1,036 research outputs found

    The bose metal: a commentary

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    Pressure-tuned First-order Phase Transition and Accompanying Resistivity Anomaly in CeZn_{1-\delta}Sb_{2}

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    The Kondo lattice system CeZn_{0.66}Sb_{2} is studied by the electrical resistivity and ac magnetic susceptibility measurements at several pressures. At P=0 kbar, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic transitions appear at 3.6 and 0.8 K, respectively. The electrical resistivity at T_N dramatically changes from the Fisher-Langer type (ferromagnetic like) to the Suzaki-Mori type near 17 kbar, i.e., from a positive divergence to a negative divergence in the temperature derivative of the resistivity. The pressure-induced SM type anomaly, which shows thermal hysteresis, is easily suppressed by small magnetic field (1.9 kOe for 19.8 kbar), indicating a weakly first-order nature of the transition. By subtracting a low-pressure data set, we directly compare the resistivity anomaly with the SM theory without any assumption on backgrounds, where the negative divergence in d\rho/dT is ascribed to enhanced critical fluctuations in the presence of superzone gaps.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; journal-ref adde

    Heavy fermion fluid in high magnetic fields: an infrared study of CeRu4_4Sb12_{12}

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    We report a comprehensive infrared magneto-spectroscopy study of CeRu4_4Sb12_{12} compound revealing quasiparticles with heavy effective mass m∗^*, with a detailed analysis of optical constants in fields up to 17 T. We find that the applied magnetic field strongly affects the low energy excitations in the system. In particular, the magnitude of m∗^* ≃\simeq 70 mb_b (mb_b is the quasiparticle band mass) at 10 K is suppressed by as much as 25 % at 17 T. This effect is in quantitative agreement with the mean-field solution of the periodic Anderson model augmented with a Zeeman term

    Evolution from localized to intermediate valence regime in Ce2Cu2-xNixIn

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    Polycrystalline samples of the solid solution Ce2Cu2-xNixIn were studied by means of x-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements performed in a wide temperature range. Partial substitution of copper atoms by nickel atoms results in quasi-linear decrease of the lattice parameters and the unit cell volume of the system. The lattice compression leads to an increase in the exchange integral and yields a reversal in the order of the magnetic 4f1 and nonmagnetic 4f0 states, being in line with the Doniach phase diagram. In the localized regime, where an interplay of the Kondo scattering and the crystalline electric field effect takes place, the rise in the hybridization strength is accompanied with relative reduction in the scattering conduction electrons on excited crystal field levels. (c) 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at doi:10.1088/0953-8984/23/45/45600

    On the existence of a Bose Metal at T=0

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    This paper aims to justify, at a microscopic level, the existence of a two-dimensional Bose metal, i.e. a metallic phase made out of Cooper pairs at T=0. To this end, we consider the physics of quantum phase fluctuations in (granular) superconductors in the absence of disorder and emphasise the role of two order parameters in the problem, viz. phase order and charge order. We focus on the 2-d Bose Hubbard model in the limit of very large fillings, i.e. a 2-d array of Josephson junctions. We find that the algebra of phase fluctuations is that of the Euclidean group E2E_{2} in this limit, and show that the model is equivalent to two coupled XY models in (2+1)-d, one corresponding to the phase degrees of freedom, and the other the charge degrees of freedom. The Bose metal, then, is the phase in which both these degrees of freedom are disordered(as a result of quantum frustration). We analyse the model in terms of its topological excitations and suggest that there is a strong indication that this state represents a surface of critical points, akin to the gapless spin liquid states. We find a remarkable consistency of this scenario with certain low-T_c thin film experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Ferromagnetic transition in a double-exchange system containing impurities in the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation

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    We formulate the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation equations for the double-exchange system with quenched disorder for arbitrary relation between Hund exchange coupling and electron band width. Close to the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition point the DMFA equations can be reduced to the ordinary mean field equation of Curie-Weiss type. We solve the equation to find the transition temperature and present the magnetic phase diagram of the system.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 2 eps figures. We explicitely present the magnetic phase diagram of the syste

    The Phase Behavior of Mixed Lipid Membranes in Presence of the Rippled Phase

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    We propose a model describing liquid-solid phase coexistence in mixed lipid membranes by including explicitly the occurrence of a rippled phase. For a single component membrane, we employ a previous model in which the membrane thickness is used as an order parameter. As function of temperature, this model properly accounts for the phase behavior of the three possible membrane phases: solid, liquid and the rippled phase. Our primary aim is to explore extensions of this model to binary lipid mixtures by considering the composition dependence of important model parameters. The obtained phase diagrams show various liquid, solid and rippled phase coexistence regions, and are in quantitative agreement with the experimental ones for some specific lipid mixtures.Comment: 8pages, 5figure

    High-pressure study of non-Fermi liquid and spin-glass-like behavior in CeRhSn

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    We present measurements of the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity of CeRhSn up to ~ 27 kbar. At low temperatures, the electrical resistivity varies linearly with temperature for all pressures, indicating non-Fermi liquid behavior. Below a temperature Tf ~ 6 K, the electrical resistivity deviates from a linear dependence. We found that the low-temperature feature centered at T = Tf shows a pressure dependence dTf/dP ~ 30 mK/kbar which is typical of canonical spin glasses. This interplay between spin-glass-like and non-Fermi liquid behavior was observed in both CeRhSn and a Ce0.9La0.1RhSn alloy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Spin gap and string order parameter in the ferromagnetic Spiral Staircase Heisenberg Ladder: a quantum Monte Carlo study

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    We consider a spin-1/2 ladder with a ferromagnetic rung coupling J_\perp and inequivalent chains. This model is obtained by a twist (\theta) deformation of the ladder and interpolates between the isotropic ladder (\theta=0) and the SU(2) ferromagnetic Kondo necklace model (\theta=\pi). We show that the ground state in the (\theta,J_\perp) plane has a finite string order parameter characterising the Haldane phase. Twisting the chain introduces a new energy scale, which we interpret in terms of a Suhl-Nakamura interaction. As a consequence we observe a crossover in the scaling of the spin gap at weak coupling from \Delta/J_\| \propto J_\perp/J_\| for \theta < \theta_c \simeq 8\pi/9 to \Delta/J_\| \propto (J_\perp/J_\|)^2 for \theta > \theta_c. Those results are obtained on the basis of large scale Quantum Monte Carlo calculations.Comment: 4 page
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