128 research outputs found

    CRIMALDDI: platform technologies and novel anti-malarial drug targets

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    The Coordination, Rationalization, and Integration of antiMALarial drug Discovery & Development Initiatives (CRIMALDDI) Consortium, funded by the EU Framework Seven Programme, has attempted, through a series of interactive and facilitated workshops, to develop priorities for research to expedite the discovery of new anti-malarials. This paper outlines the recommendations for the development of enabling technologies and the identification of novel targets.Screening systems must be robust, validated, reproducible, and represent human malaria. They also need to be cost-effective. While such systems exist to screen for activity against blood stage Plasmodium falciparum, they are lacking for other Plasmodium spp. and other stages of the parasite's life cycle. Priority needs to be given to developing high-throughput screens that can identify activity against the liver and sexual stages. This in turn requires other enabling technologies to be developed to allow the study of these stages and to allow for the culture of liver cells and the parasite at all stages of its life cycle.As these enabling technologies become available, they will allow novel drug targets to be studied. Currently anti-malarials are mostly targeting the asexual blood stage of the parasite's life cycle. There are many other attractive targets that need to be investigated. The liver stages and the sexual stages will become more important as malaria control moves towards malaria elimination. Sexual development is a process offering multiple targets, even though the mechanisms of differentiation are still not fully understood. However, designing a drug whose effect is not curative but would be used in asymptomatic patients is difficult given current safety thresholds. Compounds active against the liver schizont would have a prophylactic effect and Plasmodium vivax elimination requires effectors against the dormant liver hypnozoites. It may be that drugs to be used in elimination campaigns will also need to have utility in the control phase. Compounds with activity against blood stages need to be screened for activity against other stages.Natural products should also be a valuable source of new compounds. They often occupy non-Lipinski chemical space and so may reveal valuable new chemotypes

    Development of nature inspired antiplasmodial hits possessing the thiazinoquinone pharmacophore

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    Malaria accounts globally for more than 200 million new cases and 438,000 deaths per year. Since malaria is a disease of worldwide implications, combating it is one of the highest priority programs of the WHO. A worrisome increase in the number of fatal cases has been registered in recent years and it is principally due to the diffusion of multi-drug resistant strains of Plasmodium, making less effective the limited armamentarium of available drugs. Therefore, there is an urgent need of new antimalarial drugs with high efficacy against resistant strains and broad stage mode of action. To reach these challenging aims, the identification and selection of new lead compounds constitutes a crucial point. In this regard, nature remains an ever evolving resource. Recently, the antiplasmodial activity of marine secondary metabolites characterized by a quinone scaffold has been reported. In particular, it is worth to point out that a number of quinones have been shown to be effective antimalarials. The observed effects are most likely related to the most prominent chemical feature of these kind of molecules, that is their ability to undergo redox reaction i) shuttling electrons from reduced flavoproteins to acceptors such as hemoglobin-associated or free Fe(III)-protoporphyrin IX or ii) inhibiting the mitochondrial electron transport chain. In this context, recently, we were inspired by two marine metabolites Aplidinone A and B isolated from the Mediterranean ascidian Aplidium conicum, and we developed a series of synthetic analogues featuring the thiazinoquinone chemotype present in the natural metabolites with simplified side chains and different substituents. Manipulation of this chemical scaffold afforded additional analogues with improved pharmacological proprieties compared to the starting hits identified in the previous series

    In vitro multistage malaria transmission blocking activity of selected Malaria Box compounds

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    Purpose: Continuous efforts into the discovery and development of new antimalarials are required to face the emerging resistance of the parasite to available treatments. Thus, new effective drugs, ideally able to inhibit the Plasmodium life-cycle stages that cause the disease as well as those responsible for its transmission, are needed. Eight compounds from the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) Malaria Box, potentially interfering with the parasite polyamine biosynthesis were selected and assessed in vitro for activity against malaria transmissible stages, namely mature gametocytes and early sporogonic stages. Methods: Compound activity against asexual blood stages of chloroquine-sensitive 3D7 and chloroquine-resistant W2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum was tested measuring the parasite lactate dehydrogenase activity. The gametocytocidal effect was determined against the P. falciparum 3D7elo1-pfs16-CBG99 strain with a luminescent method. The murine P. berghei CTRP.GFP strain was employed to assess compounds activities against early sporogonic stage development in an in vitro assay simulating mosquito midgut conditions. Results: Among the eight tested molecules, MMV000642, MMV000662 and MMV006429, containing a 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-4-carboxamide chemical skeleton substituted at N-2, C-3 and C-4, displayed multi-stage activity. Activity against asexual blood stages of both strains was confirmed with values of IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) in the range of 0.07-0.13 µM. They were also active against mature stage V gametocytes with IC50 values below 5 µM (range: 3.43-4.42 µM). These molecules exhibited moderate effects on early sporogonic stage development, displaying IC50 values between 20 and 40 µM. Conclusion: Given the multi-stage, transmission-blocking profiles of MMV000642, MMV000662, MMV006429, and their chemical characteristics, these compounds can be considered worthy for further optimisation toward a TCP5 or TCP6 target product profile proposed by MMV for transmission-blocking antimalarials

    Salinomycin and Other Ionophores as a New Class of Antimalarial Drugs with Transmission-Blocking Activity

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    The drug target profile proposed by the Medicines for Malaria Venture for a malaria elimination/eradication policy focuses on molecules active on both asexual and sexual stages of Plasmodium, thus with both curative and transmission-blocking activities. The aim of the present work was to investigate whether the class of monovalent ionophores, which includes drugs used in veterinary medicine and that were recently proposed as human anticancer agents, meets these requirements. The activity of salinomycin, monensin, and nigericin on Plasmodium falciparum asexual and sexual erythrocytic stages and on the development of the Plasmodium berghei and P. falciparum mosquito stages is reported here. Gametocytogenesis of the P. falciparum strain 3D7 was induced in vitro, and gametocytes at stage II and III or stage IV and V of development were treated for different lengths of time with the ionophores and their viability measured with the parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) assay. The monovalent ionophores efficiently killed both asexual parasites and gametocytes with a nanomolar 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50). Salinomycin showed a fast speed of kill compared to that of standard drugs, and the potency was higher on stage IV and V than on stage II and III gametocytes. The ionophores inhibited ookinete development and subsequent oocyst formation in the mosquito midgut, confirming their transmission-blocking activity. Potential toxicity due to hemolysis was excluded, since only infected and not normal erythrocytes were damaged by ionophores. Our data strongly support the downstream exploration of monovalent ionophores for repositioning as new antimalarial and transmission-blocking leads

    In Vivo and In Vitro Activities and ADME-Tox Profile of a Quinolizidine-Modified 4-Aminoquinoline: A Potent Anti-P. falciparum and Anti-P. vivax Blood-Stage Antimalarial.

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    Natural products are a prolific source for the identification of new biologically active compounds. In the present work, we studied the in vitro and in vivo antimalarial efficacy and ADME-Tox profile of a molecular hybrid (AM1) between 4-aminoquinoline and a quinolizidine moiety derived from lupinine (Lupinus luteus). The aim was to find a compound endowed with the target product profile-1 (TCP-1: molecules that clear asexual blood-stage parasitaemia), proposed by the Medicine for Malaria Venture to accomplish the goal of malaria elimination/eradication. AM1 displayed a very attractive profile in terms of both in vitro and in vivo activity. By using standard in vitro antimalarial assays, AM1 showed low nanomolar inhibitory activity against chloroquine-sensitive and resistant P. falciparum strains (range IC50 16-53 nM), matched with a high potency against P. vivax field isolates (Mean IC50 29 nM). Low toxicity and additivity with artemisinin derivatives were also demonstrated in vitro. High in vivo oral efficacy was observed in both P.berghei and P. yoelii mouse models with IC50 values comparable or better than those of chloroquine. The metabolic stability in different species and the pharmacokinetic profile in the mouse model makes AM1 a compound worth further investigation as a potential novel schizonticidal agent