460,051 research outputs found

    Senior Recital: Mileana Burmesch (2023)

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    SNC Music Department presents: a Senior Vocal Recital featuring Mileana Burmesch, Soprano, Dong Hyeon (Tom) Lee, Piano, Isabella Puchalla, Mezzo-Soprano, & Grace Spiewak, Soprano (2023)

    Daniel Han, violin, BU Alumnus, Dong-Oo Lee, cello, Guest Artist, Yoonbok Oh, piano, Guest Artist, September 26,2004

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    This is the concert program of the Daniel Han, violin, BU Alumnus, Dong-Oo Lee, cello, Guest Artist, Yoonbok Oh, piano, Guest Artist performance on Sunday, September 26, 2004 at 8:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Passacaglia on a Theme of Handel by Johann Halvorsen, Sonata in A Major, Op. 69 by Ludwig van Beethoven, Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20 by Pablo de Sarasate, and Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19 by Sergei Rachmaninov. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Center for the Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    A Career Achievement

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    Meet several UNLV recipients of the National Science Foundation’s prestigious CAREER Award, the highly competitive grant designed to establish leadership in education and research. - Brian Hedlund - Jennifer Rennels - Dong-Chan Lee - Frank van Breukelen - Sajjad Ahma

    Central Management of Local Performance: A Comparison of England and Korea

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    The author analyses performance measurement in the public sector and empirically tests the validity, legitimacy and functionality of Comprehensive Performance Assessment in England and Joint Performance Assessment in Korea on the basis of comparative methodology.Since the 1980s, New Public Management (NPM) has deeply influenced the public sector across the world, and thus measuring or managing performance has become a principal element of government reform. In terms of borrowing models and techniques from the private sector, performance measurement has been significantly extended into government, but differences between the two sectors have led to difficulties and criticism of this practice with a wide inconsistent variety of different theoretical explanations about it. In this context, this thesis investigates the effectiveness of performance measurement and theoretical explanations of conditions for its success in the public sector. It focuses through a comparative methodology on Comprehensive Performance Assessment and Joint Performance Assessment that have recently been introduced between the levels of government in England and Korea for the improvement of local government performance and accountability. Extensive analysis of literature and case studies have allowed the thesis to find firstly, that the introduction of such unique assessment systems, by which the centre assesses localities, was deeply affected by the environmental commonalities of both countries such as centralisation in inter-governmental relations and enthusiasm for NPM. Second, the empirical evaluation of both tools shows that they have in practice been valid for accurate assessment, and directly functional for improvement and indirectly for accountability to the public. Their high validity and functionality proved to be mainly attributable to two characteristics. One was institutionally that both frameworks were based on a balanced approach to performance and the disclosure of assessment results to the public for facilitating competition between localities. The other was that both had impacted on internal management of local government which led to change in organisational culture with more focus on performance. However, it identified a necessity for local authorities to participate in the development process of those tools to ensure legitimacy of central management of local performance since they enjoy their own electorally based political support. The research has also found the importance of assessors’ expertise for accurate assessment and a possibility that performance measurement can contribute to the resolution of political tension and cooperation between central and local government when it focuses more on outcomes than input and process. A deeper theoretical and practical understanding of these successful experiences and important policy elements in contemporary public management contributes significantly to knowledge in the three settings of evaluation of policy instruments, comparison between countries and central-local relations. Finally, the study assists each country and others to draw lessons from each other

    Unsupervised String Transformation Learning for Entity Consolidation

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    Data integration has been a long-standing challenge in data management with many applications. A key step in data integration is entity consolidation. It takes a collection of clusters of duplicate records as input and produces a single "golden record" for each cluster, which contains the canonical value for each attribute. Truth discovery and data fusion methods, as well as Master Data Management (MDM) systems, can be used for entity consolidation. However, to achieve better results, the variant values (i.e., values that are logically the same with different formats) in the clusters need to be consolidated before applying these methods. For this purpose, we propose a data-driven method to standardize the variant values based on two observations: (1) the variant values usually can be transformed to the same representation (e.g., "Mary Lee" and "Lee, Mary") and (2) the same transformation often appears repeatedly across different clusters (e.g., transpose the first and last name). Our approach first uses an unsupervised method to generate groups of value pairs that can be transformed in the same way (i.e., they share a transformation). Then the groups are presented to a human for verification and the approved ones are used to standardize the data. In a real-world dataset with 17,497 records, our method achieved 75% recall and 99.5% precision in standardizing variant values by asking a human 100 yes/no questions, which completely outperformed a state of the art data wrangling tool

    Paraíso impossível: sexo e diversidade funcional em Oasis (Oasiseu, 2002)

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    Sexual desire in women with functional diversity has hardly been portrayed in films in such an explicit way as in Oasis (Oasiseu, 2012), a raw and romantic drama in equal measure directed by the South Korean auteur Lee Chang-Dong. Through the female protagonist, a young woman with severe cerebral palsy who is confined in her apartment and subject to family and social exclusion, Lee Chang-dong offers a real-life moving portrait of functional diversity. The film denounces prejudices and social stereotypes and dismantles normative femininity, which assumes that a functionally diverse woman possesses an asexual body.El deseo sexual en las mujeres con diversidad funcional ha sido apenas retratado en la narrativa fílmica de forma tan explícita como en Oasis (Oasiseu, 2002), un drama crudo y romántico a partes iguales dirigido por el autor surcoreano Lee Chang-dong. A través de su protagonista femenina, una joven con parálisis cerebral severa que vive recluida en su domicilio y es víctima de la exclusión familiar y social, Lee Chang-dong brinda un retrato veraz y conmovedor de la diversidad funcional. La película denuncia prejuicios y estereotipos y desmonta la feminidad normativa, que asume que la mujer diversofuncional posee un cuerpo asexuado.O desejo sexual em mulheres com diversidade funcional foi retratado muito explicitamente apenas na narrativa fílmica em Oasis (Oasiseu, 2002), um drama tanto cru quanto romântico dirigido pelo autor sul-coreano Lee Chang-dong. Através de sua protagonista feminina, uma jovem com paralisia cerebral grave que vive reclusa em sua casa e é vítima de exclusão familiar e social, Lee Chang-dong oferece um retrato verdadeiro e comovente da diversidade funcional. O filme denuncia preconceitos e estereótipos e desmantela a feminilidade normativa, que pressupõe que a mulher diversofuncional possui um corpo assexuado

    From ingestion to colonization: the influence of the host environment on regulation of the LEE encoded type III secretion system in enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli

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    Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) binds to host tissue and intimately attaches to intestinal cells using a dedicated type III secretion system (T3SS). This complex multi-protein organelle is encoded within a large pathogenicity island called the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), which is subject to extensive regulatory control. Over the past 15 years we have gained a wealth of knowledge concerning how the LEE is regulated transcriptionally by specific, global and phage encoded regulators. More recently, significant advances have been made in our understanding of how specific signals, including host or microbiota derived metabolic products and various nutrient sources, can affect how the LEE-encoded T3SS is regulated. In this review we discuss regulation of the LEE, focusing on how these physiologically relevant signals are sensed and how they affect the expression of this major virulence factor. The implications for understanding the disease process by specific regulatory mechanisms are also discussed

    The Transition Probability of the qq-TAZRP (qq-Bosons) with Inhomogeneous Jump Rates

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    In this paper we consider the qq-deformed totally asymmetric zero range process (qq-TAZRP), also known as the qq-boson (stochastic) particle system, on the Z{\mathbb Z} lattice, such that the jump rate of a particle depends on the site where it is on the lattice. We derive the transition probability for an nn particle process in Bethe ansatz form as a sum of n!n! nn-fold contour integrals. Our result generalizes the transition probability formula by Korhonen and Lee for qq-TAZRP with a homogeneous lattice, and our method follows the same approach as theirs