948 research outputs found

    Shock wave structure in a lattice gas

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    The motion and structure of shock and expansion waves in a simple particle system, a lattice gas and cellular automaton, are determined in an exact computation. Shock wave solutions, also exact, of a continuum description, a model Boltzmann equation, are compared with the lattice results. The comparison demonstrates that, as proved by Caprino et al. [“A derivation of the Broadwell equation,” Commun. Math. Phys. 135, 443 (1991)] only when the lattice processes are stochastic is the model Boltzmann description accurate. In the strongest shock wave, the velocity distribution function is the bimodal function proposed by Mott-Smith

    Expanding the Role of Trust in the Experience of Algorithmic Journalism: User Sensemaking of Algorithmic Heuristics in Korean Users

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    © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Algorithmic journalism (AJ) has become widely popular, emerging in mainstream trends. Despite this surging popularity, little is known about the ways through which readers understand and actualize the potential for trust or affordances in AJ. The goal of the study is to highlight principles of algorithmic process in AJ and the processes these principles are perceived, appreciated and acted upon by AJ users. The idea of algorithmic trust is proposed as a new form of digital affordance in algorithm-driven news services. It identifies key issues of AJ and conceptualizes such issues in reference to algorithmic trust by analyzing how they influence reader satisfaction and adoption of AJ. A multi-mixed mixed method integrating interpretive methods and empirical survey was used for Korean users. Algorithmic affordances offer a useful standpoint on the conceptualization of algorithmic trust. Cognitive processes and heuristic mechanisms provide better foundations for algorithm design and development and a stronger basis for design of sensemaking AJ. Based on the study, a theoretical model is proposed to define algorithmic trust in the context of AJ

    Nucleation and coagulation of particulate matter inside a turbulent exhaust plume of a diesel vehicle

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    The objective of this study is to develop a physical model to accurately predict the nucleation, coagulation, and dynamics of particulate matter emission from diesel-fueled engines. The uniqueness of this research is that measured particulate matter (PM) size distribution data is not required a priori to solve the nucleation/coagulation equations; instead the PM concentration is predicted based on the fuel sulfur content, fuel to air ratio, exhaust flow rate, and the ambient conditions. This study presents the CFD modeling of an exhaust plume dispersed from a stack pipe of a tractor truck powered by a 330 HP diesel engine. This effort uses the k-epsilon eddy dissipation model to predict the CO2 variation concentration coming out of the stack pipe into the ambient. The effect of the recirculation region near the truck walls on dispersion of CO2 is presented. The predicted results showed an excellent agreement with the experimentally measured values of CO2 concentration, dilution ratio, and the temperature in the wind tunnel. It was predicted that the relative concentration of CO2 from the stack dropped rapidly from 1 to 0.01 within a distance of 2.54 m downstream of the exhaust outlet.;Additionally, the simultaneous effects of nucleation, condensation and coagulation are incorporated in predicting the PM emissions from on-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles. It was predicted that the critical nucleus diameter decreased by approximately 30% and the number concentration increased by a factor of 6 with the increase in relative humidity from 10% to 90% for a fuel with 50 ppm sulfur content. Numerical simulations suggested that the condensation effects are very important near the stack. Ignoring the contribution from condensation term decreased PM count median diameter (CND) from 52 nm to 10 nm. The root mean square error in the numerically predicted particle number concentration was within 14.3% of the experimentally measured values. An increase in CMD from 52 nm to 62 nm was predicted for a distance of 0.51 m from the stack exit to 8.56 m from the stack exit, and the number concentration for the same distance decreased from 8.77 E+6 to 2.1 E+5 No./cm 3

    Does augmented reality augment user affordance? The effect of technological characteristics on game behaviour

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    This study conceptualises a framework of technological affordances for augmented reality games (ARG) relative to the affordances of internalised and embodied experiences by users. This study examines players’ affordances and investigate how they influence user experience in ARG. It explores how affordances are perceived and enacted by users in an augmented environment to maximise user experience of ARG. A multimethod research approach was utilised that integrated ethnographic and statistical methods. Qualitative study confirmed the general structure of affordance framework, while also revealing relational structures with other variables to explore. Based on the affordance factors identified from the ethnographic methods, a survey questionnaire was created to map and investigate the effects of affordance on the user’s cognitive processes and the influence of affordance on the gameplay process. The results show that technological properties of the ARG system affect opportunities for action available in the environment (affordances). The heuristic role of immersion and presence affordances through underlying cues appear to trigger a player’s sensory representations of affective affordances

    How do technological properties influence user affordance of wearable technologies?

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    © John Benjamins Publishing Company. The Internet of things (IoT) affords people plenty of opportunities and a higher quality of life as well as drives a huge amount of data. By drawing on the concept of affordances, this study examines the user experience of personal informatics focusing on the technological and affective nature of affordance. A multi-mixed approach is used by combining qualitative methods and a quantitative survey. Results of the qualitative methods revealed a series of factors that related to the affordance of personal informatics, whereas results of the user model confirmed a significant role for connectivity, control, and synchronicity affordance regarding their underlying link to other variables, namely, expectation, confirmation, and satisfaction. The experiments showed that users\u27 affordances are greatly influenced by personal traits with interactivity tendency. The findings imply the embodied cognition process of personal informatics in which technological qualities are shaped by users\u27 perception, traits, and context. The results establish a foundation for wearable technologies through a heuristic quality assessment tool from a user embodied cognitive process. They confirm the validity and utility of applying affordances to the design of IoT as a useful concept, as well as prove that the optimum mix of affordances is crucial to the success or failure of IoT design

    The Relationship between Human Beings and Nature

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    The symbolic value of art helps me as a metal artist to depict the relation between human beings and nature. Humans have created a culture and a world but this world appears to coldly separate itself from its surroundings. Life continues to assert its will on human creation; plants sprout amongst concrete and steel environments. The composite shape of my sculptures and thesis help me to present a contemporary perspective on this issue


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    The archival community has long shown an interest in documenting history, and it has been assumed that archival materials are one of the major sources of historical research. However, little is known about how much impact archival holdings actually have on historical research, what role they play in building public knowledge about a historical event and how they contribute to the process of recording history. The case of the No Gun Ri incident provides a good example of how archival materials play a role in historical discussions and a good opportunity to look at archival contributions. This dissertation examines how archival materials were discovered and used in the process of identifying the controversies raised in No Gun Ri research by examining the earliest to the most recent publications, their authors¡¯ patterns of conducting their research and their perceptions on using archives. In doing so, a content analysis of No Gun Ri publications was employed and interviews with No Gun Ri researchers were conducted for this study. In No Gun Ri research, archival documents were essential source materials for details about the incident and a major player in stimulating heated controversies and discussions and, consequently, provided the impetus for further publications by No Gun Ri researchers. Archival documents were especially critical for specific details of the incident as well as a good source for background and circumstantial information. General record keeping situations - such as missing documents - also provided a circumstantial context of the incident. However, No Gun Ri researchers agreed that oral history was the most valuable and influential evidence for their major ideas and used archival documents to provide hard facts about the details of oral history. There are some unique research patterns of No Gun Ri researchers identified in this study which are different from typical assumptions of archivists.Archival programs should have an accurate understanding about how their holdings are used (or not used) and why; consequently, this study regarding the use of archival materials in the evolution of the discussion of the No Gun Ri massacre will provide the fundamental information within an empirical framework

    The perception of humanness in conversational journalism: An algorithmic information-processing perspective

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    How much do anthropomorphisms influence the perception of users about whether they are conversing with a human or an algorithm in a chatbot environment? We develop a cognitive model using the constructs of anthropomorphism and explainability to explain user experiences with conversational journalism (CJ) in the context of chatbot news. We examine how users perceive anthropomorphic and explanatory cues, and how these stimuli influence user perception of and attitudes toward CJ. Anthropomorphic explanations of why and how certain items are recommended afford users a sense of humanness, which then affects trust and emotional assurance. Perceived humanness triggers a two-step flow of interaction by defining the baseline to make a judgment about the qualities of CJ and by affording the capacity to interact with chatbots concerning their intention to interact with chatbots. We develop practical implications relevant to chatbots and ascertain the significance of humanness as a social cue in CJ. We offer a theoretical lens through which to characterize humanness as a key mechanism of human–artificial intelligence (AI) interaction, of which the eventual goal is humans perceive AI as human beings. Our results help to better understand human–chatbot interaction in CJ by illustrating how humans interact with chatbots and explaining why humans accept the way of CJ

    A living lab as socio-technical ecosystem: Evaluating the Korean living lab of internet of things

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    Living Lab approaches, as one of socio-technical approaches, are effective strategy for user-driven technology development. The recent development of the Internet of Things (loT) and its various technologies appear to be promising possibilities to adopt Living Lab innovation into community domains. Using Living Lab frame, this study examines the developmental processes of the IoT from a multi-level analysis: a micro approach of user acceptance and experience of IoT services; a meso approach of socio-technical evaluation of selected site; and a macro approach of regulation and strategies on IoT. Through the multi-level approach, it conceptualizes a Living Lab process to create, test, and adept a social IoT environment. The findings should guide governments\u27 promotion of IoT services to increase user acceptance by enhancing usability and benefits and ensuring sustainability. The findings also provide guidelines, strategies, and best practices for practitioners to integrate IoT into communities and society effectively. The insights help to conceptualize how the IoT can be situated and contextualized within human-centered contexts. The results of this study show that creating IoT innovations require prudent coordination of different stakeholders and roles across innovation cycle. Particularly user-centered approach warrants a new innovative way to structure and facilitate user involvement within the context of Living Labs for IoT
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