868 research outputs found

    Structure and origin of cometary nuclei

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    There is strong evidence that a comet nucleus consists of a single object whose basic structure is Whipple's icy conglomerate. A number of cometary phenomena indicate that the nucleus is a low density, fragile object with a large degree of radial uniformity in structure and composition. Details of the ice-dust pattern are more uncertain. A working model is proposed which is based on theories of accumulation of larger objects from grains. This nucleus is a distorted spherical aggregate of a hierarchy of ice-dust cometesimals. These cometesimals retain some separate identity which lead to comet fragmentation when larger components break off. The outer layers of new comets were modified by cosmic ray irradiation in the Oort Cloud. The evidence for meteorite-comet association is steill controversial. Current dynamical studies do not seem to require a cometary source of meteorites

    On the detection of newly created CN radicals and comets

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    Laboratory investigations of CN radical formation by photodissociation of parent molecules have suggested the possibility of observing emission lines in cometary spectra from newly formed CN radicals. These laboratory studies have shown that high initial internal excitation of CN is the rule with excitation of rotational levels N up to 70. In the collisionless environment of the cometary atmosphere this initial excitation would yield a corresponding distribution for the lowest vibrational level of the ground X(2) Sigma (+) state. Our calculations show that it is feasible with present observational techniques to detect photochemically excited lines with N approx. equal to 30 in the 0-0 band of the violet system

    Free-Flight Tests of Fifth-Stage Scout Entry Vehicle at Mach Numbers of 5 and 17

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    Measurements have been made in air at two Mach numbers of the static stability, normal force, and drag of a version of the fifth-stage Scout entry vehicle. The most significant result was that the design center of gravity led to a condition of static instability at small angles of attack at Mach number 17. At this Mach number, the static stability was a highly nonlinear function of the angle of attack. A useful method for analyzing free-flight data having this nonlinear behavior is included in this report. Comparisons were made between the measured aerodynamic coefficients and those estimated by Newtonian impact theory and by a method developed by Seiff and Whiting. The latter method gave good estimates of the normal-force-curve slope at both Mach numbers and of the moment-curve slope at the lower Mach number. It resulted in an overestimation of the static stability at Mach number 17, although it gave results decidedly closer to the experimental value than did Newtonian impact theory

    Modern Observational Techniques for Comets

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    Techniques are discussed in the following areas: astrometry, photometry, infrared observations, radio observations, spectroscopy, imaging of coma and tail, image processing of observation. The determination of the chemical composition and physical structure of comets is highlighted

    The study of comets, part 1

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    Papers are presented dealing with observations of comets. Topic discussed include: photometry, polarimetry, and astrometry of comets; detection of water and molecular transitions in comets; ion motions in comet tails; determination of comet brightness and luminosity; and evolution of cometary orbits. Emphasis is placed on analysis of observations of comet Kohoutek

    Socioeconomic deprivation as measured by the index of multiple deprivation and its association with low sex hormone binding globulin in women

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS M.L., I.L. and A.H.H. participated in the study concept and design, acquisition of data, study analysis, interpretation of data, drafting of the manuscript. D.M. provided statistical expertise. R.D., A.J.H., and A.F. participated in the interpretation of data and critical revision of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    From C/Mrkos to P/Halley: 30 years of cometary spectroscopy

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    An Atlas of Cometary Spectra was compiled, as a sequel to the well-known Atlas published by Swings and Haser in 1956. The new atlas comprises some 400 reproductions of cometary spectra secured in the world's largest observatories during the three decades or so from the passage of comet Mrkos 1957 V, for which the very first high-dispersion spectrum was obtained, to the return of Halley's comet. The illustrations refer to 40 different comet apparitions; they are grouped into a set of 186 loose 11 x 14 in. plates, while the texts, comments, and relevant data are given in a separate booklet. The main purpose of this atlas is to show in detail the tremendous progress which was achieved in cometary spectroscopy during the period covered, essentially thanks to the use of high-resolution coude spectrographs and large telescopes, the considerable extension of the observed wavelength range, and the advent of electronic detectors. It is divided into two parts. Part 1, which contains about two-thirds of the selected material, presents photographic spectra, while electronically recorded spectra covering the vacuum ultraviolet, through the optical, infrared, and radio regions appear in Part 2

    Amino acid composition of proteins in halophilic phototrophic bacteria of the genus Ectothiorhodospira

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    The amino acid composition of total proteins of eight Ectothiorhodospira strains with different salt optima and of separated membranes of selected strains have been determined. Amino acid compositions were compared with those reported for nonhalophilic phototrophic and heterotrophic bacteria and Halobacterium halobium. The membrane fractions from Ectothiorhodospira strains requiring high salt for maximum growth contained more polar and less nonpolar amino acids than strains with low salt requirements or nonhalophilic bacteria. The content of intermediate amino acids increased with the increasing halophilic properties of the Ectothiorhodospira strains. Proteins which function in high-salt environments may therefore require such compositions to maintain their structures in highly ionic solutions

    Geologic mapping of Argyre Planitia

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    This report describes the results from the geologic mapping of the central and southern Argyre basin of Mars. At the Mars Geologic Mapper's Meeting in Flagstaff during July, 1993, Dave Scott (United States Geological Survey, Mars Geologic Mapping Steering Committee Chair) recommended that all four quadrangles be combined into a single 1:1,000,000 scale map for publication. It was agreed that this would be cost-effective and that the decrease in scale would not compromise the original science goals of the mapping. Tim Parker completed mapping on the 1:500,000 scale base maps, for which all the necessary materials had already been produced, and included the work as a chapter in his dissertation, which was completed in the fall of 1994. Geologic mapping of the two southernmost quadrangles (MTM -55036 and MTM -55043; MTM=Mars Transverse Mercator) was completed as planned during the first year of work. These maps and a detailed draft of the map text were given a preliminary review by Dave Scott during summer, 1993. Geologic mapping of the remaining two quadrangles (MTM -50036 and MTM -50043) was completed by summer, 1994. Results were described at the Mars Geologic Mappers Meeting, held in Pocatello, Idaho, during July, 1994. Funds for the third and final year of the project have been transferred to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where Tim Parker will revise and finalize all maps and map text for publication by the United States Geological Survey at the 1:1,000,000 map scale