610 research outputs found

    Towards pp -> VVjj at NLO QCD: Bosonic contributions to triple vector boson production plus jet

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    In this work, some of the NLO QCD corrections for pp -> VVjj + X are presented. A program in Mathematica based on the structure of FeynCalc which automatically simplifies a set of amplitudes up to the hexagon level of rank 5 has been created for this purpose. We focus on two different topologies. The first involves all the virtual contributions needed for quadruple electroweak vector boson production, i.e. pp -> VVVV + X. In the second, the remaining "bosonic" corrections to electroweak triple vector boson production with an additional jet (pp -> VVV j + X) are computed. We show the factorization formula of the infrared divergences of the bosonic contributions for VVVV and VVVj production with V=(W,Z,gamma). Stability issues associated with the evaluation of the hexagons up to rank 5 are studied. The CPU time of the FORTRAN subroutines rounds the 2 milliseconds and seems to be competitive with other more sophisticated methods. Additionally, in Appendix A the master equations to obtain the tensor coefficients up to the hexagon level in the external momenta convention are presented including the ones needed for small Gram determinants.Comment: 48 pages,16 figure

    Quantum corrections to Schwarzschild black hole

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    Using effective field theory techniques, we compute quantum corrections to spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein’s gravity and focus in particular on the Schwarzschild black hole. Quantum modifications are covariantly encoded in a non-local effective action. We work to quadratic order in curvatures simultaneously taking local and non-local corrections into account. Looking for solutions perturbatively close to that of classical general relativity, we find that an eternal Schwarzschild black hole remains a solution and receives no quantum corrections up to this order in the curvature expansion. In contrast, the field of a massive star receives corrections which are fully determined by the effective field theory

    Dimension-eight operators in the weak OPE

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    We argue that there is a potential flaw in the standard treatment of weak decay amplitudes, including that of ǫ′/ǫ. We show that (contrary to conventional wisdom) dimension-eight operators do contribute to weak amplitudes, at order GFαs and without 1/M2W suppression. We demonstrate the existence of these operators through the use of a simple weak hamiltonian. Their contribution appears in different places depending on which scheme is adopted in performing the OPE. If one performs a complete separation of short and long distance physics within a cutoff scheme, dimension-eight operators occur in the weak hamiltonian at order GFαs/μ2, μ being the separating scale. However, in an MS renormalization scheme for the OPE the dimension-eight operators do not appear explicitly in the hamiltonian at order GFαs. In this case, matrix elements must include physics above the scale μ, and it is here that dimension eight effects enter. The use of a cutoff scheme (especially quark model methods) for the calculation of the matrix elements of dimension-six operators is inconsistent with MS unless there is careful matching including dimension-eight operators. The contribution of dimension-eight operators can be minimized by working at large enough values of the scale μ. We find from sum rule methods that the contribution of dimension-eight operators to the dimension-six operator Q(6) 7 is at the 100% level for μ = 1.5 GeV. This suggests that presently available values of μ are too low to justify the neglect of these effects. Finally, we display the dimension-eight operators which appear within the Standard Model at one loop