P=.02), and from 6 months to less than 12 months follow-up (mean difference -14.91, 95% CI -25.56 to -4.26, z=2.74, P=.01). No statistically significant difference was found at a follow-up period of 12 months or greater (mean difference -7.46, 95% CI -25.34 to 10.43, z=0.82, P=.41). Conclusions: A significant reduction in weekly alcohol consumption between intervention and control conditions was demonstrated between 3 months and less than 12 months follow-up indicating eSBI is an effective intervention

    Second Class Current in QCD Sum Rules

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    Induced tensor charge of the nucleon gTg_T, which originates from G-parity violation, is evaluated from QCD sum rules. We find that gT/gAg_T/g_A with gAg_A being the axial charge is − -0.0152 ±\pm 0.0053 which is proportional to u-d quark mass difference. This result is small compared to preliminary analysis of the experiment, but is consistent with the estimate in the MIT bag model.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 7 figures appended as uu-encoded fil

    Effect of Nucleon Structure Variation in Super-allowed Fermi Beta-decay

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    There is a well known anomaly between the value of the Fermi decay constant extracted from super-allowed Fermi beta-decay of nuclear isotriplets and that required by unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. This discrepancy remains at the level of a few tenths of a percent after the most rigorous investigation of conventional nuclear and radiative corrections. Within the framework of the quark-meson coupling model of nuclear matter, which has been previously applied successfully to phenomena such as nuclear saturation and nuclear charge symmetry violation, we show that it is possible to understand a significant fraction of the observed anomaly.Comment: 11 pages with 1 figure and 1 tabl

    Nucleon mass and pion loops: Renormalization

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    Using Dyson--Schwinger equations, the nucleon propagator is analyzed nonperturbatively in a field--theoretical model for the pion--nucleon interaction. Infinities are circumvented by using pion--nucleon form factors which define the physical scale. It is shown that the correct, finite, on--shell nucleon renormalization is important for the value of the mass--shift and the propagator. For physically acceptable forms of the pion--nucleon form factor the rainbow approximation together with renormalization is inconsistent. Going beyond the rainbow approximation, the full pion--nucleon vertex is modelled by its bare part plus a one--loop correction including an effective Δ\Delta. It is found that a consistent value for the nucleon mass--shift can be obtained as a consequence of a subtle interplay between wave function and vertex renormalization. Furthermore, the bare and renormalized pion--nucleon coupling constant are approximately equal, consistent with results from the Cloudy Bag Model.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
