190 research outputs found

    Full waveform inversion based on dynamic data matching of convolutional wavefields

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    Cycle skipping problem caused by the absent of low frequencies and inaccurate initial model makes full waveform inversion (FWI) deviate from the true model. A novel method is proposed to mitigate cycle skipping phenomenon by dynamic data matching which improves the matching of synthetic and observed events to regulate the updating of initial model in a correct direction. 1-dimentional (1-D) Gaussian convolutional kernels with different lengths are used to extract features of each time sample in each trace which represents the integrated properties of wavefield at different time ranges centered on each time sample. According to the minimum Euclidean distance of the features, the optimally matched pairs of time samples in the observed and synthetic trace can be found. A constraint evaluates the reliability of dynamic matching by attenuating the amplitude of synthetic data according to the values of traveltime differences between each pairs of optimally matched time samples is proposed to improve the accuracy of data matching. In addition, Gaussian kernels have the capability to extract features of time samples contaminated by strong noises accurately to improve the robustness of the propose method further. The selection scheme of optimal parameters is discussed and concluded to ensure the convergence of the proposed method. Numerical tests on Marmousi model verify the feasibility of the propose method. The proposed method provides a new approach to tackle the convergence problem of FWI when using the field seismic data

    Comprehensive Analysis and Functional Studies of WRKY Transcription Factors in Nelumbo nucifera

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    The WRKY family is one of the largest transcription factor (TF) families in plants and plays central roles in modulating plant stress responses and developmental processes, as well as secondary metabolic regulations. Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is an aquatic crop that has significant food, ornamental and pharmacological values. Here, we performed an overview analysis of WRKY TF family members in lotus, and studied their functions in environmental adaptation and regulation of lotus benzylisoquinoline alkaloid (BIA) biosynthesis. A total of 65 WRKY genes were identified in the lotus genome and they were well clustered in a similar pattern with their Arabidopsis homologs in seven groups (designated I, IIa-IIe, and III), although no lotus WRKY was clustered in the group IIIa. Most lotus WRKYs were functionally paired, which was attributed to the recently occurred whole genome duplication in lotus. In addition, lotus WRKYs were regulated dramatically by salicilic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and submergence treatments, and two lotus WRKYs, NnWRKY40a and NnWRKY40b, were significantly induced by JA and promoted lotus BIA biosynthesis through activating BIA biosynthetic genes. The investigation of WRKY TFs for this basal eudicot reveals new insights into the evolution of the WRKY family, and provides fundamental information for their functional studies and lotus breeding

    Dissolution Amplification by Resonance and Cavitational Stimulation at Ultrasonic and Megasonic Frequencies

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    Acoustic stimulation offers a green pathway for the extraction of valuable elements such as Si, Ca, and Mg via solubilization of minerals and industrial waste materials. Prior studies have focused on the use of ultrasonic frequencies (20-40 kHz) to stimulate dissolution, but mega sonic frequencies (≥1 MHz) offer benefits such as matching of the resonance frequencies of solute particles and an increased frequency of cavitation events. Here, based on dissolution tests of a series of minerals, it is found that dissolution under resonance conditions produced dissolution enhancements between 4x-to-6x in Si-rich materials (obsidian, albite, and quartz). Cavitational collapse induced by ultrasonic stimulation was more effective for Ca- and Mg-rich carbonate precursors (calcite and dolomite), exhibiting a significant increase in the dissolution rate as the particle size was reduced (i.e. available surface area was increased), resulting in up to a 70x increase in the dissolution rate of calcite when compared to unstimulated dissolution for particles with d50\u3c 100 μm. Cavitational collapse induced by mega sonic stimulation caused a greater dissolution enhancement than ultrasonic stimulation (1.5x vs 1.3x) for amorphous class F fly ash, despite its higher Si content because the hollow particle structure was susceptible to breakage by the rapid and high number of lower-energy mega sonic cavitation events. These results are consistent with the cavitational collapse energy following a normal distribution of energy release, with more cavitation events possessing sufficient energy to break Ca-O and Mg-O bonds than Si-O bonds, the latter of which has a bond energy approximately double the others. The effectiveness of ultrasonic dissolution enhancement increased exponentially with decreasing stacking fault energy (i.e., resistance to the creation of surface faults such as pits and dislocations), while, in turn, the effectiveness of mega sonic dissolution increased linearly with the stacking fault energy. These results give new insights into the use of acoustic frequency selections for accelerating elemental release from solutes by the use of acoustic perturbation

    Four Simple Biomimetic Mineralization Methods to Improve the Thermostability and Immunogenicity of Virus-like Particles as a Vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth Disease.

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    peer reviewedThe need for a cold chain system during storage and transport substantially increases the cost of vaccines. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are among the best countermeasures against foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV). However, VLPs are composed of pure proteins, and thus, are susceptible to heat. To address this problem, four simple biomimetic mineralization methods with the use of calcium phosphate were developed to improve heat tolerance via biomineralization. The results showed that biomineralization can significantly improve the heat resistance of VLPs. The biomineralized VLPs can be stored at low as 25 °C for eight days, and 37 °C for four days. Animal experiments showed that biomineralization had no effect on the immunogenicity of VLPs or the expression of specific antibodies (Abs) and neutralizing Abs. Even after heat treatment at 37 °C for four days, the biomineralized VLPs remained immunogenic and produced highly specific and neutralizing Abs with a high rate of protection. These results suggest that these biomineralization approaches can promote the thermal stability of VLPs against and significantly reduce dependence on cold storage and delivery systems

    Ischemic Duration and Frequency Determines AKI-to-CKD Progression Monitored by Dynamic Changes of Tubular Biomarkers in IRI Mice

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    Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is one of the most common causes of acute kidney injury (AKI). However, the pathogenesis and biomarkers predicting the progression of IRI-induced AKI to chronic kidney disease (CKD) remain unclear. A side-by-side comparison between different IRI animal models with variable ischemic duration and episodes was performed. The dynamic changes of KIM-1 and NGAL continuously from AKI to CKD phases were studied as well. Short-term duration of ischemia induced mild renal tubule-interstitial injury which was completely reversed at acute phase of kidney injury, while long-term duration of ischemia caused severe tubular damage, cell apoptosis and inflammatory infiltration at early disease stage, leading to permanent chronic kidney fibrosis at the late stage. Repeated attacks of moderate IRI accelerated the progression of AKI to CKD. Different from serum and urine levels of KIM-1 that increased at acute phase of IRI then declined gradually in chronic phase, NGAL increased continuously during AKI-to-CKD transition. Severity and frequency of ischemia injury determines the progression and outcome of ischemia-induced AKI. Inflammation, apoptosis and fibrogenesis likely participate in the progression of AKI to CKD. Both KIM-1 and NGAL enable noninvasive and early detection of AKI, but NGAL is associated better with the process of AKI-to-CKD progression
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