2,735 research outputs found

    A project for the NZERO-Foundation in the south of Italy

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    Are bankers “crying wolf”? Type I, type II errors, and deterrence in anti-money laundering: the Italian case

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    Excessive and useless reporting, called the “crying wolf effect,” is a crucial shortcoming that any anti-money laundering (AML) design aims to address. For this reason, in recent years, AML policies in both the US and Europe have switched from a rule-based to a risk-based approach. This study theoretically and empirically investigates whether the risk-based approach delivers the expected results. The theoretical model shows that a trade-off can emerge between accuracy (fewer type-I and type-II errors) and deterrence. The empirical analysis, conducted after the risk-based approach was introduced in Italy, confirms this trade-off. More specifically, deterrence seems a priority, whereas accuracy is sacrificed. In this respect, the data suggest that Italian bankers are likely to “cry wolf.

    Clinical Trials in Paediatrics — Regulatory and Methodological Aspects

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    The photoautotrophic cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 has received much attention as a model photosynthetic cell factory for the production of a range of important biotech products. The biomass remaining from this activity may then have further utility in processes such as metal bioremediation. In addition Synechocystis being an inhabitant of many natural aquatic environments is seen as an environmentally friendly alternative to using chemical precipitation methodologies for metal remediation. Synechocystis produces a range of extracellular polysaccharide substances (EPS) that can undergo modification as a function of culture age and growth nutrients which have been implicated in metal biosorption. Many studies have demonstrated that high levels of charged groups present in EPS are important in forming polymeric matrices with metallic ions allowing their biosorption. Genetic studies has revealed genes involved in such metal binding indicating that EPS can be modified for potential enhancement of binding or modification of the types of metals bound. The utility of metal binding to live and dead biomass of Synechocystis has been demonstrated for a range of metals including Cr(VI), Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Sb, Ni(II), Mn(II), Mn(IV), As(III), As(V), Cs and Hg. The potential of using Synechocystis as a biosorption platform is discussed

    The role of geological origin of smectites and of their physico-chemical properties on aflatoxin adsorption

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    Since 2013, bentonite in the form of dioctahedral smectite is an additive authorised in the EU as a substance for the reduction of the contamination of feed by aflatoxins. Several studies indicate a big difference in the effectiveness of smectites in sequestering aflatoxins. A clear correlation between mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of smectites and aflatoxin adsorption has not been well established. In the effort to identify the most critical mineralogical, chemical, and physical properties that affect aflatoxin adsorption by smectites, 29 samples of bentonites obtained from different sources around the world were evaluated. “As received” samples were divided into two main groups, i.e. hydrothermal (n=14) and sedimentary (n=15) bentonites depending on their geological origin. The characterization studies showed that all samples contained dioctahedral smectite as major mineral; a moderate CEC value (60-116 cmol/kg); the presence of iron; a small organic matter content; a near-neutral pH; and a fine and uniform particle size (<45μm). They differed substantially in their sodium, calcium and magnesium contents, and in the swelling properties depending on the geological origin. Several in vitro adsorption studies showed that they also differed in a significant manner in adsorbing aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). A correlation between geological origin and AFB1 adsorption capacity was found (p<0.001), being sedimentary smectites significantly more effective than hydrothermal ones in adsorbing the toxin at different pH values. The extent of AFB1 adsorption by all samples was negatively and linearly correlated to the extent of desorption, and sedimentary smectites were significantly more effective than hydrothermal smectites in keeping bound the adsorbed fraction of the toxin (p < 0.001). In addition, correlation studies using the Pearson statistical method showed a significant relationship among some physico-chemical properties of smectites and the amounts of adsorbed toxin. In particular, AFB1 adsorption by smectites correlated positively with sodium content and swell index, but negatively with d001-value, magnesium and calcium contents. In conclusion, it seems that the geological origin of smectite is a useful guide for the selection of bentonites for AFB1 detoxification. Sedimentary bentonites containing sodium/swelling-smectite should be preferred to hydrothermal samples as potential aflatoxin binders. Taking into account the geographical origin of our samples, this approach should be applicable to bentonites worldwide

    Characterization of breast tissues in density and effective atomic number basis via spectral X-ray computed tomography

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    Differentiation of breast tissues is challenging in X-ray imaging because tissues might share similar or even the same linear attenuation coefficients μ\mu. Spectral computed tomography (CT) allows for more quantitative characterization in terms of tissue density and effective atomic number by exploiting the energy dependence of μ\mu. In this work, 5 mastectomy samples and a phantom with inserts mimicking breast soft tissues were evaluated in a retrospective study. The samples were imaged at three monochromatic energy levels in the range of 24 - 38 keV at 5 mGy per scan using a propagation-based phase-contrast setup at SYRMEP beamline at the Italian national synchrotron Elettra. A custom-made algorithm incorporating CT reconstructions of an arbitrary number of spectral energy channels was developed to extract the density and effective atomic number of adipose, fibro-glandular, pure glandular, tumor, and skin from regions selected by a radiologist. Preliminary results suggest that, via spectral CT, it is possible to enhance tissue differentiation. It was found that adipose, fibro-glandular and tumorous tissues have average effective atomic numbers (5.94 ±\pm 0.09, 7.03 ±\pm 0.012, and 7.40 ±\pm 0.10) and densities (0.90 ±\pm 0.02, 0.96 ±\pm 0.02, and 1.07 ±\pm 0.03 g/cm3^{3}) and can be better distinguished if both quantitative values are observed together.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physics in Medicine and Biolog

    Ažuriranje podataka o prožimanju zaštitnih medicinskih rukavica antineoplastičnim lijekovima

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    Occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs (ADs) handling and administration is one of the main risks in the healthcare sector. Dermal absorption represents the primary route of exposure to ADs. Personal preventive equipment, especially medical gloves, is crucial to safeguard the workers health in ADs handling; thus, chemicals permeating through protective materials is an essential aspect to estimate and consider. Several studies on permeation through medical gloves reported that breakthrough time and permeation rate are the values that must be studied, observing that physical-chemical properties of drugs, PPE materials and thickness, and temperature are crucial features to estimate them. In the European Union, standardized permeation testing is not mandatory for gloves used in ADs manipulation, in contrast with the United States, that proposed stringent requirements in the American Society of Testing and Materials International standard D6978-05. This review would help identify the main characteristics of the best protective glove used by employees frequently exposed to ADs: the major aspects implicated in permeation, reported in the literature, are listed and discussed.Radna izloženost rukovanju i primjeni antineoplastičnih lijekova (AD) jedan je od glavnih rizika u zdravstvenom sektoru. Kožna apsorpcija predstavlja primarni put izlaganju AD-ima. Osobna preventivna oprema, posebno medicinske rukavice, presudna je za zaštitu zdravlja radnika u radu s AD-ima; prema tome, kemikalije koje prodiru kroz zaštitne materijale bitan su aspekt za procjenu i razmatranje. Nekoliko studija o prožimanju kroz medicinske rukavice izvijestilo je da su vrijeme proboja i brzina prodiranja vrijednosti koje se moraju proučavati, primjećujući da su fizičko-kemijska svojstva lijekova, OZO materijali i debljina i temperatura ključne značajke za njihovu procjenu. U Europskoj uniji, standardizirano ispitivanje prožimanja nije obvezno za rukavice koje se koriste u manipulaciji ADs, za razliku od Sjedinjenih Država koje su predložile stroge zahtjeve u međunarodnom standardu D6978-05 Američkog društva za ispitivanje i materijale. Ovaj pregled pomogao bi identificirati glavne karakteristike najbolje zaštitne rukavice koju koriste zaposlenici često izloženi AD-ima: glavni aspekti uključeni u prožimanje, priopćeni u literaturi, navedeni su i raspravljeni