16 research outputs found

    Promosi kesehatan menggunakan gambar dan teks dalam aplikasi WhatsApp pada kader posbindu

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    PurposeThis study aimed to determine the effectiveness of educational programs through WhatsApp media on the level of knowledge and satisfaction of learning of Posbindu health workers.Methods This study was an experimental research on 1 group that consisted of 33 respondents. Two stages of intervention were done with sending an educational text message about diabetes in the first week and picture messages in the second week. The instruments of this study consisted of a knowledge questionnaire and a learning satisfaction questionnaire. The study was conducted on Posbindu health workers with message delivery interventions through WhatsApp.ResultsThere was a significant change between the mean pre-test and post intervention of text messaging and educational images on knowledge of type 2 diabetes variables, while the delivery of picture messages had the highest mean value of learning satisfaction.Conclusions Promotion and health education programs through message delivery on WhatsApp effectively can improve the knowledge and satisfaction of learning about type 2 diabetes mellitus.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas program edukasi tentang diabetes tipe 2 melalui media WhatsApp pada tingkat pengetahuan dan kepuasan belajar kader Posbindu.Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan pada 1 grup dengan 33 responden. Intervensi terdiri dari 2 tahap, yakni: pengiriman pesan teks edukasi tentang diabetes pada minggu pertama dan pesan bergambar pada minggu kedua. Instrumen penelitian ini terdiri dari kuesioner pengetahuan dan kuesioner kepuasan belajar. Penelitian dilakukan pada kader Posbindu dengan intervensi pengiriman pesan melalui WhatsApp.Hasil: Terdapat perubahan signifikan antara rerata nilai pre test , post intervensi pengriman pesan teks dan post intervensi pengiriman gambar edukasi pada variabel tentang pengetahuan diabetes tipe 2. Sedangkan pengiriman pesan bergambar memiliki rerata nilai kepuasan belajar paling tinggi.Implikasi Praktis: Penelitian ini menyarankan program promosi dan edukasi kesehatan melalui pengiriman pesan bergambar pada aplikasi WhatsApp efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kepuasan belajar.Keaslian: Penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa WhatsApp adalah media pendidikan potensial karena merupakan media interaktif antara pengirim dan penerima pesan

    Preclinical students’ experiences in early clerkships after skills training partly offered in primary health care centers: a qualitative study from Indonesia

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    Abstract Background Students may encounter difficulties when they have to apply clinical skills trained in their pre-clinical studies in clerkships. Early clinical exposure in the pre-clinical phase has been recommended to reduce these transition problems. The aim of this study is to explore differences in students' experiences during the first clerkships between students exclusively trained in a skills laboratory and peers for whom part of their skills training was substituted by early clinical experiences (ECE). Methods Thirty pre-clinical students trained clinical skills exclusively in a skills laboratory; 30 peers received part of their skills training in PHC centers. Within half a year after commencing their clerkships all 60 students shared their experiences in focus group discussions (FGDs). Verbatim transcripts of FGDs were analyzed using Atlas-Ti software. Results Clerkship students who had participated in ECE in PHC centers felt better prepared to perform their clinical skills during the first clerkships than peers who had only practiced in a skills laboratory. ECE in PHC centers impacted positively in particular on students’ confidence, clinical reasoning, and interpersonal communication. Conclusion In the Indonesian setting ECE in PHC centers reduce difficulties commonly encountered by medical students in the first clerkships.</p

    Preclinical students' experiences in early clerkships after skills training partly offered in primary health care centers: a qualitative study from Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Students may encounter difficulties when they have to apply clinical skills trained in their pre-clinical studies in clerkships. Early clinical exposure in the pre-clinical phase has been recommended to reduce these transition problems. The aim of this study is to explore differences in students' experiences during the first clerkships between students exclusively trained in a skills laboratory and peers for whom part of their skills training was substituted by early clinical experiences (ECE). METHODS: Thirty pre-clinical students trained clinical skills exclusively in a skills laboratory; 30 peers received part of their skills training in PHC centers. Within half a year after commencing their clerkships all 60 students shared their experiences in focus group discussions (FGDs). Verbatim transcripts of FGDs were analyzed using Atlas-Ti software. RESULTS: Clerkship students who had participated in ECE in PHC centers felt better prepared to perform their clinical skills during the first clerkships than peers who had only practiced in a skills laboratory. ECE in PHC centers impacted positively in particular on students’ confidence, clinical reasoning, and interpersonal communication. CONCLUSION: In the Indonesian setting ECE in PHC centers reduce difficulties commonly encountered by medical students in the first clerkships

    Eksplorasi Persepsi Supervisor Klinik Terhadap Keterampilan Medis Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi FK UGM

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    Background : Undergraduate medical students will be enrolled in medical student clerkship program or clinical rotation. The existent of medical clerkship students get the direct supervision of a clinical supervisor in each field of specialization. Clinical Supervisor as a party which cooperated with the young doctors will have the perception of a young doctor's medical skills at the hospital. Aim : To explore the clinical supervisor's ability to distinguish the old medical clerkship students with the new one, to explore the clinical supervisor's perception of the performance and skills of medical clerkship students, to explore the clinical supervisor's perception about the change of curriculum and learning outcomes, and the advice given by the clinical supervisor. Method: Forty clinical supervisor are asked to fill out a questionnaire that contains open and structured question abotu the medical clerkship students� clinical skills. The qualitative data was analyzed manually and coded by 2 coders using inductive content analysis method based on guideline from Ello and Kyngas (2008). Result: About 100 % clinical supervisor can distinguish the old medical clerkship students with the new one. About 100% clinical supervisor given good assesment about medical clerkship student performance. As much as 80% of clinical supervisors considered medical clerkship student communication skills are already good. As much as 67.5% clinical supervisors assessing that ability of the physical examination has been good. 26.4% of Clinical Supervisor that assesses medical procedural ability of medical clerkship student thought their skills are good enough. 92.5% of Clinical Supervisors assess clinical reasoning thought the student skill is good. 100% Clinic Supervisor believe the changes in curriculum given good outcome. The initial introduction to the clinical setting became the most advice given by Clinical Supervisor. Conclusion: Clinical Supervisor can distinguish the old medical clerkship students with the new one. The medical clerkship student performance has been good in the clinical setting. The medical skills of the young doctors in the hospital have been fulfilled clinical supervisor expectations. The new curriculum was considered to have good impact according to Clinical Supervisors. Clinical Supervisor expect with the maximization of existing curriculum through the structured and comprehensive concept will increase the quality of young doctors

    Understanding students' readiness for interprofessional learning in an Asian context: a mixed-methods study

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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare is generally provided by various health professionals acting together. Unfortunately, poor communication and collaboration within such healthcare teams often prevent its members from actively engaging in collaborative decision-making. Interprofessional education (IPE) which prepares health professionals for their collaborative role in the healthcare system may partially address this problem. This study aimed to investigate: 1) students’ readiness for IPE in an Asian context, 2) the most important factors influencing students’ perceptions of IPE, 3) the reasons underlying such perceptions, and 4) the factors mitigating or promoting their sense of readiness. METHODS: To identify students’ perceptions of IPE, we administered the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) to 398 in approximately 470 students from a range of health professions (medicine, nursing, midwifery and dentistry). The questionnaire included factors that could potentially influence readiness for IPE as found in the literature (GPA, etc.). To enhance our understanding of the responses to the RIPLS and to explore the reasons underlying them, we conducted 4 mono-professional focus group discussions (FGDs). We ran a statistical analysis on the quantitative data, while performing a thematic content analysis of the qualitative data using ATLAS.ti (version 7). RESULTS: Medical students seemed to be the most prepared for IPE. Students’ perceptions of IPE were conditioned by the study programme they took, their GPA, intrinsic motivation and engagement in the student council connoting experience of working with students from different programmes. Focus groups further revealed that: 1) early exposure to clinical practice triggered both positive and negative perceptions of IPE and of its importance to learning communication and leadership skills, 2) medical students caused insecurity and disengagement in other students, 3) medical students felt pressured to be leaders, and 4) there was a need to clarify and understand each other’s profession and the boundaries of one’s own profession. CONCLUSION: Students were generally favourable to IPE, appreciating the opportunity it offered them to hone their interprofessional leadership, collaboration and communication skills and to learn to address the problem of role blurring. Hence, we judge the Asian context ready to implement IPE, allowing health professions students in Asian countries to reap its benefits. The present study revealed several important reasons underlying students’ positive and negative perceptions of IPE implementation which may be addressed during the interprofessional learning process. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12909-016-0704-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Does PBL deliver constructive collaboration for students in interprofessional tutorial groups?

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    BACKGROUND: Training health professional students in teamwork is recognized as an important step to create interprofessional collaboration in the clinical workplace. Interprofessional problem-based learning (PBL) is one learning approach that has been proposed to provide students with the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to work collaboratively with various health professionals. This study aimed to explore the extent to which students in interprofessional tutorial groups demonstrate constructive collaboration during group discussions. METHODS: Students (N = 52) from the Medical, Midwifery and Nursing programmes took part in the study. Video-recordings were made of interprofessional PBL discussions (N = 40) in five groups, eight videos per group. Over a period of 4 weeks, participants discussed four scenarios concerned with the reproductive system. The resulting 67 h of video data were analysed qualitatively. To ensure inter-rater reliability, two tutors assessed the students' constructive, collaborative activities using the Maastricht Peer-Activity Rating Scale (MPARS). Finally, to gain an understanding of students' perceptions of their performance and participation in the interprofessional PBL tutorial, we organized three uni-professional focus groups (FGs) at the end of pilot project. RESULTS: The translated MPARS was reliable (Kappa coefficient 0.01-0.20 and p < 0.05). Students were actively involved in the discussion and contributed to a better understanding regardless of their professional background. Group members from different professions complemented one another in solving learning issues. They were open, feeling free to question and argue from the viewpoint of their own profession, and also understood their strengths and limitations. The statistical test of the scores for constructive and collaborative activities indicated a significant difference between students and the various healthcare professionals, p = 0.000, with medical students scoring highest on both activities. Focus groups further clarified some of the observed dynamics. CONCLUSION: Implementing interprofessional PBL could motivate students to engage collaboratively in co-constructing knowledge to solve the patients' problem. Medical students scored highest on constructive and collaborative activities

    Medical Student Career Choice’s Determinants: A Qualitative Study

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    Abstract Choosing a career is an essential stage in medical students’ life. Previous researchers all across the world have been conducted studies to examine determinants of career choices in general and medical careers in sociodemographic and behavioral perspectives. While most of the studies centered on general career choices determinants and located mostly in western countries with general career choices as their topics, few studies explore about medical students’ career choices determinants in a collectivist culture like Indonesia. Hence, this study aimed to explore and describe determinants of medical students’ career choices in collectivist culture setting. Participants, 62 students in total, were recruited from all stages of undergraduate medical students in Sriwijaya University in November 2015 until January 2016. Each of focus groups was led by a facilitator to explore medical students’ career choices’ determinants. Transcripts encoded according to recurring topics and themes that came up during their discussions. Eight themes identified from the discussions were: four major, two intermediate and two minor issues. Major themes were financial gain, prestige, personal interest and family influence. In conclusion, some points can be used to increase medical students’ interest in various medical career fields. Exposure to medical career information should not target merely on medical students but also to their family and the community as well. Government roles in providing financial incentives as well as career opportunities to medical fields to increase the interest of medical students in the certain medical field. Abstrak Pemilihan karir merupakan salah satu fase yang penting dalam kehidupan seorang mahasiswa kedokteran. Berbagai penelitian di seluruh dunia telah dilakukan dalam menemukan dan menganalisis determinan pemilihan karir seseorang, baik secara umum, maupun dalam dunia kedokteran secara khusus yang dilakukan pada perspektif sosiodemografi dan perilaku. Saat ini masih sedikit sekali penelitian yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa kedokteran yang bertujuan mengeksplorasi determinan pemilihan karirnya, terutama dalam lingkungan dengan kultur kolektivisme seperti di Indonesia. Penelitian ini ditujukan mengeksplorasi dan menjelaskan alasan pemilihan karir mahasiswa kedokteran pada lingkungan dengan kultur kolektivisme. Partisipan adalah semua mahasiswa kedokteran preklinik di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya yang berjumlah 62 orang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2015–January 2016. Tiap kelompok diskusi terarah dipimpin oleh seorang fasilitator yang melakukan eksplorasi terkait alasan pemilihan karir mereka. Hasil diskusi dicatat dan transkrip dikelompokkan sesuai dengan tema yang sering muncul selama kegiatan diskusi berlangsung. Delapan tema teridentifikasi dalam diskusi, yaitu empat tema mayor, dua tema menengah, dan dua tema minor bergantung pada seringnya tema tersebut muncul dalam semua diskusi. Tema mayor yang muncul adalah pendapatan, prestise, minat pribadi, dan pengaruh keluarga. Keterpaparan informasi karir kedokteran perlu dilakukan tidak hanya pada mahasiswa, tetapi juga pada keluarga dan lingkungan. Pemerintah juga berperan dalam memberikan insentif dan peluang pada bidang karir yang membutuhkan lebih banyak tenaga kerja di masa yang akan datang untuk meningkatkan minat mahasiswa pada bidang karir tersebut