4 research outputs found


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    Currently, route search is made easier by the presence of a Global Positioning System (GPS) technology that can be used by using the Maps application on a smartphone. By using the Maps application, people can find out their current location and can find a route to their desired destination. But the level of GPS accuracy will decrease if the user is in a building or in a closed room. This is caused by the satellite signals being sent that are not able to penetrate thick walls or concrete so that the search for routes using GPS is limited to the search for routes outside the building or outdoors. In this research, Bluetooth Low Energy and trilateration are used to determine the location in a room or building and Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest route to the destination location. The proposed method has a location determination error of 0.728 meters with a distance between the user and the beacon less than 10 meters to get a stable signal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) pandangan secara psikologi mengenai korupsi; (2) pemaknaan masyarakat mengenai korupsi; (3) bagaimana watak seorang koruptor dalam novel; (4) relevansi kajian psikologis watak tokoh dalam novel korupsi karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di perguruan tinggi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penulis melakukan pengumpulan data dengan teknik studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis isi. Adapun manfaat penelitian ini untuk memperkaya pengkajian dan pengapresiasian karya sastra Indonesia, membantu pembaca memahami gambaran unsur korupsi dalam novel korupsi karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, menghubungkan novel korupsi karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan psikologi sastra, serta relevansinya dengan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Hasil analisis menerangkan bahwa: 1) psikologi mempengaruhi seseorang melakukan tindakan korupsi; 2) korupsi merupakan tindakan pencurian uang demi kepentingan pribadi maupun kelompok; 3) watak seseorang memicu suatu tindakan korupsi; dan (4) relevansi kajian psikologis watak tokoh dalam novel korupsi karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di perguruan tinggi

    Etnoforestri Orang Rimba Di Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas Provinsi Jambi

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    The United Nations considers indigenous people local knowledge as a part of sustainable development. In fact, the local knowledge of Orang Rimba has transformed due to the pressure of industrialization. This article describe current ethnoforestry of Orang Rimba using ethnoscience and a multidisciplinary landscape assessment method. Data was collected by participatory observation, in-depth interviews, participatory social mapping, and plant collections, with informants being selected by purposive sampling. This research analysis uses an ethnoforestry approach. The ethnoforestry of Orang Rimba is local knowledge that regulates relationship between lowland forest taxonomy and the whole domain of life the Orang Rimba. Orang Rimba recognized various domains including Rimba Bungaron (primary forest) as related to both social organization and kinship (genah), customary (bebalai), and hunter-gather domain (merayau-nyulogh). Benuaron and Sialang (orchards and honey-producing trees) are classified as agroforestry domain and Bahumaon as rubber and oil palm plantations domain. The ethno-forestry of Orang Rimba has long been known as hunter-gather and swidden agliculture which is no longer the case as previous management of lowland forest has shifted the lives of Orang Rimba to rubber cultivation and oil palm plantation in Twelve Hill National Park

    Implementation of Bluetooth Low Energy TECHNOLOGY and Trilateration Method for Indoor Route Search

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    Currently, route search is made easier by the presence of a Global Positioning System (GPS) technology that can be used by using the Maps application on a smartphone. By using the Maps application, people can find out their current location and can find a route to their desired destination. But the level of GPS accuracy will decrease if the user is in a building or in a closed room. This is caused by the satellite signals being sent that are not able to penetrate thick walls or concrete so that the search for routes using GPS is limited to the search for routes outside the building or outdoors. In this research, Bluetooth Low Energy and trilateration are used to determine the location in a room or building and Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest route to the destination location. The proposed method has a location determination error of 0.728 meters with a distance between the user and the beacon less than 10 meters to get a stable signal