43 research outputs found

    Qur’ânicization of Religio-Political Discourse in the Umayyad Period

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    Documentary and literary evidence suggests that during the Umayyad period, institutions and practices central to the operation of the state were renamed using terms from the Qur’an. The goal of this process was to legitimate the Umayyad state and government by linking them with the divine revelation and the person of the prophet Muhammad.  It also helped to define Islam as a tradition focused on the prophet and the Qur’an.Les sources documentaires et littéraires suggèrent que, durant la période omeyyade, les institutions et les pratiques centrales au fonctionnement de l’État furent renommées au profit d’une terminologie issue du Coran. Le but de ce processus était de légitimer l’État et le gouvernement omeyyade en les rattachant à la révélation divine et à la personne de Muhammad. Cela joua également un rôle dans la définition d’une identité musulmane, centrée sur le Prophète et le Coran

    Muhammad und die frühe islamische Gemeinschaft aus historischer Sicht

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    The talk summarizes the traditional view of Islam’s origins and its limitations, particularly the problem of deficient sources, and then sketches out differing revisionist approaches on Islam’s origins and on the nature and early history of the Qur’an text. While skepticism about some information in the traditional Islamic narratives is warranted, it is also clear that these sources must be used, albeit critically, to reconstruct Islam’s origins. The paper closes with a summary of a reconstruction, based mainly on parts of the Qur’an, that posits an early community of Believers dedicated to strict monotheism and adherence to stringent standards of piety in which Jews, Christians, and Qur’anic monotheists all played some part. The fluidity or porousness of confessional identities in the early community seems to have given way to stricter boundaries around 700 CE, when the core of the community redefined itself around the Qur’an and the figure of the prophet Muhammad to become Muslims in the classic sense