497 research outputs found

    Driving maneuvers prediction based on cognition-driven and data-driven method

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) improve driving safety significantly. They alert drivers from unsafe traffic conditions when a dangerous maneuver appears. Traditional methods to predict driving maneuvers are mostly based on data-driven models alone. However, existing methods to understand the driver's intention remain an ongoing challenge due to a lack of intersection of human cognition and data analysis. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel method that combines both the cognition-driven model and the data-driven model. We introduce a model named Cognitive Fusion-RNN (CF-RNN) which fuses the data inside the vehicle and the data outside the vehicle in a cognitive way. The CF-RNN model consists of two Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) branches regulated by human reaction time. Experiments on the Brain4Cars benchmark dataset demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms previous methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance

    Design and simulation analysis of at-grade intersection channelization of city roads

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    Sjecišta gradskih cesta predstavljaju uska grla mreže gradskih prometnica te je optimalizacija organizacije prometa na križanjima ključna da se izbjegne zastoj prometa. Nakon što su se proanalizirale karakteristike, primjenjivi uvjeti i funkcije projekta kanaliziranja križanja, predloženi su osnovni postupci zasnovani na snimanju saobraćaja, projekt kanaliziranja križanja te procjena plana kanaliziranja. Zatim je izrađen model simulacije raskrižja pomoću VISSIM-a uzimajući u obzir probleme velikog križanja u gradu. Usporedba parametara i analiza simulacije pokazuju da odgovarajuće mjere kanaliziranja na raskrižjima mogu značajno pridonijeti poboljšanju kapaciteta prometa.Urban road intersections are bottle-necks of urban road networks, and the traffic organization optimization of intersections is the crux to relieve urban traffic jam. After analysing the features, applicable conditions and functions of the intersection channelization design, the basic procedures based on traffic survey, channelization design of the intersections and assessment of channelization plan were finished. Then, the simulation model of the intersection was set up by VISSIM in consideration of problems at a large intersection in a city. Parameters comparison and simulation analysis show that proper measures of channelization at intersections can significantly improve their traffic capacity


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    For large-scale Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs), communications between nodes in different Personal Area Networks (PANs) (i.e., inter-PAN communications) typically have to traverse long routing paths, even for cases in which two nodes may be located physically close to each other. Techniques herein provide a novel mechanism to improve inter-PAN communications by utilizing the nodes that are located at the boundary of PANs

    A new approach of kinematic geometry for error identification and compensation of industrial robots

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    A new approach for kinematic calibration of industrial robots, including the kinematic pair errors and the link errors, is developed in this paper based on the kinematic invariants. In most methods of kinematic calibration, the geometric errors of the robots are considered in forms of variations of the link parameters, while the kinematic pairs are assumed ideal. Due to the errors of mating surfaces in kinematic pairs, the fixed and moving axes of revolute pairs, or the fixed and moving guidelines of prismatic pairs, are separated, which can be concisely identified as the kinematic pair errors and the link errors by means of the kinematic pair errors model, including the self-adaption fitting of a ruled surface, or the spherical image curve fitting and the striction curve fitting. The approach is applied to the kinematic calibration of a SCARA robot. The discrete motion of each kinematic pair in the robot is completely measured by a coordinate measuring machine. Based on the global kinematic properties of the measured motion, the fixed and moving axes, or guidelines, of the kinematic pairs are identified, which are invariants unrelated to the positions of the measured reference points. The kinematic model of the robot is set up using the identified axes and guidelines. The results validate the approach developed has good efficiency and accuracy. </jats:p

    Translating XPS Measurement Procedure for Band Alignment into Reliable Ab-initio Calculation Method

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    Band alignment between solids is a crucial issue in condensed matter physics and electronic devices. Although the XPS method has been used as a routine method for determination of the band alignment, the theoretical calculations by copying the XPS band alignment procedure usually fail to match the measured results. In this work, a reliable ab-initio calculation method for band alignment is proposed on the basis of the XPS procedure and in consideration of surface polarity and lattice deformation. Application of our method to anatase and rutile TiO2 shows well agreement between calculation and experiment. Furthermore, our method can produce two types of band alignment: the coupled and the intrinsic, depending on whether the solid/solid interface effect is involved or not. The coupled and intrinsic band alignments correspond to alignments measured by XPS and electrochemical impedance analysis, respectively, explaining why band alignments reported by these two experiments are rather inconsistent