243 research outputs found

    Inter-frequency Bias Estimation for the GPS Monitor Station Network

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    The inter-frequency bias (IFB) is present in all dual frequency combinations of GPS pseudorange and carrier phase observables. It is caused by the path dependent signal delays in both the satellite and receiver. That delay can be directly measured for a space vehicle prior to launch, or for a ground based receiver prior to its being used in the field. However the bias is known to drift, and monitoring the delay estimate by direct measurement is time consuming for ground based receivers and impossible for deployed space vehicles. Hansen (2002) examined the observability of IFB through a global model of ionosphere total electron content (TEC). Variation in the receiver portion of the IFB can also be observed in receivers with antennae in a zero-baseline configuration. This is referred to as an inter-receiver bias (IRB). In this study a Kalman filter is formulated to observe IFBs and IRBs. Process noise is used to allow the filter to track changes in the IFBs and IRBs. The filter also implements constraints to reflect the fact that a given IRB is not linearly independent of the IFBs. Because the receivers are distributed on a global scale, the Kalman filter requires a globally observable phenomenon by which to tie the IFBs. In this case ionosphere delay provides such a phenomenon. The filter was applied to observations collected by GPS monitor stations that comprise the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency Monitor Station Network (MSN). Each monitor station contains two geodetic quality receivers in a zero-baseline configuration and continuously collects GPS observations. The GPS observations collected by this network are used to produce both precise ephemeris and the broadcast ephemeris. GPS observations made through the network are incorporated into the GPS Master Control Station (MCS) Kalman filter of the Operational Control System (OCS) (Wiley, 2006). The Kalman filter in the OCS estimates the orbital parameters that are transmitted via the navigation message. If estimated effectively, knowledge of the receiver portion of the IFB can aid in achieving better ionosphere models. IFBs are made observable using a global ionosphere delay model. A ninth order spherical harmonic model derived by Y.C. Chao (1997) was used in this study for ionosphere delay. Chao used this spherical harmonic model to capture ionospheric variations that occurred over a smaller global region in his IFB estimation process. In this study a similar model was used but was verified using observations that span a global coverage. The receiver portion of the IFB is observed precisely using the IRB. In this study error terms were introduced into the Kalman filter design to realign the IRB estimates to the IFB estimates produced for each of the two receivers in a zero baseline configuration. For a nominal epoch of measurement, there were 198 noisy measurements used each epoch to generate twelve monitor station specific IRBs. The IRB estimates showed small, decimeter level dynamic variation over the period of a day. The quality of the IFB estimate directly affects the quality of the ionospheric model formed during the estimation process. Results verify that the filter is operating properly. The ionosphere model, though simple, demonstrates that the total electron content (TEC) peaks during local noon and is at a minimum during local night. IRB estimates are roughly constant over time and have a magnitude of less than 2.5 meters. Similar estimates are formed for the IFBs, however when processing one day of observations, the IFB estimates are less stable than those of the IRBs. Future effort will involve tuning the filter, and establishing criteria for its convergence


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    Studi ini berpendapat bahwa kondisi alutsista Indonesia di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 perlu diperbaharui. Oleh karena itu Pemerintah harus melaksanakan strategi pemenuhan alutsista yang sesuai dengan perkembangan lingkungan strategi di era revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan yang berfokus pada teori strategi, konsep alutsista dan konsep revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian ini menemukan hasil bahwa: kondisi alutsista Indonesia perlu pembaharuan dan pengadaan yang baru, Adapun strategi yang dilakukan Pemerintah lebih menekankan pada kemandirian alutsista dalam negeri. Namun pemenuhan alutsista secara mandiri ini masih menemukan beberapa kesulitan, seperti kurangnya anggaran, kurangnya SDM dan sarana prasarana. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam upaya memenuhi alutsista yang saat ini sudah kurang optimal, Pemerintah sudah mulai menjalankan strategi kemandirian produksi alutsista dengan memanfaatkan BUMN, agar negara Indonesia tidak ketergantungan alutsista oleh negara lain

    Kajian Batimetri Bagi Kepentingan Penambahan Kedalaman Kolam Pelabuhan Di Perairan Tegal

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    Perairan Tegal merupakan wilayah pesisir bagian utara dari Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah yang dimanfaatkan sebagai area pelabuhan. Pelabuhan Tegal merupakan pelabuhan nasional yang mempunyai kegiatan utama yaitu perbaikan kapal atau docking untuk kapal berukuran kecil sampai sedang. Kegiatan lain yang dilakukan oleh Pelabuhan Tegal yaitu aktivitas bongkar muat, namun hanya dapat dilakukan oleh kapal yang mempunyai draft kapal maksimal 3 meter karena perairan yang dangkal. Menanggapi hal tersebut, pemerintah Kota Tegal berupaya untuk melakukan pengembangan pelabuhan supaya pelabuhan yang baru dapat melakukan kegiatan docking dan bongkar muat dengan maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan informasi tentang karakteristik pasang surut dan kondisi batimetri yang disajikan dalam bentuk peta serta menentukan kedalaman tambahan supaya kapal kapasitas 5000 DWT dapat masuk ke dalam kolam pelabuhan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data yang mendalam, suatu data yang mengandung makna. Data pasut diolah menggunakan metode admiralty dan kedalaman perairan dihitung dari muka surutan (LLWL) dengan menggunakan Singlebeam Echosounder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perairan Tegal mempunyai tipe pasang surut campuran dominan ganda dengan muka air rata – rata (MSL) 152,6 cm dan muka surutan sekaligus air rendah terendah (LLWL) 100,71 cm. kedalaman perairan berkisar antara 0,7 – 3 meter dan disarankan untuk menambah kedalaman 6,8 – 8,8 meter

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Ganda Iodium Dan Zat Besi (Fe) Terhadap Kadar Tsh, Ft4, T3 Dan Ferritin Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    PENGARUH SUPLEMENTASI GANDA IODIUM DAN ZAT BESI (Fe) TERHADAP KADAR TSH, fT4, T3 DAN FERRITIN ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR Effect of Iodine and Iron (Fe) Dual Supplementation on The Levels of TSH, fT4, T3 and Ferritin in Primary School Children ABSTRACT Background. Intercorrelations between iodine and iron (Fe) on the function of the thyroid gland and the status of iron (Fe) affects the effectiveness of Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) prevention and anemia programs. Communities group prone to nutritional problems are school age children who are in growth period. Objective. This study aims to compare the effect of iodine iron (I+Fe) double supplementation with single supplementation of iodine (I) and single supplementation of iron (Fe) on the function of the thyroid gland and the status of iron (Fe). Method. The study was a randomized double-blind controlled trial. Provision of interventions done by randomization with block permutations dividing study subjects into four groups: Iodine+iron (I+Fe) dual supplement group, iodine (I) only supplement group, iron (Fe) only suplement group and placebo group. Subjects were primary school children aged 9-12 years. Interventions conducted for 13 weeks and thyroid function measured by serum levels of TSH, fT4 and T3, while the iron status based on ferritin levels. Results. Supplementation of Iodine and Iron can increase ferritin and T3 levels, while supplementation of I+FeI, I or Fe can increase levels of fT4 although it is not statistically significant. Ancova showed there is a mechanism of mutual influence between ferritin, fT4 and T3. Conclusion. There is no differences between dual supplementation of iodine and iron with single supplementation of iodine or iron in alteration of ferritin, TSH, fT4, and T3 serum. Keywords: iodine, iron, supplementation. ABSTRAK Latar belakang. Interkorelasi antara iodium dan zat besi (Fe) terhadap fungsi kelenjar tiroid dan status zat besi (Fe) mempengaruhi efektifitas program penanggulangan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (GAKI) dan anemia. Kelompok masyarakat yang rawan terhadap kedua masalah gizi tersebut adalah anak usia sekolah yang sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Tujuan. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh suplementasi ganda iodium zat besi (Fe) dengan suplementasi tunggal iodium dan suplementasi tunggal zat besi (Fe) terhadap fungsi kelenjar tiroid dan status zat besi (Fe). Metode. Desain penelitian adalah randomized double blind contolled trial. Pemberian intervensi dilakukan dengan cara randomisasi dengan blok permutasi yang membagi partisipan penelitian ke dalam 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok suplementasi ganda iodium+zat besi (I+Fe), kelompok suplementasi tunggal iodium (I), kelompok suplementasi tunggal zat besi (Fe) dan kelompok placebo. Partisipan penelitian adalah anak sekolah dasar umur 9 – 12 tahun. Intervensi dilakukan selama 13 minggu dan fungsi tiroid diukur berdasarkan kadar TSH, fT4 dan T3 serum, sedangkan status besi berdasarkan kadar feritin serum. Hasil. Pemberian suplementasi Iodium dan Fe (I+Fe) dapat meningkatkan kadar feritin dan T3. Pemberian suplementasi Fe+I, I atau Fe dapat meningkatkan kadar fT4 walaupun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Uji ancova menunjukkan adamekanisme saling mempengaruhi antara feritin, fT4 dan T3. Kesimpulan. Tidak ada perbedaan nyata antara suplementasi ganda iodium zat besi (Fe) dengan suplementasi tunggal iodium atau zat besi (Fe) terhadap Perubahan ferritin, TSH, fT4, dan T3 serum

    Suplementasi Besi Mampu Memperbaiki Kadar Hormon TSH Anak Sekolah Di Daerah Endemik GAKI

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    Multiple nutritional and environmental influences contribute to the prevalence and severity of IDDs in iodine deficient areas, including iron. In many developing countries, children are at high risk of both goiter and iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency adversely affects thyroid metabolism and may reduce the efficacy of iodized salt. The aim of this study was to investigate whether iron supplementation can improve thyrothrophin hormone in school children in iodine deficient areas. A trial of iron supplementation was carried out in an area of endemic goiter in Kertek Wonosobo (n = 35), another group given placebo (n = 35). At baseline, anthropometri, TSH, ferritin, urinary iodine excretion and level of iodized salt were measured. After 13 weeks supplementation, the same data collecting was conducted. Supplement's compliance during the study reached 100%. Two subject were excluded from from the analysis because they have extreme bio chemical data than the overall average. Statistical test showed no differences in age and gender proportion between groups. There were no significant difference in nutritional status, level of EIU, and level of iodine in salt between groups after the intervention, but there was a significant increase in ferritin level in the iron group (31.0 vs 44.8 μg/l, p<0.05). There were a significant difference in protein and iron intake, but no significant different in energy intake.These two group did not differ in TSH level change. After taking into account the modification variable effect of adequate protein > 70% RDA, the effect of iron supplementation was proved to be effective in changing TSH level (p <0.05). Our result indicate that increase in iron status can improve TSH hormone after considering adequate protein intake (RDA)

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pinjaman Pada Koperasi Apac Inti Pelita Sejahtera

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    Dengan adanya teknologi informasi dapat membuat suatu sistem yang terkomputerisasi dimana sistem ini sangat mendukung kecepatan, kemudahan, & keakuratan dalam mengumpulkan pengolahan penyimpanan data. Koperasi apac inti pelita sejahtera belum ada suatu sistem database khusus untuk menangani transaksi peminjaman, sehingga transaksi-transaksi yang dilakukan masih terdapat kesalahan-kesalahan mulai data yang ganda, sampai pencarian data yang memakan waktu lama.berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukan sistem informasi peminjaman pada koperasi apac inti pelita sejahtera dengan menganalisa,merancang & mengembangkan sistem informasi peminjaman guna untuk mempercepat proses pendataan peminjaman. Metode yang digunakan adalah SDLC (system development life cycle) atau lebih dikenal sebagai waterfall. Metode ini bersifat sekuensial, sehingga penyelesaiaan satu set kegiatan menyebabkan dimulainya aktifitas selanjutnya karena prosesnya mengalir secara sistematis dari tahap awal ke tahap berikutnya. Penelitian tersebut menghasilkan program sistem informasi peminjaman yang membantu mempercepat proses peminjaman & menyajikan laporan-laporan yang berkaitan dengan peminjaman dengan cepat. Di harapkan koperasi apac inti pelita sejahtera dapat mengembangkan aplikasi ini untuk kesejahteraan perusahaaan. KataKunci: Sistem, Informasi, Sistem Informasi, Sistem Informasi Peminjaman   With the information technology can make a computerized system where the system is very supportive of speed, convenience, and accuracy in collecting the data storage processing. Cooperative apac inti pelita sejahtera yet a database system for handling lending transactions, so that transactions are carried out there are mistakes begin double data, to search data that takes a long time. based on the problems it is necessary lending to information systems Cooperative apac inti pelita sejahtera by analyzing, designing and developing information systems in order to accelerate the process of borrowing the loan collection. the method used is SDLC (system development life cycle) or better known as the waterfall. This method is sequential, so Completion of the set of activities led to the start of the next activity because the process flow systematically from the initial stage to the next stage. The research generate lending program information system that helps speed up the process of borrowing and present reports relating to the loan quickly. It is hoped that the Cooperative apac inti pelita sejahtera can develop this application for the well-being of the company. Keywords: System, Information, Information Systems, Information Systems Loa

    Classification of Palm Oil Fresh Fruit Bunch using Multiband Optical Sensors

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    This study investigated optical sensor system consist of sixteen light emitting diode (LED) in visible/near infrared region to detect palm oil fresh fruit bunch (FFB) quality. Practically, experience grader assessed FFB quality by its ripeness based on external features such as colour and number of detached fruitlets. However, different seed and plantation management resulting in FFB quality variation. Same external features not linearly correlate with FFB oil content that corresponding with industrial needs. The 660 nm LED is choosen to be used to estimate the oil content of FFB. Using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with Mahalanobis distance, the accuracy of the systems is 79.8% and 88.2%. From 33 FFB oil content measurement, grader misclassified 4 out of 17 FFB as ripe FFB but with low oil content (<17.5%) and misclassified 7 out of 16 FFB as unripe but with high oil content (>=17.5%). Classifying model build from FFB from main plantation then tested to evaluate FFB from smallholder. Classification model generated from FFB oil content data showed more accurate result compared to model generated from visual inspection 66.7% compared to 52.1%. Model accuracies attained by Discriminant Analysis (DA) and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) were 79.8% and 80.7%, respectively based on grader evaluation. Model accuracies based on FFB oil content was 88.2% for both classifying algorithms
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